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  1. D

    20/20 doubts

    Re: 20/20 doubts The thing is and it probably does not sound nice saying it but i'll say it, its not up to them its up to CA and the public, look it will make lots of money and money talks. The fact of the matter is that the players dont have a huge say just like the glut of ODI's you have now...
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    Twenty/20 - its here to stay

    Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay Thats what i mean by not mainstreem, its like building a home, you build the structure but it takes memories, fun ,excitment, bad times and years for it to be a home, mainstreem not in my life time but maybe in my grandchildren's. I'm 33
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    Can Australia Remain a Force with so many retirements?

    Re: Can Australia Remain a Force with so many retirements? Australia will always be a force you just have to compare it to the west indies dominant era they just thought it would always go on, but in australia you have the structure and resourses in place to always be up there, you might...
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    Twenty/20 - its here to stay

    Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay But i will say one thing a presence in the US would be the biggest boost the game has ever seen but with the way the ICC are running things you can just about forget it, i think their big push will be China, same thing again it will not be mainstreem in china...
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    Twenty/20 - its here to stay

    Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay Hey settle down i was making the point that i dont think cricket or soccer will be mainstreem in the US meaning that when your average jo blo goes to the local tavern if he's talking about sport he'll probably be talking about Major League, NFL, NBA meaning that...
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    Twenty/20 - its here to stay

    Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay Cricket will never be a mainstreem sport in the US like NFL,NBA,NHL but it has to find a place(20/20), just like Soccer has. I dont think soccer will ever climb over hockey.
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    Tri-nations cricket

    Tri-nations cricket what about a knockout tournament involving the domestic sides of Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.
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    here's your chance, ICC

    Re: here's your chance, ICC You will not convert current baseballer's to cricket players, the AFL has tried it in sydney and it dosent work it has to be done at a very young age. But i do think you can convert america but its gona need a lot of money, time and effort like a twenty year plan...
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    Twenty/20 - its here to stay

    Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay when most people go to an ODI they are there to watch the first fifteen and last ten overs. Thats why it is so popular with fans. The probelm with ODI's is that they still see it as money a making machines, nothing more nothing less, if they didnt thay would...
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    Twenty/20 - its here to stay

    Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay Its the evolution of criicket, the three different formats will have their places in the game but. It will be easier to promote it in non cricket countries, but like i say children do decide a lot what families decide to watch and do for entertainment meanig our...
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    Twenty/20 - its here to stay

    Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay Thats the thing now you can finally enjoy a game with a young family. Thats why sports like AFL,Premier League,NRL etc are so popular young people can go along for a few hours and enjoy it with family or friends. Its funny as how you get older you look at things...
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    Twenty/20 - its here to stay

    Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay It will have its place just like test & ODI, I took my young family to an ODI match in Tasmania a few years back and they had hated cricket since(1 full day was too much for them), ive since moved to Perth and finally talked them into watching their second game...
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    Twenty/20 - its here to stay

    Twenty/20 - its here to stay Why do every man and his dog talk about the 20/20 format like its a fad and just a bit of fun - Ponting. I remember growing up as a child(late 70's - early 80's) and hearing the same thing said by a lot of traditionalists about ODI, "its a fad", "it wont last", "hit...
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    Sonn: World Cricket League is a vital part of the game's development

    Re: Sonn: World Cricket League is a vital part of the game's development Thats what the 20/twenty should be for.