The women of the house had their chores such as wrapping bandages or storing various medications for the wounded if there was a conflict. There were few curative medicines available to civilians as all the best were in Continental Congress laboratories and storehouses to serve the needs of their army. The only medicines Eliza, a trained nursing aid, had were cinchona bark, camphor, potassium nitrate and mercury. As well as some European herbals. For excessive pain there was ether or chloroform to put the patient into unconsciousness. Walt told his wife he'd implore Eddie to attempt to bring him some medicines from the Southern Continental Army stores should they be needed.
Sergeant Robbie put himself, 2 corporals and 20 musket footmen at Mr Walter Lowell's service agreeing and rarely not about the placements of his men. Polite discussions .
Behind windows was not the norm but much better defensively even if command was not direct and syncronised. The irish men didn't like being commanded anyway, nor the freed slave volunteers like Corporal Ezekiel who was wise, slow talking, gentle and huge.
Corporal Ezekiel had great respect, love and attachment to his old Master Mr Lowell and his family. He was overjoyed to be stationed amongst all he loved here in the two manors, well on average. One grand and thoughtful, the other a maze of thatched after thoughts. Like his men, this was their home with all their families.
When settled into their allocated defensive postions basic orders were conveyed by running lads or bugle blasts.
With loading helpers and two muskets each these Lowell Plantation Musket men could fire 5 or 6 rounds a minute, twice the rate of fire of the Redcoats with twice the reason to fight.
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Millicent was furious with her sabre as she cut through the left side ranks of the Redcoats followed by her wild father and his horsemen. Milli took a musket shot to her right leg now bleeding badly but didn't falter in her blood thirst now barging through the ranks of Redcoats knocking them aside and her huge stallion trampling many. Eddie followed her along with his horsemen, some of whom were badly wounded or killed. Nevertheless they were relentless in their slaughter of the vile enemy. Her father right behind her and his horsemen were looking through a red haze of anger and hatred...
"For Ireland and Freed Slaves, Revenge is ours today!"... shouted Irish Lieutenant Murphy as he splattered red with his heavy sabre trampling scum with his big barded warhorse.
Behind him some dozen Redcoat Calvary were taking on the rear of the American Horsemen but two dozen enraged Continental horsemen made short work of those pouncy entitled prats losing only 3 men killed and 5 wounded.

From the right flank French Captain Leon seeing the back of the Redcoat column form ranks and more British Calvary coming their way blew his bugle for all to turn and retreat. Their blood work was done and the the Redcoat column was in disarray, precious time gained to finish the 'Neck's defences and form ranks.

Eddie had to yell at his mad Milli to retreat and slapped her with the side of his big sabre on her wounded leg to get her attention. She nearly slashed him as Eddie ducked. "MILLI, Time to retreat, c'mon my wild child, gallop with me, NOW!

They followed their comrades and saw a hundred yards behind them dozens of Redcoat Calvary galloping towards them.
Some shots were fired from the bedraggled British front ranks at the fleeing Americans who fired their pistols at the bunched bascards. Hard to miss even with a pistol.

With the toffy Redcoat Calvary closing the American and French calvary converged and galoped tired from the fight to a gap between the ranks of footmen now guarding the Neck, with loaded muskets and 8 Shot cannons at the ready.

Only a few Redcoats were able to escape the slaughter. Sixty arrogant Redcoat Calvary were stupid enough to charge towards the Continental guns. Massive musket volleys erupted from Captain George's command to fire. That included the four of the vicious shot cannons shredding flesh and bone, man and horse.
It was over before it began and Capt. George ordered men to see to the wounded and dying Redcoats and their steeds.
A few horses survived, some ran away, some caught, many were put down and the dead ones were dragged to the Kitchens.

Most of the enemy had died, many were wounded, and several only had scratches but without a horse.
Several luckily escaped, wounded perhaps, but lived to tell the tale.

Stretchers and a platoon were sent out to gather the Redcoats, many Officiers, surrendered, wounded and lastly the dead. All treated with respect ordered by all the three Captains.
French Captaine Ulysse said to all, "We will them treat as we wish to be would treated, okay, savvy? C'est un order to be civil, and care well for our prisoners who perhaps we can exchange for ours.
Some our own died today, some was wounded and some was captured. The risks de war.
You Young Horseman Eduard, I hear your father was wounded and captured today. We him want him back all. Do not all we?"
"Yes or Oui" said all.

