NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

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Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Party Pies;323334 said:
I agree with Bartos all u people complaining that Bill made the wrong decision 2 weeks ago ok he may of made the decision early but it was right at the time the weather in Melbourne is unpredictable so all u people especially in Quick Shield who dominate these pages pull your heads in we know who u are. A Club was lost and 15% of the ppl that live there.

Lets just worry about cricket and not what decisions are made by Bill or any1 else. Either way Bill would have copped it You cant keep every1 happy just cop it on the chin head to the pub and thank GOD or any1 else u believe in that ur above ground cause as it stands there are many ppl in MORGUE's. Wake up ladies and move on ur still up right and breathing.

WE know who you are whats that mean ?
unlike ya good self we make ourselves known !
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Party Pies;323334 said:
I agree with Bartos all u people complaining that Bill made the wrong decision 2 weeks ago ok he may of made the decision early but it was right at the time the weather in Melbourne is unpredictable so all u people especially in Quick Shield who dominate these pages pull your heads in we know who u are. A Club was lost and 15% of the ppl that live there.

Lets just worry about cricket and not what decisions are made by Bill or any1 else. Either way Bill would have copped it You cant keep every1 happy just cop it on the chin head to the pub and thank GOD or any1 else u believe in that ur above ground cause as it stands there are many ppl in MORGUE's. Wake up ladies and move on ur still up right and breathing.

WE know who you are whats that mean ?
unlike ya good self we make ourselves known !
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

mas cambios;323639 said:
Ok, the petty insults stop here. I've just deleted 4 or 5 posts and I don't want to have to remove any more.

Carry on and yellow cards will be given out or in some cases red ones.

dear mr administrator " GO **** YOURESELF "
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

mas cambios;323639 said:
Ok, the petty insults stop here. I've just deleted 4 or 5 posts and I don't want to have to remove any more.

Carry on and yellow cards will be given out or in some cases red ones.

dear mr administrator " GO **** YOURESELF "
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

8 ball over;323257 said:
just a suggestion for this weekend . appeal to all umpires and clubs without umpires to donate their match fees and match subs to the bushfire appeal . once again condolances to those who have lost so much !

Hi all.

This is my first ever post on this site after quite some time of being an avid reader.

Whilst most of the time the banter on this site has made for some quite amusing reading, there has also been many a post which has made me think that this site is full of whingers and sooks. That's human nature. the same human nature that keeps me coming back to read the posts and not put my two bobs worth in.

I just jumped on today to congratulate you all for the way that you have all taken stock and put things in to perspective and the heartfelt messages you are now posting are having an effect.

I am touched by the events of last weekend for a few reasons.

Firstly, standing on the balcony at home on Saturday night from my sisters place in Greensborough, it was eerie to look out north and see the sky coloured a bright red whist in the background, news reports filtered through of numerous deaths. My thoughts were immediately with Strathewen as their name popped up in the news bulletin.

Secondly, i work for the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and have seen first hand the devastation in the northern area. I am also working first hand co-ordinating donations received at our retail stores and head office for re-distribution to the effected areas. Still, with all this involvement, i can't tear myself away from the tv whenever stories of the fires are on.

Finally, i'm touched by the generosity of alot of people in these trying times.

Just to let you all know, last Thursday we, the umpires, had a meeting and one of the points raised was that we have an abundance of funds in our account. Now before you all go off saying we're paid too much, these funds have nothing to do with our funds. These funds are derived from membership fees and fundraising raffles and social functions.

Anyway, the discussion was about how we will spend the excess funds and all members were asked to have a think about it and it would be discussed next meeting.

The decision was made for us on Saturday!!!

After a quick meeting of the Committee (and i'm not a member of the Committee but support the decision wholeheartedly), the Umpires Association has written out a cheque to the value of $1000 (our excess funds) and have donated it to Strathewen to assist in not just resurrecting their club, but the life blood of their club, and that's the Strathewen community.

I also note that the league is organising a day on the 22nd of Feb which is a great idea and i hope that the support shown on this site extends to this day.

I'm sorry for the long winded message, but once again, i'd like to commend you all on the posts since Saturday and i look forward to the cricket that will be played over the next month and a bit as i think we will all be carrying a bit of the grief that is being experienced by so many at the moment.

