Hey Guys,
I have been recording with my GoPro of late and have got plenty of footage to edit through, this link is just a preview to probably two of my better balls, will be more to come in a couple of weeks or so.
(For quality reasons watch on youtube, and also turn down volume, its a bit of a racket)
Hope you enjoy,
C Cleanprophet someblokecalleddave B boogiespinner S SLA
I have been recording with my GoPro of late and have got plenty of footage to edit through, this link is just a preview to probably two of my better balls, will be more to come in a couple of weeks or so.
(For quality reasons watch on youtube, and also turn down volume, its a bit of a racket)
Hope you enjoy,
C Cleanprophet someblokecalleddave B boogiespinner S SLA