"We have a wounded Major" said George to the two French Captains with Lt. Eddie in attendance in a guarded tent.

Captain Ulysse said "A chat and then send them to Lowell and Marshall Manors for care, detainment and intelligence gathering. Another platoon to guard them. Is that ok with you Lieutenant Eddie?"

"Of course, of course, by me and I'm sure Mr Lowell too.
May I be excused Sirs? My daughter Milli has a bad wound and is losing blood? She needs medics and care at home at Lowell manor. "

"Of course, of course" said all three captains.
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Eddie was able to get the medicines Walt had implored of him, so Eliza started attending to a pale and moaning Lillie by firstly cleaning the wound, removing the shot, which fortunately was shallow then closed it with 10 stitches. Eliza knew there was the danger of infection which she would monitor over the next days. Walt then took Eddie aside saying that his wife needed help from a qualified surgeon if she was to take charge of any more wounded. Old Doc Benson is now retired said Eddie, but sure we can persuade him to help in the South Carolina cause. A hour later Walt had saddled his old but trusty mare Bess and he and Eddie rode off to Doc Bensons. The following morning Doc Benson rode up to the steps of Lowell Manor where he was greeted by a grateful Walt and Eliza..
Milli was very grateful to Eliza for tending to her wound and kept saying she had to return to the Neck.
"No way" said Eliza, "we must monitor you in case your wound gets septic! Doctor Benson will look at you tomorrow so get some sleep."
Her father Eddie had delivered her to return to the line before dawn and loudly said "Millicent, do as you're told for once in your life and listen to Eliza or I'll put you over my knee!
Thank you Eliza and bless you for your tender ministrations to my wild child.
'I'm off to see your husband Walter Mistress Eliza to find a Doctor Benson. More wounded will be arriving soon."

Soon after Eddie and Walt rode to find Doctor Benson.
"They might regroup and attack again tomorrow." said Eddie to Walt referring to the Battalion of sore but wiser Redcoats. I must be back before dawn."

About midnight three large horse drawn carts rumbled into Lowell Manor with wounded Americans, wounded Redcoats, Redcoat prisoners and another platoon of Continentals to guard the prisoners and help defend the Manor. They were led by a Lieutenant Murphy, a massive Irishman.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance Mr Lowell" said Lieutenant Murphy to Walt.
"We have a slightly wounded Redcoat Major, a Sir Reginald Dankworth. We should isolate him from his men. Can you keep him in Lowell manor Sir and and pry him for imformation, one gentleman to another. Whiskey helps. Set his bounds as you see fit but initially I'd get your Sgt. Robbie to set a guard on him.
Where in your Manor do you want to put our 17 wounded Sir, mostly French thanks to Millicent's wild charge. Can I see her later?
Also Lt. Eddie said I could use his Marshall Manor for my 33 men and the British prisoners mostly wounded." "I did." said Lt. Eddie.

"Sgt. Robbie told me you've got a Doctor Benson arriving in the morning, that's grand.
More good news too, I bring medicines and two female nurses to assist, one a French Céline aged 23 and one an Irish Sarah aged 19. Both pretty and skilled healers. The Irish one is my daughter.
I also bring six crates of whiskey and one crate of Potcheen at 80% proof, for cleaning wounds. Idiots drink it and go blind!"
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We will put Sir Reginald in this room, said Walt with a sarcastic emphasis on the word sir, as he had always despised the British class system. Round the clock guards should be sufficient once he recovers. Eliza patched up the flesh wound on the Red Coat majors thigh after which he was given a whiff of ether. His window was checked so he could not escape from his room once awake, then a guard was to be posted outside his door. Meanwhile Doc Benson had looked at the condition of 'mad Millie' and said he was pleased with her progress. ''You did a fine job Mrs Lowell".