As th saying goes, "Life goes on". It doesn't say anything about it not hurting!!

Thanks for reading this rant,

Ange Sammartino
NMCA Umpire

Footnote: If anyone would like to donate to the fire victims, FORGET MONEY as it's not what they need right now!

The priority at the moment is TOILETRIES & PET FOOD. If clubs would like to pass this on to their members and get donations to your club, i will gladly organise for these items to be picked up from you ASAP. PM me with your details.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

8 ball over;323257 said:
just a suggestion for this weekend . appeal to all umpires and clubs without umpires to donate their match fees and match subs to the bushfire appeal . once again condolances to those who have lost so much !

Hi all.

This is my first ever post on this site after quite some time of being an avid reader.

Whilst most of the time the banter on this site has made for some quite amusing reading, there has also been many a post which has made me think that this site is full of whingers and sooks. That's human nature. the same human nature that keeps me coming back to read the posts and not put my two bobs worth in.

I just jumped on today to congratulate you all for the way that you have all taken stock and put things in to perspective and the heartfelt messages you are now posting are having an effect.

I am touched by the events of last weekend for a few reasons.

Firstly, standing on the balcony at home on Saturday night from my sisters place in Greensborough, it was eerie to look out north and see the sky coloured a bright red whist in the background, news reports filtered through of numerous deaths. My thoughts were immediately with Strathewen as their name popped up in the news bulletin.

Secondly, i work for the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and have seen first hand the devastation in the northern area. I am also working first hand co-ordinating donations received at our retail stores and head office for re-distribution to the effected areas. Still, with all this involvement, i can't tear myself away from the tv whenever stories of the fires are on.

Finally, i'm touched by the generosity of alot of people in these trying times.

Just to let you all know, last Thursday we, the umpires, had a meeting and one of the points raised was that we have an abundance of funds in our account. Now before you all go off saying we're paid too much, these funds have nothing to do with our funds. These funds are derived from membership fees and fundraising raffles and social functions.

Anyway, the discussion was about how we will spend the excess funds and all members were asked to have a think about it and it would be discussed next meeting.

The decision was made for us on Saturday!!!

After a quick meeting of the Committee (and i'm not a member of the Committee but support the decision wholeheartedly), the Umpires Association has written out a cheque to the value of $1000 (our excess funds) and have donated it to Strathewen to assist in not just resurrecting their club, but the life blood of their club, and that's the Strathewen community.

I also note that the league is organising a day on the 22nd of Feb which is a great idea and i hope that the support shown on this site extends to this day.

I'm sorry for the long winded message, but once again, i'd like to commend you all on the posts since Saturday and i look forward to the cricket that will be played over the next month and a bit as i think we will all be carrying a bit of the grief that is being experienced by so many at the moment.

As th saying goes, "Life goes on". It doesn't say anything about it not hurting!!

Thanks for reading this rant,

Ange Sammartino
NMCA Umpire

Footnote: If anyone would like to donate to the fire victims, FORGET MONEY as it's not what they need right now!

The priority at the moment is TOILETRIES & PET FOOD. If clubs would like to pass this on to their members and get donations to your club, i will gladly organise for these items to be picked up from you ASAP. PM me with your details.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Strathewen playing Fiji this Saturday at Mayer Park in both firsts and seconds.

Lets get behind them as they struggle to get on with things in very difficult circumstances.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Strathewen playing Fiji this Saturday at Mayer Park in both firsts and seconds.

Lets get behind them as they struggle to get on with things in very difficult circumstances.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Our thoughts are as well as a Strathewen is also with Le gassick family
Cobras Cricket club is in mourning after this tragic events has affected one of their very own.
After the tragic news of two of the family members now its getting very close to home I really hope all clubs can get behind this function on the 22nd

Our thoughts are with you OOMPA
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Our thoughts are as well as a Strathewen is also with Le gassick family
Cobras Cricket club is in mourning after this tragic events has affected one of their very own.
After the tragic news of two of the family members now its getting very close to home I really hope all clubs can get behind this function on the 22nd

Our thoughts are with you OOMPA
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

No. 1 or 2 or 3!!;324016 said:
Hi all.

