The Lounge 2

How far from Perth Terry?
About 400km Craig.
In our heavily forested region in the deep south west of WA where giant trees grow. Karri, Mali, Tingle, .. A beautiful area with many caves, rugged coastlines, giant forests ... My youngest was born in Albany near the valley of the giants (trees) with canopy top walk ways. In winter it never seems to stop raining, is cold and miserable. Big storms and waves come from the Antartic crashing over the small granite islands just offshore... A sight to see.
Really? Just one day?😲
Just one day Thomas. I was young, very fit and already quite enured to Bee stings by then. The swelling went down by the next day and I felt fine. Back to work was fine by me. We had targets.

I was sad to leave that job but I'd been offered a place at Curtin Uni to study engineering. Civil and Surveying.
I remember my old Bee Keeper boss showing me a Queen Bee he'd paid about $200 for. Fascinating. Another possible life.
Unbelievable. They could kill a horse I should think. Didn't you have any protective gear back then? I saw them being worn as early as the 20s and 30s?
I had all the protective gear Thomas like the hat and net covering my face.
Like my boss I didn't wear gloves so as to work more efficiently.
The stings I got were mainly on my hands and flicking out the barb and pumping poison sack made the stings quite minor. I was also quite enured to the poison unlike some like my brother who is allergic to Bee stings.
Smoking the bees with burning pine needles also made them quite passive.
Australian scientists believe they are on the verge of uncovering the cure for paralysis, with ground breaking world-first clinical trials at Brisbane's Griffith University. If successful this will bring hope to millions of people globally living with spinal cord injuries.

The trials to be conducted in the New Year will follow on from pioneering work in this field by the late Professor Emeritus Alan Mackay-Sim, which involves using nerves within the nose that have therapeutic properties to repair and regenerate other nerves.

This is the just as significant as attaining medicines Holy Grail, a cure for cancer.
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