only Yanks can revitalize world cricket



only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Well, the Chumpions Trophy is over. Same eight boring old teams playing
each other and in a couple of months the same eight boring old teams will be playing each other again
in the World Cup (the other eight teams are just window dressing). Let's
face it, cricket's an in-bred, chummy, game just played between the pommies and their ex-plantation workers. Like seeing eight of your relatives and no one
else over and over. And does anyone think the likes of Holland, Bermuda,
and Canada are ever going to move up to full first class status? No, the
only way to reinvigorate cricket is to get the Yanks involved. And what
a boost it would be! Eveyone would want to beat the Yanks! Would want
to play in Yankland! Would want to make money like the Yanks! But
what's the ICC doing? Promoting cricket to....***** A pair of
chopsticks in every kit! "But we can't get the Yanks to play cricket."
(boo hoo, boo hoo). No, you're certainly not going to get them to play with this neo-colonial
"gotta get those barbarian baseballers to start behaving themselves and take up this here civilized 'gentlemens' game". But there's certainly other ways to promote the game.
MUCH better ways.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

timmyj51;112031 said:
Well, the Chumpions Trophy is over. Same eight boring old teams playing
each other and in a couple of months the same eight boring old teams will be playing each other again
in the World Cup (the other eight teams are just window dressing). Let's
face it, cricket's an in-bred, chummy, game just played between the pommies and their ex-plantation workers. Like seeing eight of your relatives and no one
else over and over. And does anyone think the likes of Holland, Bermuda,
and Canada are ever going to move up to full first class status? No, the
only way to reinvigorate cricket is to get the Yanks involved. And what
a boost it would be! Eveyone would want to beat the Yanks! Would want
to play in Yankland! Would want to make money like the Yanks! But
what's the ICC doing? Promoting cricket to....***** A pair of
chopsticks in every kit! "But we can't get the Yanks to play cricket."
(boo hoo, boo hoo). No, you're certainly not going to get them to play with this neo-colonial
"gotta get those barbarian baseballers to start behaving themselves and take up this here civilized 'gentlemens' game". But there's certainly other ways to promote the game.
MUCH better ways.

There have been a few attempts (although quite feeble) to get the USA involved in cricket but the majority just aren't interested at the moment Timmy. America just isn't interested in the game at all. No-one really knows why this is. Perhaps the game is too long a spectacle to watch? There are a few citizens playing cricket over there but most would just be expats from the major cricketing countries (Australia, India, England and others).

The birth of Twenty20 cricket was partially made for cricket to be able to infiltrate the American market and to try and promote the game there (as well as for the English county cricket scene). There have been numerous attempts to promote the the game through ODI's and various tournaments but none of this has really worked.

I must admit that the body governing USA cricket hasn't done itself any favours and I think I remember seeing that the ICC doesn't recognize that entity.

The general concensus could be that some don't want the USA to be involved with cricket. Economically, the USA is a powerful country and many would think that if they were able to get involved with the game enough, they'd try to change the rules and the way the game is played too much.

The many people that follow cricket are traditionalists (even now in the 21st century) and almost all of these people don't like to see changes to the game. Twenty20 cricket caused a huge uproar when it was introduced mainly because it was just a cause to generate money and provide a spectacle for people because it was short and wouldn't take up too much time. It has been labelled a "baseball" game simply because it is just slogging in order to get the highest score possible and the concept of Twenty20 still isn't liked now.

But the involvement of the USA in cricket has taken a downturn in the last few years and it is a shame that that has happened. They were in the last World Cup but they didn't make it for next year. Someone has to take some inititive and get cricket back on track over there.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Ljp86 said:
But the involvement of the USA in cricket has taken a downturn in the last few years and it is a shame that that has happened. They were in the last World Cup but they didn't make it for next year. Someone has to take some inititive and get cricket back on track over there.

The USA were never in the World Cup. We were in the last Champion's Trophy, which didn't really work out so well for us.

There are several reasons why Americans aren't interested in cricket. Here are a few:

- Americans don't understand the rules. Not really all that surprising. American football is about as complicated, and the average foreigner doesn't understand all the rules.

- The USA has virtually no cricketing infrastructure. There are few places where you can play proper 11 v 11 cricket, and fewer still that have turf wickets. There are no professional-caliber cricket grounds. There are also few other cricketers to play with.

