Good one Terry!I remember many a self deprecating Irish joke told by the Irish themselves. Water off a duck's after 9 centuries of subjugation by the English, and those damn Vikings too in Dublin before Alfred burnt his cakes. Silly man.
Dave Allen was a brilliant spinner of yarns.
Here's one to balance the ledger:
Back in the fifties a wealthy English man set out to tour Ireland in his brand new open top Red Jaguar Motor Car.
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Typical of those days the roads were rough and narrow dwarfed by thick hedges on either side. Road signs were infrequent and in Gaelic and hard to read making the stylish driver feeling lost and frustrated.
Eventually the English gentleman with his goggles, driving gloves, a scarf and his stylish Drivers flat cap pulled into a small hamlet.
It looked very quiet with just one old man sitting on a barrel smoking his pipe.
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Pulling up next to the old fellow the Englishman called out " Hey you, I say old man, tell me, is this the quickest way to get to Donegal?"
The wizened old Irishman pushed himself to his feet with his cane and said " Now would ye be driving or walking Sir?"
"Driving of course you old fool!" spat the English toff.
"Well Sir" said the old fellow turning to go back indoors "I totally agree, Driving would surely be quicker than Walking!"