Just then Lt Murphy burst into the room. ''Mr Lowell Red Coats are approaching from the river, I'd say a large platoon of about 50 '', he said hurriedly in his Irish brogue. Walt asked him what state did the soldiers look in, ''bedraggled or in formation''. Put it this way they dont look as tho they are retreating sir''.
''Mr Murphy you are in charge with Robbie Marshall and the French sargent your seconds. Please alert the men plus the able wounded to immediately prepare for conflict''.

Walt shuddered for a moment as he took in the fact that what he most dreaded, engaging the enemy to protect his family and home, was about to happen...
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Sergeant Robbie had twenty militia foot musket men and two corporals behind barricades in front of Lowell manor and looking from windows to the entrance to the Rose garden. Twenty novice volunteers of all sorts mixed in here and there. Men and 4 cannons on the roof with lookouts scoping with eyes and some telescopes.

Lieutenant Murphy had twenty footmen with 2 coropals, ten cavalry with his sergeant patrolling. Also eight armed local volunteer horse men acting as guides, scouts and messengers. Young Liam the Irish stable boy was on a horse too.
Lt. Murphy had his twenty militia foot men stay guarding the prisoners and defend the wounded Americans who were given weapons if they could bear them. Dr Benson assisted by two nurses and four general duties volunteer women cared for the wounded, Redcoats as well. A room was made into a bluddy surgery treating dreadful wounds. Screaming and some deaths were inevitable. Other big rooms served as patient wards and stores were in the cellars with a large store of Armoury including casks of gun powder.
Twenty-two young to old males and females about Marshall Manor volunteered to take up the arms they'd help to make in some way. Free Negros and Irish young to old, keen to fight under Murphy's command and were happy to work four small horse drawn wheeled cannons with shot and balls.

Lt. Murphy rode between the two manors with old black Michael on his donkey tellng him stories and the geography about Lowell Cotton Plantation.
Marshall Manor was close to the majesty of Lowell Manor. A few hundred yards only with a copse of trees and a well trodden track between them. His men were at the ready with several strategies at hand.
A dozen little to large worker's cottages surrounded Marshall (thatched together maze of a) Manor that made Murphy scratch his head. Stables, a giant forge, a hall, roofs, an enclosed inner courtyard with a well, ...Rooms everywhere, . It was warm too with little sign of fireplaces? Even some floors were warm??
Walt put the spyglass to his eye and aimed in at the advancing Redcoats. They were all on foot in impeccable three line formation. He handed the spyglass to Murphy who said in a shocked manner. Mr Lowell their numbers have diminished since my scout told me.
I saw that too lieutenant. Think I may know why. Harrison Plantation is three miles west of here, Sanders Plantation three miles east. So my guess is they are attempting to commandeer a local property to use as their headquarters. Well if that is the case they are in for a shock. No arrogant Britisher is taking my home from me without a struggle. Mr Murphy, when they come into naked view, say we give them a surprise by sending a salvo from our small cannon over their heads, only with sufficient elevation so that it explodes 100 feet behind their column. Their commander will obviously take this as a warning and withdraw, believing Lowell Manor is well protected probably by Southern Continental soldiers or local militia. Is this a sound idea to you?
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I beg to differ Mr Lowell, Sir, I'd prefer to let them come closer to surprise and kill, wound or capture them with all we have until they surrender, and then interrogate the prisoners. We need to know their plans. You suspect they may be after your neighbours' plantations to establish a headquarters, that needs investigating.

What do you think Sir?
I beg to differ Mr Lowell, Sir, I'd prefer to let them come closer to surprise and kill, wound or capture them with all we have until they surrender, and then interrogate the prisoners. We need to know their plans. You suspect they may be after your neighbours' plantations to establish a headquarters, that needs investigating.

What do you think Sir?
Then as you are the trained military officer I accept your decision Mr Murphy. The British command not only wants the homes of my fellow plantation owners but my home too, as I suspect they are under orders to commandeer a property or properties for their headquarters this side of the river. If that is the case we can also expect to see more Redcoats following this platoon. Does this change your mind Mr Murphy?
Terry am currently watching a mini series about the Irish Durack family who fled the crippling potato famine to settle in colonial Australia. Is titled Kings in Grass Castles. Recommended viewing.
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Terry am currently watching a mini series about the Irish Durack family who fled the crippling potato famine to settle in colonial Australia. Is titled Kings in Grass Castles. Recommended viewing.
Sounds good Craig. I'll check it out.
Then as you are the trained military officer I accept your decision Mr Murphy. The British command not only wants the homes of my fellow plantation owners but my home too, as I suspect they are under orders to commandeer a property or properties for their headquarters this side of the river. If that is the case we can also expect to see more Redcoats following this platoon. Does this change your mind Mr Murphy?
"That's a good point Sir. I've sent a fast rider to Captain George but until we get his orders we're on our own.

