NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

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Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

FoUr MoRe;320795 said:
top 4 for quick will be

lalor to easilyy win the grand final..will post 300+ on grand final day. no pressure.....

christie to take out the nick christie medal..if he gets back on the field

Was looking at the ladder 4 and I think Kookies and Cobras can still miss if we lose the last two? It's nice you are giving Lalor a wrap but I was speaking to the Kookies coach and he reckons the Kookies have got Lalor's measure, they are no good? Do you hope you meet them in the final?
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

FoUr MoRe;320795 said:
top 4 for quick will be

lalor to easilyy win the grand final..will post 300+ on grand final day. no pressure.....

christie to take out the nick christie medal..if he gets back on the field

Was looking at the ladder 4 and I think Kookies and Cobras can still miss if we lose the last two? It's nice you are giving Lalor a wrap but I was speaking to the Kookies coach and he reckons the Kookies have got Lalor's measure, they are no good? Do you hope you meet them in the final?
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

breeno;320712 said:
This thread is getting pathetic.

Any posts relating to 'the rules' or 'the decision' will be deleted and infractions may be handed out. Back to the cricket before you embarass yourselves fighting through a computer.

Breeno aren't you are junior? Why have you got more maturity than us.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

breeno;320712 said:
This thread is getting pathetic.

Any posts relating to 'the rules' or 'the decision' will be deleted and infractions may be handed out. Back to the cricket before you embarass yourselves fighting through a computer.

Breeno aren't you are junior? Why have you got more maturity than us.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Bazza;320830 said:
Breeno aren't you are junior? Why have you got more maturity than us.

I don't:p well, not more mature than you anyway. You've been speaking in the right way ever since it happened.

A lot of us here would like to talk about the cricket, and arguing over something which cannot be changed and is derailing the thread is pretty boring and pointless.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Bazza;320830 said:
Breeno aren't you are junior? Why have you got more maturity than us.

I don't:p well, not more mature than you anyway. You've been speaking in the right way ever since it happened.

A lot of us here would like to talk about the cricket, and arguing over something which cannot be changed and is derailing the thread is pretty boring and pointless.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Hmmmm;320197 said:
What did you say your REAL NAME was again Mr Wonderful?
Oh thats right you didn't! So you are just as GUTLESS as everyone else
on here that you have pointed the finger at.
Have some GUTS and reveal your true identity.

As I stated on the day, it was the right call.
The one thing I can’t understand (apart from the constant discussion on things we can’t change) is the call to get people to put their names up with their opinion. Why would they, I can think of at least 5 people who have done so only to be personally attacked by you snipers in the dark, you only want a name to personally target them. Regardless who they are they still can have an opinion.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Hmmmm;320197 said:
What did you say your REAL NAME was again Mr Wonderful?
Oh thats right you didn't! So you are just as GUTLESS as everyone else
on here that you have pointed the finger at.
Have some GUTS and reveal your true identity.

As I stated on the day, it was the right call.
The one thing I can’t understand (apart from the constant discussion on things we can’t change) is the call to get people to put their names up with their opinion. Why would they, I can think of at least 5 people who have done so only to be personally attacked by you snipers in the dark, you only want a name to personally target them. Regardless who they are they still can have an opinion.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

breeno;320835 said:
I don't:p well, not more mature than you anyway. You've been speaking in the right way ever since it happened.

A lot of us here would like to talk about the cricket, and arguing over something which cannot be changed and is derailing the thread is pretty boring and pointless.
Once you join a cricket club, common sense and intelligence are left behind. Might have something to do with all the Brain Cells being killed off by lovely alcohol.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

breeno;320835 said:
I don't:p well, not more mature than you anyway. You've been speaking in the right way ever since it happened.

A lot of us here would like to talk about the cricket, and arguing over something which cannot be changed and is derailing the thread is pretty boring and pointless.
Once you join a cricket club, common sense and intelligence are left behind. Might have something to do with all the Brain Cells being killed off by lovely alcohol.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Campaigner;320607 said:
Agree....on subject now just a load of Cr@p. Please stop now!

Jika Shield - Rosebank....too much depth when it matters.
Camera..... To many guns
Medal - Sampimon - performed fantastcially all season....in my opinion would have him bat for my life, from this comp anyway.
Berak..... Good results week in week out
Quick - Lalor, same deal...must not choke
Lalor..... Best team all year
Medal - rename it now the Christie medal...will be along way in front.
Relegation: Cameron....from A to C as easy as that....reckon the Colts can survive
Cameron still a massive chance to pinch one of the last two
Kelly - Bundy Park....only to see them implode in 2009/10

My thoughts in red
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Campaigner;320607 said:
Agree....on subject now just a load of Cr@p. Please stop now!

