Off Topic Thread!


New Member
Off Topic Thread!

Talk whatever random bable you want in here...

What you upto this weekend?

Well personally, going to watch the First XI on saturday cos' we don't have a game, and going to have a few bevvies. The out into town for the pro's leaving doo... he has to go back early for a New South Wales tournament. Then I'm playing away on Sunday, gonna get some runs, with the preperation of 20 pints the night before! <s><img><s>
Off Topic Thread!

I have to get my school uniform and shoes and everything ready for the new school year <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s>.

Other than that I'm going to watch Lancashire v Warickshire on Skysports <s><img><s> <s><img><s>
Off Topic Thread!

Saturday - Probably seeing my GF
Sunday - Going to see my dad in Faversham
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Sat: Going to watch the firsts in a re-arranged match
Sun: Playing, if we win we come 2nd <s><img><s>
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Today (Sat): Had cricket practice, bowled this really good guy with a cutter and then his brother with off spin (lmao) but batted shit and I'm going to the pool in half an hour or so
Sun: Nothing atm, homework probably.
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I haven't got homework ...

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<s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> Shame none of your smilies work. <s><img><s> <s8><img><s8>

I can only see them when clicked, not written.
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[quote="legspinner@FactHunt":36529]:!: <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> Shame none of your smilies work. <s><img><s> <s8><img><s8>

I can only see them when clicked, not written.[/quote:36529]

I keep forgetting to unclick disable smiles

<s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s>
Off Topic Thread!

I think we might need to limit the number of smilies per post, considering Michael's addiction to them. <s><img><s>
Off Topic Thread!

[quote="pal":2ff1a]I think we might need to limit the number of smilies per post, considering Michael's addiction to them. <s><img><s>[/quote:2ff1a]

<s><img><s> no don't!

We need new ones <s><img><s>

I can always get loads for us, which are the same as these <s><img><s>