Walt told Eddie he was so glad Millie had found love. He also thanked his good friend for the extra troops and weapons, but above all that he was back to defend their homes they had worked so hard to build. Both knew it was only a matter of time before a larger contingent of Redcoats would march onto their property once again and that this time they would be more prepared and greater armed '' to put down those pesky rebels''. The five landholders had devised a strategy that if one was unable to hold off the Redcoats they were to flee to the adjoining property with their remaining man power, arms and specially ammunition to boost its defense. If the other four fell before Lowell Plantation then everything that could be salvaged was to to be transferred to it as the last bastion against the British and which already had 100 Southern militia and French troops, plus 15 cannon, 35 mortar and sufficient ammunition to hold out a siege for at least 10 days...
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