Jika Shield - Rosebank....too much depth when it matters.
Camera..... To many guns
Medal - Sampimon - performed fantastcially all season....in my opinion would have him bat for my life, from this comp anyway.
Berak..... Good results week in week out
Quick - Lalor, same deal...must not choke
Lalor..... Best team all year
Medal - rename it now the Christie medal...will be along way in front.
Relegation: Cameron....from A to C as easy as that....reckon the Colts can survive
Cameron still a massive chance to pinch one of the last two
Kelly - Bundy Park....only to see them implode in 2009/10

My thoughts in red
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Bazza;320827 said:
Was looking at the ladder 4 and I think Kookies and Cobras can still miss if we lose the last two? It's nice you are giving Lalor a wrap but I was speaking to the Kookies coach and he reckons the Kookies have got Lalor's measure, they are no good? Do you hope you meet them in the final?

kookas cant miss out baz, donath and ycw play each other last game..lalor are cerainties baz. dont think rivergum will get within 100 runs of them..
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Bazza;320827 said:
Was looking at the ladder 4 and I think Kookies and Cobras can still miss if we lose the last two? It's nice you are giving Lalor a wrap but I was speaking to the Kookies coach and he reckons the Kookies have got Lalor's measure, they are no good? Do you hope you meet them in the final?

kookas cant miss out baz, donath and ycw play each other last game..lalor are cerainties baz. dont think rivergum will get within 100 runs of them..
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

breeno;320835 said:
I don't:p well, not more mature than you anyway. You've been speaking in the right way ever since it happened.

A lot of us here would like to talk about the cricket, and arguing over something which cannot be changed and is derailing the thread is pretty boring and pointless.
There would be no time to play any cricket when you post on this forum over 1700 times
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

breeno;320835 said:
I don't:p well, not more mature than you anyway. You've been speaking in the right way ever since it happened.

A lot of us here would like to talk about the cricket, and arguing over something which cannot be changed and is derailing the thread is pretty boring and pointless.
There would be no time to play any cricket when you post on this forum over 1700 times
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

leonard cohen;320786 said:
Lets move on and look to this week people .Apparently Temp in high 30s for this weekend .Cant wait to hear Crooksy and Rick on sat morn been told that there guests this week are Rob Gell and Livinia Nixon. Livinia will be reading the weather report straight after the news and Rob will be there as subject expert. Rick has copped a 1 week penalty for misreading of the forecast last week im sure he said it was gonna be 39..when it should have been 29 anywaytune in to plenty valley sat morn should be an intresting show...Leonard Cohen

what a joke...hardy f****** ha ha.... a 1 week penalty is what all paying registed cricket lovin players got last saturday......not 2 mention certain SEASON DEFINING NON RESULTS...i'm tippin that if ya ask any of the players who make the NMCA what it is.......... they'd play in rain hail or the AUSTRALIAN ALWAYS F****** HOT SUMMER......
2 call of juniors fair enough... senior cricket well most of r responsble for our own personal desisions..... lets just play
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

leonard cohen;320786 said:
Lets move on and look to this week people .Apparently Temp in high 30s for this weekend .Cant wait to hear Crooksy and Rick on sat morn been told that there guests this week are Rob Gell and Livinia Nixon. Livinia will be reading the weather report straight after the news and Rob will be there as subject expert. Rick has copped a 1 week penalty for misreading of the forecast last week im sure he said it was gonna be 39..when it should have been 29 anywaytune in to plenty valley sat morn should be an intresting show...Leonard Cohen

what a joke...hardy f****** ha ha.... a 1 week penalty is what all paying registed cricket lovin players got last saturday......not 2 mention certain SEASON DEFINING NON RESULTS...i'm tippin that if ya ask any of the players who make the NMCA what it is.......... they'd play in rain hail or the AUSTRALIAN ALWAYS F****** HOT SUMMER......
2 call of juniors fair enough... senior cricket well most of r responsble for our own personal desisions..... lets just play
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

I love a sunburnt country!
Playin cricket when its hot!
A game with extra drinks is what we should of got!
But along came some pencil heads who must of been smokin pot!
Took away our game and fed us a load of rot!
If theres no game this week i'll tell ya what!
There'll be a lot who'll tell the nmca 2 stick it up there dot!!!!!!
And 4 those players who think its 2 hot....,
stay at f****** home n have a sleep in ya cot!!!
Im sure theres plenty of others who'll fill ya spot!!!
So wipe away ya tears and ya dribbling snot!!!!
No cricket on a saturday you'd have 2 be a ********..........
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