- You can't watch professional cricket in America. You can watch baseball, basketball, American football, NASCAR, and several other sports for free if you have cable television. To watch cricket, you have to have satellite television and pay extra to get the cricket on pay-per-view. Obviously people who are not already fans of the game are not going to do that.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

"There have been a few attempts (although quite feeble) to get the USA involved in cricket but the majority just aren't interested at the moment Timmy. America just isn't interested in the game at all."

How do you know that! The simple fact is there has NEVER been any
planned, thought-out, well organized, effort to even test market cricket in
this country. The "ODIs" that have been run in the USA were by, for,
and of, the expats. There was NO effort whatsover to market these games
to Americans. Cricket a "traditionalist" game? Only because the
"traditionalists" want to keep it that way. The appeal and marketing
potential for cricket has NEVER been fully realized, even to this day. The ICC
didn't like the idea of ODIs. What happened? Surprise! People who
didn't care for test cricket flocked to the game! ICC doesn't like 20/20.
What's happening? Surprise! Fans are packing the grounds for 20/20 matches? Get the hint? Church ladies, mamas boys, and 40-year old
virgins can have their test cricket. The rest of the world will have the
cricket we enjoy and who's gonna say we can't?
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

This is for BigJeff.
******** means idiot.
I would spell the slang term for a virgina as twate.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Stamislav;112211 said:
The USA were never in the World Cup. We were in the last Champion's Trophy, which didn't really work out so well for us.

Oops, I thought they were in the World Cup, my mistake.

Stamislav said:
There are several reasons why Americans aren't interested in cricket. Here are a few:

- Americans don't understand the rules. Not really all that surprising. American football is about as complicated, and the average foreigner doesn't understand all the rules.

- The USA has virtually no cricketing infrastructure. There are few places where you can play proper 11 v 11 cricket, and fewer still that have turf wickets. There are no professional-caliber cricket grounds. There are also few other cricketers to play with.

- You can't watch professional cricket in America. You can watch baseball, basketball, American football, NASCAR, and several other sports for free if you have cable television. To watch cricket, you have to have satellite television and pay extra to get the cricket on pay-per-view. Obviously people who are not already fans of the game are not going to do that.

Hmmm, seems like America is a tough market to crack. If the ICC really wants to get cricket into the USA, they need to pull their finger out and assert some authority over there.

timmyj51 said:
How do you know that! The simple fact is there has NEVER been any planned, thought-out, well organized, effort to even test market cricket in this country. The "ODIs" that have been run in the USA were by, for, and of, the expats. There was NO effort whatsover to market these games to Americans.

Hence why I used the term "feeble".

timmyj51 said:
Cricket a "traditionalist" game? Only because the
"traditionalists" want to keep it that way. The appeal and marketing
potential for cricket has NEVER been fully realized, even to this day. The ICC
didn't like the idea of ODIs. What happened? Surprise! People who
didn't care for test cricket flocked to the game! ICC doesn't like 20/20.
What's happening? Surprise! Fans are packing the grounds for 20/20 matches? Get the hint? Church ladies, mamas boys, and 40-year old
virgins can have their test cricket. The rest of the world will have the
cricket we enjoy and who's gonna say we can't?

The majority of Americans aren't interested in cricket. I'm not saying all of the USA are not interested because there are some who are but most haven't taken a liking to the game.

But if the ICC wants the USA to get involved they need to take charge and rectify the situation over there.

sainter74 said:
This is for BigJeff.
******** means idiot.
I would spell the slang term for a virgina as twate.

There's no need for that sort of talk anyway, just try and keep it civil.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

If the ICC wants to make anything happen in America, I don't want them to go through the USACA, because I have no confidence in the USACA. The ICC should spend their own money and hire their own people.

Right now the strongest areas for cricket in the USA are Florida, California, New York, and Texas. I'd like the ICC to invest heavily in one of these regions, give it several club-quality cricket pitches within the same general area so that cricket can become a club sport (and at some point a varsity sport) for high-schoolers and/or college students in the region, plus a venue suitable for hosting professional matches.

If the ICC can get such a program to take hold, they can gradually expand it outwards from there, plus focus on running the same sort of program in one of the other aforementioned strong states.