Given the risk of more Redcoats coming, as you've now alerted me to that possibility, best then we keep the troopers here but I'd like to send out riders to scout at a distance if possible. My dozen cavalry and another dozen volunteer riders can be our eyes and the locals' knowledge is invaluable as guides.
Likewise, I'd still like to take on these approaching Redcoats to garner information from them, especially any NCO's or an officer.

The copse between the manors have 23 of my Troppers and a score of voluntrers ready on a bugle call to take their right flank and rear, and capture any survivors. The Cavalry is to scoop up any runners. Best none escape.

Sgt Robbie's 22 troppers and as many volunteers are hidden and dug in everywhere about your Manor Sir, also manned cannons, mines with pyrotechicians like your Jake and Lucinda, ... and our brave mad and wounded Milli at her top bedroom window with three loaded muskets I can just see. Ah, she waved.

Oh look, the Redcoats are walking very slowly towards the mined Rose Garden's entrance. I count two dozen all on foot and maybe two NCO's with a well dressed Officer who waved back to Milli.God!
Hang on, he's smiling and walking faster with his men following.

What say you Sir, fancy more prisoners to chat to?
How's our guest Major Sir Reginald Dankworth or 'Fancy Pants' by the way?"
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As they are not showing any sign of aggression Mr Murphy , I think that proves my point. They are here on a mission to commandeer Lowell and Marshall manors. So we will surprise them. You do as you wish from here Mr Murphy in terms of capturing an officer or two to garner information. It should not be difficult to have your cavalry and troopers outflank them from behind and the side while we here will take them from the front. This way we may be able to avoid any bloodshed. I suggest you then send six scouts to peruse the local area, specially the other two plantation properties to the east and south I told you about.
As for 'Mr Fancy Pants', Sir Reginald, he is under lock and key and is so far not saying anything. Perhaps a little persuasion from you Mr Murphy may loosen his tongue.
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"Thank you Sir, I appreciate your confidence in me.
We'll capture as many as possible. Later I'll send two Calvary men and a local horseman guide to check out each of your neighbours' plantations.

As the Redcoats came sauntering into the Rose garden a bugle sounded and forty plus men, some wounded, some women, boys and 2 girls with muskets appeared from their hiding places and with a bullhorn shout Lt. Murphy ordered:
""READY"" ""AIM!"" """ FIRE ! ! """

Hell erupted in a cloud of acrid smoke and thunder erupted from four cannon, 3 with shot and 1 with a ball of iron that cut three men in half. The shot cannons left a haze of red spraying into the air accompanied by screams of agony.

Almost all the redcoats were shocked, wounded, or killed. Mostly killed. Whilst still in shock 2 bugle blows summoned another forty American muskets, some in bandages, who ran from their hiding place in the mid manor copse of trees to the British east flank and rear.
Simultaneously twenty American horse men, militia and volunteers, came galloping from a western side gate in the big Rosy hedge and covered the western flank of the doomed British.

One stupid fellow with blood steaming from his side tried to aim his musket at the horsemen but was run over and trampled by a Cavarly man on his charging horse.
An unwounded pale and sallow looking private threw down his musket at once and put his hands up seeing the hopelessness of his position.
Soon it was all over and unfortunately the well dressed Redcoat Lieutenant had a hole in his forehead from a musket ball. His Sergeant and Corporal were wounded, the Corporal badly. Only three troopers were not wounded. It was an easy capture.

"Time to round them up Sir and to tend to their wounded Sir, and sorry, I think I was a bit too zealous in hindsight. Pity about the dead Lieutenant too. Bad luck that, or a great shot from someone, probably from a high window, perhaps??
We should bury their dead too.