This is my first ever post on this site after quite some time of being an avid reader.

Whilst most of the time the banter on this site has made for some quite amusing reading, there has also been many a post which has made me think that this site is full of whingers and sooks. That's human nature. the same human nature that keeps me coming back to read the posts and not put my two bobs worth in.

I just jumped on today to congratulate you all for the way that you have all taken stock and put things in to perspective and the heartfelt messages you are now posting are having an effect.

I am touched by the events of last weekend for a few reasons.

Firstly, standing on the balcony at home on Saturday night from my sisters place in Greensborough, it was eerie to look out north and see the sky coloured a bright red whist in the background, news reports filtered through of numerous deaths. My thoughts were immediately with Strathewen as their name popped up in the news bulletin.

Secondly, i work for the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and have seen first hand the devastation in the northern area. I am also working first hand co-ordinating donations received at our retail stores and head office for re-distribution to the effected areas. Still, with all this involvement, i can't tear myself away from the tv whenever stories of the fires are on.

Finally, i'm touched by the generosity of alot of people in these trying times.

Just to let you all know, last Thursday we, the umpires, had a meeting and one of the points raised was that we have an abundance of funds in our account. Now before you all go off saying we're paid too much, these funds have nothing to do with our funds. These funds are derived from membership fees and fundraising raffles and social functions.

Anyway, the discussion was about how we will spend the excess funds and all members were asked to have a think about it and it would be discussed next meeting.

The decision was made for us on Saturday!!!

After a quick meeting of the Committee (and i'm not a member of the Committee but support the decision wholeheartedly), the Umpires Association has written out a cheque to the value of $1000 (our excess funds) and have donated it to Strathewen to assist in not just resurrecting their club, but the life blood of their club, and that's the Strathewen community.

I also note that the league is organising a day on the 22nd of Feb which is a great idea and i hope that the support shown on this site extends to this day.

I'm sorry for the long winded message, but once again, i'd like to commend you all on the posts since Saturday and i look forward to the cricket that will be played over the next month and a bit as i think we will all be carrying a bit of the grief that is being experienced by so many at the moment.

As th saying goes, "Life goes on". It doesn't say anything about it not hurting!!

Thanks for reading this rant,

Ange Sammartino
NMCA Umpire

Footnote: If anyone would like to donate to the fire victims, FORGET MONEY as it's not what they need right now!

The priority at the moment is TOILETRIES & PET FOOD. If clubs would like to pass this on to their members and get donations to your club, i will gladly organise for these items to be picked up from you ASAP. PM me with your details.

ange , well said said mate . if you need a hand with the logistics dont hesitate to call me , ive got everything from b doubles to small rigids with tailgates just let me know what you need and i will get it there .

Shane Gillard
nmca umpire

if anyone in nmca , dvca , hdca , or any other association is having any trouble organising transport for anything the want to get to the affected areas please dont hesitate to call me and i will get it done !
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

No. 1 or 2 or 3!!;324016 said:
Hi all.

This is my first ever post on this site after quite some time of being an avid reader.

Whilst most of the time the banter on this site has made for some quite amusing reading, there has also been many a post which has made me think that this site is full of whingers and sooks. That's human nature. the same human nature that keeps me coming back to read the posts and not put my two bobs worth in.

I just jumped on today to congratulate you all for the way that you have all taken stock and put things in to perspective and the heartfelt messages you are now posting are having an effect.

I am touched by the events of last weekend for a few reasons.

Firstly, standing on the balcony at home on Saturday night from my sisters place in Greensborough, it was eerie to look out north and see the sky coloured a bright red whist in the background, news reports filtered through of numerous deaths. My thoughts were immediately with Strathewen as their name popped up in the news bulletin.

Secondly, i work for the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and have seen first hand the devastation in the northern area. I am also working first hand co-ordinating donations received at our retail stores and head office for re-distribution to the effected areas. Still, with all this involvement, i can't tear myself away from the tv whenever stories of the fires are on.

Finally, i'm touched by the generosity of alot of people in these trying times.

Just to let you all know, last Thursday we, the umpires, had a meeting and one of the points raised was that we have an abundance of funds in our account. Now before you all go off saying we're paid too much, these funds have nothing to do with our funds. These funds are derived from membership fees and fundraising raffles and social functions.