The ICC also needs to find a way to get Twenty20 cricket on cable television. This is the only way it can compete with other mainstream American sports here. This would also require a good deal of promotion for the following reasons:

a) to get Americans thinking about cricket in the first place.
b) to get them to see cricket as similar to baseball but not in direct competition with baseball.
c) to get them to see cricket as a fast, exciting, and entertaining game.
d) to get them to see cricket as comprehensible and relatively easy to follow.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

sainter74;112318 said:
This is for BigJeff.
******** means idiot.
I would spell the slang term for a virgina as twate.

Everbody else including ..........all dictionaries.......spell it the way BigJeff does......start with a quick wikipedia search and go from there
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

timmyj51;112031 said:
Well, the Chumpions Trophy is over. Same eight boring old teams playing
each other and in a couple of months the same eight boring old teams will be playing each other again
in the World Cup (the other eight teams are just window dressing). Let's
face it, cricket's an in-bred, chummy, game just played between the pommies and their ex-plantation workers. Like seeing eight of your relatives and no one
else over and over. And does anyone think the likes of Holland, Bermuda,
and Canada are ever going to move up to full first class status? No, the
only way to reinvigorate cricket is to get the Yanks involved. And what
a boost it would be! Eveyone would want to beat the Yanks! Would want
to play in Yankland! Would want to make money like the Yanks! But
what's the ICC doing? Promoting cricket to....***** A pair of
chopsticks in every kit! "But we can't get the Yanks to play cricket."
(boo hoo, boo hoo). No, you're certainly not going to get them to play with this neo-colonial
"gotta get those barbarian baseballers to start behaving themselves and take up this here civilized 'gentlemens' game". But there's certainly other ways to promote the game.
MUCH better ways.

The US are a very insular nation that are mostly interested in sport withing their own country, not international sport anywhere near as much. It's like the rest of the world's sport doesn't exist. Who else would play a World Series amongst themselves. whne the Major League US team did paly an international contest recently, they got well beaten. Let's not think they are the be all and end all.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

"The majority of Americans aren't interested in cricket. I'm not saying all of the USA are not interested because there are some who are but most haven't taken a liking to the game."

How do you know that! The simple fact is the vast majority of Americans
simply don't know anything about cricket except for a few Victorian era
stereotypes. You can't judge a sport unless you've
had direct exposure to it. This is what the NFL has been doing full throttle,
educating the rest of the world about American football. Has the ICC
taken one baby step in doing this in the USA?
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

"The majority of Americans aren't interested in cricket. I'm not saying all of the USA are not interested because there are some who are but most haven't taken a liking to the game."

After thought: Who says we need a MAJORITY of Americans to like cricket?
Polls have showed only 59% of Americans care about baseball. I think we'd all be happy if cricket
was just a self-sustaining minority sport in the USA.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

timmyj51;112476 said:
How do you know that! The simple fact is the vast majority of Americans simply don't know anything about cricket except for a few Victorian era stereotypes.

Yes and it's because they don't want to. If Americans were seriously interested in cricket, they'd find out about the game themselves, instead of relying on some entity to forcefeed them a new sport to watch/partake in. The fact is, is that most Americans don't have an interest in cricket and that can be linked to lack of exposure to the game but is not the sole reason why they don't take an interest in cricket.

timmy51 said:
You can't judge a sport unless you've
had direct exposure to it. This is what the NFL has been doing full throttle,
educating the rest of the world about American football.

The simple matter is, is that currently few Americans take an interest in the game.

timmy51 said:
Has the ICC taken one baby step in doing this in the USA?

Yes but very few. They are not doing enough to promote the game there and that should be rectified because there seems to be a market there. The ICC won't recognize the USACA and must do something itself but I don't think they will for some time.

timmyj51 said:
After thought: Who says we need a MAJORITY of Americans to like cricket? Polls have showed only 59% of Americans care about baseball. I think we'd all be happy if cricket was just a self-sustaining minority sport in the USA.

You've missed my point, I said the majority of Americans don't have an interest in cricket. A majority may not be required but a sufficient supporter base would be needed to keep cricket healthy in the country.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

"The simple matter is, is that currently few Americans take an interest in the game."

