Leg Spin

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Re: Leg Spin

I'm old and get confused, I smell of p**s and usually have to walk around with a zimmer frame looking for my teeth in a glass.

No - really I'm sorry Jonesy and Nightvision (Have I got that right)? I'll try and be more careful! :D
Re: Leg Spin

Haha, no need to apologise Dave - my wicketkeeper will no doubt call me far worse during the course of the season! ;)

Now, just a quick question for you all - what's your line? (And I don't mean "Get your coat love, you've pulled"... your bowling line!)
Mine is on or about Off stump, which has its plusses and minuses - on the plus, it makes the googly a lot more dangerous, as they're almost certainly bowled or lbw if they fail to pick it, but on the minus, it means that my stock ball isn't all that terrifying to the batsman, as it's turning away from the stumps, and on occasions going for what looks like a wide. I think I'm going to try and adjust this to somewhere a bit closer to middle, which is going to be a pain, but ultimately worth it. Also, do you bowl around or over the wicket?
Re: Leg Spin

I try and bowl in line with the middle of the stumps (not accurate enough to say middle stump all the time!!) so that it encourages the batsman to drive and the ball usually turns enough to give problems. I have a strong top spinner and try and get either a c&b or caught in close from this delivery. My googly is not consistent/almost non existent! enough to bowl at off stump in the hope of tricking the batsman and bowling them. If I try this delivery on off stump I normally bowl too short and get creamed so I try to bowl containing deliveries and frustrate the batsman in to hitting out at one that's turning.

I'm trying to get ultra consistent at leggies, sliders and top spinners, so that I can bowl exactly where I want and maybe i'll work on the wrong un later.

I always relish bowling to left handers as well as I have a leggie that turns a fair bit and love seeing them bowled!

A good straight arm ball now and again always helps keep them on their toes as well!

Re: Leg Spin

How do you bowl the slider? I can bowl wrong un flipper and zooter but I just cant get the slider right. Most of the time it turns into a leg break. And what is the difference betweeh the slider and flipper? they are both back spin deliveries aren't they?
Re: Leg Spin

I bowl it like a top spinner with the seam pointing towards the batsman and the top of the fingers pointing at the sky but instead of bringing the hand over the top of the ball I push the ball out the front whilst using my fingers, especially the index finger to whip down behind the ball causing it to backspin.

Usually the ball doesn't go dead straight down the wicket, and I think this is a good thing, as you get a swing effect if the seam is pointing either side of straight if you give it enough revs. So what you get in effect is a swinging backspinner, which on the right wicket can cause a lot of trouble.

I vary the amount of backspin so that some skid on some don't do much a all and some almost look like swing deliveries. All from varying the one delivery.

I find that I have to aim a bit more up the wicket than with leggies as it's easier to drag it down and leave a short one that's going to cost at least 4 runs. If it's full that's ok, better to be that than short.

Re: Leg Spin

Do leggies have an arm ball, similar to the one that offies have? I know that you said you did James P, but does anybody else have one?
Re: Leg Spin

master said:
How do you bowl the slider? I can bowl wrong un flipper and zooter but I just cant get the slider right. Most of the time it turns into a leg break. And what is the difference betweeh the slider and flipper? they are both back spin deliveries aren't they?

The flipper is nothing like the other Leg Spin variations it's a totally different delivery. You know how you click your fingers to the beat of music it's that click action using your fingers but then stuff a cricket ball in there and do it and that's a flipper. Just as you're about to chuck the ball down the wicket you click it out of the bottom of the hand using that "Click" action - this puts loads of back spin on it - a lovely little variation it is too!
Re: Leg Spin

Just looked at the Arm Ball on wikipedia -


Which says it's an offies version of the slider and then goes on to say that there's little of no backspin, but makes a direct comparison with the slider which I bowl with backspin and as far as wikipedia and 90% of the world are concerned does have backspin?


Sound like the arm ball if it is bowled with no spin has more in common with Baseball deliveries like the Knuckle Ball? In which case - no Leg Spinners don't generally bowl a ball like an arm ball?
Re: Leg Spin

someblokecalleddave said:
James P - your slider sounds a bit like a normal medium pace ball but with one finger mainly on the seam? Is that about right?
Not really Dave - It might be misleading the way i've described it. It looks the same in delivery as a top spinner with the hand 90 degrees to the batsman but instead of the hand going over the top of the ball before delivery I have a chopping motion where my fingers chop down the back of the ball (the side opposite the batsman) that still loops the ball in a similar flight to the top spinner but imparts a lot of backspin. It's quite hard to get consistent because you need to get the right amount of spin and power to determine the trajectory, otherwise it can sometimes just pop out and sit up to be smacked. When it works it skids through beautifully.

The action looks very similar to the top spinner especially when bowled with a good rhythm, but i'm sure a good batsman can pick it. The level I play it's not too much of a worry though.

My arm ball is a quick delivery with no spin and a scrambled seam that catches the batsman off guard when they try to dominate. I usually try and get it at yorker length, but when it's bowled once in a while it can be tricky to get the length right. Keeps them on their toes! Try it once in a while and it can help pile on a bit more pressure.
Re: Leg Spin

2500 + more views and we've hit the big 10,000 and we're the most viewed thread on the site! Not bad since November 16th last year when I first joined and there were only 10 postings! Keep going Leg Spinners!

Re: Leg Spin

James, I had a look at the Simpson's thing - looks like too much hard work for old bloke like me to try and figure that out. I might still do it but I'll just do me in photoshop it looks like it'll be easier and it'll end up looking vaguely like me!
Re: Leg Spin

hy guys, what field placings do you use for attack and defence????
i had a great captain who knew everything last year and he did it all but now my new captain only knows offspin, so he reversed that field and i got bare runs hit off me. got 2wickets but 54 of ten overs isnt excactly supreme. didnt bowl too many bad balls just seemed like alot that should been stopped by the infield went for 3 or 4
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