Anyway, the discussion was about how we will spend the excess funds and all members were asked to have a think about it and it would be discussed next meeting.

The decision was made for us on Saturday!!!

After a quick meeting of the Committee (and i'm not a member of the Committee but support the decision wholeheartedly), the Umpires Association has written out a cheque to the value of $1000 (our excess funds) and have donated it to Strathewen to assist in not just resurrecting their club, but the life blood of their club, and that's the Strathewen community.

I also note that the league is organising a day on the 22nd of Feb which is a great idea and i hope that the support shown on this site extends to this day.

I'm sorry for the long winded message, but once again, i'd like to commend you all on the posts since Saturday and i look forward to the cricket that will be played over the next month and a bit as i think we will all be carrying a bit of the grief that is being experienced by so many at the moment.

As th saying goes, "Life goes on". It doesn't say anything about it not hurting!!

Thanks for reading this rant,

Ange Sammartino
NMCA Umpire

Footnote: If anyone would like to donate to the fire victims, FORGET MONEY as it's not what they need right now!

The priority at the moment is TOILETRIES & PET FOOD. If clubs would like to pass this on to their members and get donations to your club, i will gladly organise for these items to be picked up from you ASAP. PM me with your details.

ange , well said said mate . if you need a hand with the logistics dont hesitate to call me , ive got everything from b doubles to small rigids with tailgates just let me know what you need and i will get it there .

Shane Gillard
nmca umpire

if anyone in nmca , dvca , hdca , or any other association is having any trouble organising transport for anything the want to get to the affected areas please dont hesitate to call me and i will get it done !
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

bigman2007;324296 said:
Our thoughts are as well as a Strathewen is also with Le gassick family
Cobras Cricket club is in mourning after this tragic events has affected one of their very own.
After the tragic news of two of the family members now its getting very close to home I really hope all clubs can get behind this function on the 22nd

Our thoughts are with you OOMPA

The Cobras C.C are here for you OOMPA, side by side mate.

Black Arm bands for JNRS and SNRS this week for everyone affected by the terible disaster.
Also one minute silence should also acure before the Games begin.

Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

bigman2007;324296 said:
Our thoughts are as well as a Strathewen is also with Le gassick family
Cobras Cricket club is in mourning after this tragic events has affected one of their very own.
After the tragic news of two of the family members now its getting very close to home I really hope all clubs can get behind this function on the 22nd

Our thoughts are with you OOMPA

The Cobras C.C are here for you OOMPA, side by side mate.

Black Arm bands for JNRS and SNRS this week for everyone affected by the terible disaster.
Also one minute silence should also acure before the Games begin.

Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

bigman2007;324296 said:
Our thoughts are as well as a Strathewen is also with Le gassick family
Cobras Cricket club is in mourning after this tragic events has affected one of their very own.
After the tragic news of two of the family members now its getting very close to home I really hope all clubs can get behind this function on the 22nd

Our thoughts are with you OOMPA
We're thinking of you OOMPA!
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

bigman2007;324296 said:
Our thoughts are as well as a Strathewen is also with Le gassick family
Cobras Cricket club is in mourning after this tragic events has affected one of their very own.
After the tragic news of two of the family members now its getting very close to home I really hope all clubs can get behind this function on the 22nd

Our thoughts are with you OOMPA
We're thinking of you OOMPA!
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Billy;324342 said:
The Cobras C.C are here for you OOMPA, side by side mate.

Black Arm bands for JNRS and SNRS this week for everyone affected by the terible disaster.
Also one minute silence should also acure before the Games begin.


Every Player of Every Club should wear a Black Arm band this week as a mark of respect for the people who have lost their lives.
And a minutes silence should be observed at the begining of every NMCA game.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Billy;324342 said:
The Cobras C.C are here for you OOMPA, side by side mate.

Black Arm bands for JNRS and SNRS this week for everyone affected by the terible disaster.
Also one minute silence should also acure before the Games begin.


