WOW is good Thomas as you acknowledged the uniqueness of the feat. My initial statement was made to Jessica who lives in northern England where rugby league is strong. Not sure if she knows of St George and its record but can guarantee you that every league follower in my vintage would. It is unique. Naturally you, living in a football mad country would not have heard of St George, named after the knight of the fairytale.
Using all available clues I contacted Wikipedia. The Chile earth quake.
To be brutally honest earth quakes are far too frequent for a specific one to stay in the mind.
In South America? All I remember was accidents related to mining either underground or a problem with one of the sewage basins in mining containing toxic waste which overflowed?
WOW is good Thomas as you acknowledged the uniqueness of the feat. My initial statement was made to Jessica who lives in northern England where rugby league is strong. Not sure if she knows of St George and its record but can guarantee you that every league follower in my vintage would. It is unique. Naturally you, living in a football mad country would not have heard of St George, named after the knight of the fairytale.
Sorry to disappoint you but, again, Jessica gave a WOW and I used the "ROFL" emoji 🤣; the only one of that category available when giving a short reply without text. A normal smiley that would have done was not on offer.
Craig, I wasn't aware that you're such a passionate follower of your club as I'm not into club sport but prefer international events.