Sober Symonds
Cameron White is a horrid bowler and in the test arena will be soon found out as a batsman and will look no different to smith and hughs. For now leave the team and swap Beer for Siddle in Melbourne.
...Clarke, i have said for a couple of years now is shaping up as our next Kim Hughs. He clearly isn't captain material and his form is now a liability to the team. It is 10 innings now and if all was firing then we could carry him but we have no room for passangers at this time.
...Maybe older players need to move on out of shield cricket and give younger players a go earlier instead of holding out and holding up the development for the youth. Right now leadership and and a clear plan seem to be missing, it is not simple after the period we have just had of complete dominance, but they need to bite the bullet and establish a young team.
I agree with you Nairbe that a bullet needs to be bitten, in fact I've been saying that for the past couple of years since these gaping holes have become so apparent to all except the selectors. Because they've left it so late, the hard calls have become even harder, and the road to recovery will be longer and more painful. I have no problem whatsoever with the fact that we do have to rebuild.
I'm with you entirely on Clarke also. Ponting is going through the worst patch of his time in charge, and where is his deputy? Going through yet another of his own and showing stuff-all to anyone. At least he won't have to request an early rendition of "Under the Southern Cross I Stand" after this Ashes campaign so he can nick off and attend to his other distractions!
Some of your comments last week I do have issue with, however. For all that is said about how shocking White's bowling is, and how Smith is the wunderkind leggie above all other prospects, "Bear's" average is clearly superior to Smith's. And to take it even further, batsmen around the land were hitting them better when he was bowling frequently than they are these past couple of years.
You still saying Beer should've been in this Test?!?