I'll send 3 horsemen to each of your neighbours' plantations now while their blood is up. Just to spy. Don't you some have some Whisky and a Preacher to send them off?"
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Mr Murphy I had hoped to avoid bloodshed by capturing the column alive. Now your impetuousness has put my family and my best friends family in mortal danger. You have no doubt seen many friends cut down by Redcoats so I dont completely condemn what you have done.
Prepare to expect a far larger contingent of Redcoats to follow this one, so we must be completely prepared. I will ride with your scouts and plead with Mr Harrison and Mr Weatherall, the other two plantation owners, to join forces to stop the British from taking over our properties. Having a large area to cover will spread the Redcoat forces thin and may be of advantage to us. We will tho need more militia troops....
Lieutenant Murphy, red faced said to Mr Lowell " I'm so sorry about my mistake Sir. I'm no Captain, just a Lieutenant used to following orders, not giving them.
I shouldn't have used the cannons in hindsight.
I didn't use the mines though and not one escaped, and caring for their wounded promptly.
Report my mistake if you so desire Sir, I deserve that. It was a horrible scene.
Word will undoubtedly get back to my Captain George anyway"
Sergeant Robbie stood at attention quietly nearby looking at his shoes.

"Since you're off to speak to your neighbours please take four of my Cavalry to accompany you for protection. It's the least I can do. I suggest also taking one of your horsemen volunteer scouts.

Do you hear that noise drawing closer. It sounds like a horse galloping our way". Murphy, Robbie and Mr Lowell pulled out their telescopes and saw a blue uniformed American Militia man riding fast their way.

"It looks like one of my father's Cavalry, O' Flanagan I guess by the speed and gait of his fast horse Zekial".
said Robbie.
Sure enough it was O'Flanagan who pulled up just before the three on Mr Lowell's ornate front veranda.
Throwing Zekiel's reins to old Joshua he ran up the steps to confront Walt, Murphy and Robbie, and stepping fast came Walt's son Jake and daughter Lucinda, both carrying muskets, and large flint fuse lighters.

O'Flanagan looked at Murphy, Walt and the others and handed Walt a wax sealed envelope:

"Dear Mr Lowell,
Captain George here,
I hope you are well and safe. Not so for us at the Neck. The Redcoats have pulled back and are using their cannons on us from a distance. Balls for range. We reply in kind with less cannons and less men, now dug in. Still, we are taking Casualties and behind O'Flanagan is another long cart of our wounded to further burden you with their care.Thank God for the French bolstering our numbers. They're brave men, like ours.
Guarding the cart are 13 French troopers including Corporal Mitterand. Keep them with you if you have need and return the cart with two of the troopers with water, gunpowder, cannon balls and vitals please if you can.
Bill the Continental Army. I'll sign the chit.

Thank goodness the first 3 long carts returned safely as I feel we may soon have to abandon this position and retreat to your Lowell Manor. Days only. I and my men with the French will slowly siphon off our camp and men to your Manor as previously discussed. Some Cavalry first who will skirt the river on their way to you.

It seems the Redcoats are shelling Charleston from land and sea. All the American ships are destroyed or captured. We're just a side show to protect their land forces' rear, hence their long game at the Neck.

Please inform this message to Lt. Murphy but no one else and tell him to keep this correspondence top secret. Yourself included of course, and burn this letter after Lt. Murphy has read it too.

Take care Mr Lowell and Lt. Murphy,
God bless you all,

Captain George."
Walt was correct in his assumption that the British needed a place or places for their military headquarters as when he arrived at the estate of Benjamin Harrison he spotted five Redcoats standing guard outside his home and three others erecting tents. Minutes later two officers and Harrison exited the large double doors, spoke briefly and Harrison went back inside closing the doors behind him. Then the two officers exchanged words and the commanding officer, Walt summised, mounted his brown and white piebald and rode off to the west. Walt then rode quietly to the steps of the house, dismounted, waved to the Redcoats, descended the six red stone steps and knocked on the door. The Redcoat officer walked towards Walt and said in a educated voice. "Who are you sir"? Walt looked him directly in the eye and said calmly, "I am a friend of the landlord officer, just calling in on him for our weekly chat and perhaps a game or two of gin rummy. Very well sir, do enjoy yourself.''