I love a sunburnt country!
Playin cricket when its hot!
A game with extra drinks is what we should of got!
But along came some pencil heads who must of been smokin pot!
Took away our game and fed us a load of rot!
If theres no game this week i'll tell ya what!
There'll be a lot who'll tell the nmca 2 stick it up there dot!!!!!!
And 4 those players who think its 2 hot....,
stay at f****** home n have a sleep in ya cot!!!
Im sure theres plenty of others who'll fill ya spot!!!
So wipe away ya tears and ya dribbling snot!!!!
No cricket on a saturday you'd have 2 be a ********..........
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

breeno;320712 said:
This thread is getting pathetic.

Any posts relating to 'the rules' or 'the decision' will be deleted and infractions may be handed out. Back to the cricket before you embarass yourselves fighting through a computer.
I thought this was Australia not communist China where people have the right to express their views with out being censored and where a junior Hitler rules on what can and cant be expressed freely
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

breeno;320712 said:
This thread is getting pathetic.

Any posts relating to 'the rules' or 'the decision' will be deleted and infractions may be handed out. Back to the cricket before you embarass yourselves fighting through a computer.
I thought this was Australia not communist China where people have the right to express their views with out being censored and where a junior Hitler rules on what can and cant be expressed freely
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Wizard;321001 said:
I thought this was Australia not communist China where people have the right to express their views with out being censored and where a junior Hitler rules on what can and cant be expressed freely

Long live Chairman Mao!
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Wizard;321001 said:
I thought this was Australia not communist China where people have the right to express their views with out being censored and where a junior Hitler rules on what can and cant be expressed freely

Long live Chairman Mao!
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

The new Melbourne forecast for Saturday is 43 degrees. Not sure what the forecast for Viewbank is but you would have to say that no cricket will be played on Saturday.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

The new Melbourne forecast for Saturday is 43 degrees. Not sure what the forecast for Viewbank is but you would have to say that no cricket will be played on Saturday.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Snake;321065 said:
The new Melbourne forecast for Saturday is 43 degrees. Not sure what the forecast for Viewbank is but you would have to say that no cricket will be played on Saturday.

Cant wait to see what anderson is going to do on saturday. Maybe we should run a book and see how we go.
1.Do a backflip:even money
2.Call it off: 6-1
3.Apply the rules: 99-1

I bet he couldnt believe his bad luck when he had a look at the forecast. Really looking forward to Rick Morris taken him to task on radio this Saturday
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Snake;321065 said:
The new Melbourne forecast for Saturday is 43 degrees. Not sure what the forecast for Viewbank is but you would have to say that no cricket will be played on Saturday.

Cant wait to see what anderson is going to do on saturday. Maybe we should run a book and see how we go.
1.Do a backflip:even money
2.Call it off: 6-1
3.Apply the rules: 99-1

I bet he couldnt believe his bad luck when he had a look at the forecast. Really looking forward to Rick Morris taken him to task on radio this Saturday
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

forecast is 43 for saturday! id just like to thank all you numnuts that jumped up and down over last weeks early call, its gonna be fun sitting around till 12:30 setting up grounds, making arvo teas etc waiting for the board to maybe call it off.

bill give us a call early if ya can id rather be going away somewhere then sitting around waiting.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

forecast is 43 for saturday! id just like to thank all you numnuts that jumped up and down over last weeks early call, its gonna be fun sitting around till 12:30 setting up grounds, making arvo teas etc waiting for the board to maybe call it off.

bill give us a call early if ya can id rather be going away somewhere then sitting around waiting.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

paul collingwood;321225 said:
forecast is 43 for saturday! id just like to thank all you numnuts that jumped up and down over last weeks early call, its gonna be fun sitting around till 12:30 setting up grounds, making arvo teas etc waiting for the board to maybe call it off.

bill give us a call early if ya can id rather be going away somewhere then sitting around waiting.

i thinkk hes talking to u canplay!!!
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

paul collingwood;321225 said:
forecast is 43 for saturday! id just like to thank all you numnuts that jumped up and down over last weeks early call, its gonna be fun sitting around till 12:30 setting up grounds, making arvo teas etc waiting for the board to maybe call it off.

bill give us a call early if ya can id rather be going away somewhere then sitting around waiting.

i thinkk hes talking to u canplay!!!
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