Neither you nor anyone else had any "interest" in cricket when you came outta
the womb. That only came about when someone educated you about the
game. Get the hint?
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Ljp86;112481 said:
Yes and it's because they don't want to. If Americans were seriously interested in cricket, they'd find out about the game themselves, instead of relying on some entity to forcefeed them a new sport to watch/partake in. The fact is, is that most Americans don't have an interest in cricket and that can be linked to lack of exposure to the game but is not the sole reason why they don't take an interest in cricket.

The simple matter is, is that currently few Americans take an interest in the game.

Yes but very few. They are not doing enough to promote the game there and that should be rectified because there seems to be a market there. The ICC won't recognize the USACA and must do something itself but I don't think they will for some time.

You've missed my point, I said the majority of Americans don't have an interest in cricket. A majority may not be required but a sufficient supporter base would be needed to keep cricket healthy in the country.

the reason why icc don't recognize the USACA is cause of the usaca can't even sort their own sh**t. order for the icc to recognize an association the association has to be a proper run associiation
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Ljp86;112481 said:
Yes and it's because they don't want to. If Americans were seriously interested in cricket, they'd find out about the game themselves, instead of relying on some entity to forcefeed them a new sport to watch/partake in. The fact is, is that most Americans don't have an interest in cricket and that can be linked to lack of exposure to the game but is not the sole reason why they don't take an interest in cricket.

The simple matter is, is that currently few Americans take an interest in the game.

Yes but very few. They are not doing enough to promote the game there and that should be rectified because there seems to be a market there. The ICC won't recognize the USACA and must do something itself but I don't think they will for some time.

You've missed my point, I said the majority of Americans don't have an interest in cricket. A majority may not be required but a sufficient supporter base would be needed to keep cricket healthy in the country.

The population of the USA is 300 would only have to have a small percentage of that interested in cricket for them to be competitive with at least New Zealand and the West Indies let alone Zimbabwe
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Ljp86 said:
Yes and it's because they don't want to. If Americans were seriously interested in cricket, they'd find out about the game themselves, instead of relying on some entity to forcefeed them a new sport to watch/partake in. The fact is, is that most Americans don't have an interest in cricket and that can be linked to lack of exposure to the game but is not the sole reason why they don't take an interest in cricket.

Why should anyone develop an interest in a sport they have no opportunities to play and no opportunities to watch? The American public will not take an interest in cricket until they have these opportunities.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

timmyj51;112530 said:
Neither you nor anyone else had any "interest" in cricket when you came outta
the womb. That only came about when someone educated you about the
game. Get the hint?

Yes but there have been a few attempts to get cricket into America via exhibition matches and other methods so why didn't all the cricket lovers in America come out and watch or take an interest in the game?

Stamislav said:
Why should anyone develop an interest in a sport they have no opportunities to play and no opportunities to watch? The American public will not take an interest in cricket until they have these opportunities.

Yep and they should get those opportunities. It's just that the ICC is too lazy or just isn't interested in developing the game there.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

I haven't read all of the messages on this topic (I will later) but just a quick thought. The Yanks were going to do wonderful things for world football (soccer) when they hosted the World Cup in 1994. They didn't.

Football has moved on considerably since then, much to its benefit. And, it must be said without the help of America.

If 'soccer' is obscure to most Americans, then cricket is from another world. The thing that will revitalise the game in an American context is American fans and the money American fans bring to the game. And there just aren't enough of those. The only way you get such fans is if an American win in the world cup is manufactured, or they get some easy wins in "special test status" games. (Or Twenty/20 games or ODIs)
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Zebedee said:
I haven't read all of the messages on this topic (I will later) but just a quick thought. The Yanks were going to do wonderful things for world football (soccer) when they hosted the World Cup in 1994. They didn't.

Football has moved on considerably since then, much to its benefit. And, it must be said without the help of America.

What do you mean, "without" America? We have countless rec leagues, a professional league, players in the EPL and in European leagues, and a national team that qualifies for the World Cup. America may not have caused the revitalization in soccer, but we've participated in it.

Zebedee said:
If 'soccer' is obscure to most Americans

It isn't.

Zebedee said:
The only way you get such fans is if an American win in the world cup is manufactured, or they get some easy wins in "special test status" games. (Or Twenty/20 games or ODIs)

No, I think the problem is deeper than that. Nobody in America even noticed when we qualified for the Champions Trophy a few years ago.