Every Player of Every Club should wear a Black Arm band this week as a mark of respect for the people who have lost their lives.
And a minutes silence should be observed at the begining of every NMCA game.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Like a lot of people involved in NMCA I have given a small donation of what I could spare being a tradesman and knowing there are lots of people like my self playing cricket perhaps we could give a day or two to use our skills down the track in rebuilding things like the Cricket club and other things vital to the Strathewen community
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Like a lot of people involved in NMCA I have given a small donation of what I could spare being a tradesman and knowing there are lots of people like my self playing cricket perhaps we could give a day or two to use our skills down the track in rebuilding things like the Cricket club and other things vital to the Strathewen community
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

the_socialite;325122 said:
We've finally cracked it for a win! Party On! Carn the socials!

well done to the boys down at socials.
pretty good effort with a few young boys in the squad
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

the_socialite;325122 said:
We've finally cracked it for a win! Party On! Carn the socials!

well done to the boys down at socials.
pretty good effort with a few young boys in the squad
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

It was my first game in the 1s, pretty lucky to walk straight into a win compared to the fellas who have been fighting for one all season i thought.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

It was my first game in the 1s, pretty lucky to walk straight into a win compared to the fellas who have been fighting for one all season i thought.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

the_socialite;325122 said:
We've finally cracked it for a win! Party On! Carn the socials!

Well done, our 1st got so close to joining you guys in the party. Oh well one more crack at it.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

the_socialite;325122 said:
We've finally cracked it for a win! Party On! Carn the socials!

Well done, our 1st got so close to joining you guys in the party. Oh well one more crack at it.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

A STRATHEWEN cricketer who cheated death but lost everything on Black Saturday has surprised his girlfriend with a marriage proposal.

Sifting through the ashes of their 1930s home in Pheasant Creek, Greg Rogers decided life was too short and popped the question to his partner, Kaye Simpson. She said yes.

"You come out of something like this and everything changes," Mr Rogers said.

"I certainly don't want to let her go and I want to make sure everybody knows that.

"If we can live through this, we can live through anything."

Mr Rogers yesterday joined his Strathewen teammates to win their weekly Northern Metropolitan league match against the top team, Fiji Victoria.

Wearing donated whites, Mr Rogers was one of seven players in the team to lose their homes.

He said the team was also rallying for their former president, Peter Avola, 67, who died on the cricket ground he helped build in the 1980s.

Former Strathewen player Damien Spooner and his mother, Marilyn, were also killed by the inferno.

Mr Rogers, an illustrator, lost his life's work in the blaze that destroyed his property on Kinglake-Whittlesea Rd.

"To put it bluntly, without the support we've received from the club and community, we'd be up s--t creek," he said.

"We've all lost neighbours and friends in this fire. We're the lucky ones, so we have to keep playing cricket to show that this fire can't beat us."

Mr Rogers, 43, and Ms Simpson, 45, will marry once their property, Morella, is rebuilt. It will be a celebration of survival as much as their nuptials.

When Mr Rogers proposed on Friday morning, Ms Simpson did not believe the love of her life had finally asked her to marry.

She had been nagging him for a proposal for months, but it was more of a mutual joke.

"I said to him, are you joking and he said, no, I'm serious," Ms Simpson said.

The couple moved into the property in December after two years together.

They have three children each from previous relationships. All were safe during the fires.

They fought hard to save their home, a beautiful guesthouse with a ballroom, but fled at the last minute on Ms Simpson's insistence.

Luckily, they turned left at the end of their driveway. If they had turned right, they would have been incinerated like several other motorists.

Northern Metropolitan Cricket Association clubs will unite next Sunday to raise money for the Strathewen community at Barling Reserve in Reservoir.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

A STRATHEWEN cricketer who cheated death but lost everything on Black Saturday has surprised his girlfriend with a marriage proposal.

Sifting through the ashes of their 1930s home in Pheasant Creek, Greg Rogers decided life was too short and popped the question to his partner, Kaye Simpson. She said yes.

"You come out of something like this and everything changes," Mr Rogers said.

"I certainly don't want to let her go and I want to make sure everybody knows that.

"If we can live through this, we can live through anything."

Mr Rogers yesterday joined his Strathewen teammates to win their weekly Northern Metropolitan league match against the top team, Fiji Victoria.

Wearing donated whites, Mr Rogers was one of seven players in the team to lose their homes.

He said the team was also rallying for their former president, Peter Avola, 67, who died on the cricket ground he helped build in the 1980s.

Former Strathewen player Damien Spooner and his mother, Marilyn, were also killed by the inferno.

Mr Rogers, an illustrator, lost his life's work in the blaze that destroyed his property on Kinglake-Whittlesea Rd.

"To put it bluntly, without the support we've received from the club and community, we'd be up s--t creek," he said.

"We've all lost neighbours and friends in this fire. We're the lucky ones, so we have to keep playing cricket to show that this fire can't beat us."

Mr Rogers, 43, and Ms Simpson, 45, will marry once their property, Morella, is rebuilt. It will be a celebration of survival as much as their nuptials.

When Mr Rogers proposed on Friday morning, Ms Simpson did not believe the love of her life had finally asked her to marry.

She had been nagging him for a proposal for months, but it was more of a mutual joke.

"I said to him, are you joking and he said, no, I'm serious," Ms Simpson said.

The couple moved into the property in December after two years together.

They have three children each from previous relationships. All were safe during the fires.

They fought hard to save their home, a beautiful guesthouse with a ballroom, but fled at the last minute on Ms Simpson's insistence.

Luckily, they turned left at the end of their driveway. If they had turned right, they would have been incinerated like several other motorists.

Northern Metropolitan Cricket Association clubs will unite next Sunday to raise money for the Strathewen community at Barling Reserve in Reservoir.
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

the NMCA should update the comp stats for the history of the comp the stats in my cricket only go back only about 8 years it would be good to see the stats of people before then I know my stats are missing about a hundred games and about a 170 wickets
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

the NMCA should update the comp stats for the history of the comp the stats in my cricket only go back only about 8 years it would be good to see the stats of people before then I know my stats are missing about a hundred games and about a 170 wickets
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Wizard;325483 said:
the NMCA should update the comp stats for the history of the comp the stats in my cricket only go back only about 8 years it would be good to see the stats of people before then I know my stats are missing about a hundred games and about a 170 wickets

How many people do you think the NMCA would need to employ to get your eight plus years stats online along with every other person that played?
My logic says that the stats start from when the clubs starting inputting them online. Before that time it would have been all paperwork.
Perhaps you could contact someone at the NMCA and volunteer to go through all the match reports from 8+ years ago and start punching them into the system so your stats can be up to date?
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Wizard;325483 said:
the NMCA should update the comp stats for the history of the comp the stats in my cricket only go back only about 8 years it would be good to see the stats of people before then I know my stats are missing about a hundred games and about a 170 wickets

How many people do you think the NMCA would need to employ to get your eight plus years stats online along with every other person that played?
My logic says that the stats start from when the clubs starting inputting them online. Before that time it would have been all paperwork.
Perhaps you could contact someone at the NMCA and volunteer to go through all the match reports from 8+ years ago and start punching them into the system so your stats can be up to date?
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Snake;325648 said:
How many people do you think the NMCA would need to employ to get your eight plus years stats online along with every other person that played?
My logic says that the stats start from when the clubs starting inputting them online. Before that time it would have been all paperwork.
Perhaps you could contact someone at the NMCA and volunteer to go through all the match reports from 8+ years ago and start punching them into the system so your stats can be up to date?
Im not interested in seeing all my stats up on the site or every player in the comp more an interest in the numbers of say the top 50 all time greats of the comp this came up in a conversation one week when we were playing against Camrea I said Fellows would have to have taken a lot of wickets over the years my A grade stats would be on no interest to anyone
Re: NMCA(formerly Jika) '08/'09

Snake;325648 said:
How many people do you think the NMCA would need to employ to get your eight plus years stats online along with every other person that played?
My logic says that the stats start from when the clubs starting inputting them online. Before that time it would have been all paperwork.
Perhaps you could contact someone at the NMCA and volunteer to go through all the match reports from 8+ years ago and start punching them into the system so your stats can be up to date?
Im not interested in seeing all my stats up on the site or every player in the comp more an interest in the numbers of say the top 50 all time greats of the comp this came up in a conversation one week when we were playing against Camrea I said Fellows would have to have taken a lot of wickets over the years my A grade stats would be on no interest to anyone
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