Twenty/20 - its here to stay


New Member
Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Why do every man and his dog talk about the 20/20 format like its a fad and just a bit of fun - Ponting. I remember growing up as a child(late 70's - early 80's) and hearing the same thing said by a lot of traditionalists about ODI, "its a fad", "it wont last", "hit and giggle", "pygama cricket" etc. lets face it its popular and makes money its here to stay.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

It will last and its here to stay, but tbh, I reckon its all for sh*ts and giggles. It draws crowds but true cricket traditionalists and the players themselves all treat it as a bit of fun.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

It will have its place just like test & ODI, I took my young family to an ODI match in Tasmania a few years back and they had hated cricket since(1 full day was too much for them), ive since moved to Perth and finally talked them into watching their second game of cricket and its amazing how it gets young children interested,thats the thing it will bring people into the game that would never even take a second glance, like i say you might hate it or love it but it will have its place. Just needs to be looked at in a different way.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Thats the thing now you can finally enjoy a game with a young family. Thats why sports like AFL,Premier League,NRL etc are so popular young people can go along for a few hours and enjoy it with family or friends. Its funny as how you get older you look at things in a different light because ten years ago i would have laughed at 20/20.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Yeah I know, it is great for the family, and it is sensational crowds and numbers etc, but to the players, and people who traditionally love their cricket, they won't take it seriously. It's almost like its a whole new game the way its treated. It's as if we treated soccer like pinball and put 3 balls in there, and at the end its rapidfire penalty shootouts. It's just not cricket to put it in simplest terms.

I love it, but we can't take it too seriously.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

"Yeah I know, it is great for the family, and it is sensational crowds and numbers etc, but to the players, and people who traditionally love their cricket, they won't take it seriously. It's almost like its a whole new game the way its treated."

Uh huh, and maybe we should go back to kerosine lamps and horse and
buggies. A "whole new game" it is: requires aggressive batting, sharp
fielding, intelligent bowling, all things wus (read: "traditional") cricketers have a hard time doing.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

In America, It's the only way the sport is going to attract fans and more importantly players. In terms of fan excitement I would rate the following as far as the US is concerned: No sport is ever going to surpass football or baseball in the american culture but 20 /Twenty Cricket can easily rank higher than hockey or soccer..
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

I say replace ODI's with 20/20 all together. 20/20 seems to have solved the problem of the boring middle overs of an ODI, get rid of them all together!

Speaking as a fan of test cricket, ODI's have only been around for 30 years, so I don't see it as a big loss if we bump them for a better more exciting product.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Its the evolution of criicket, the three different formats will have their places in the game but. It will be easier to promote it in non cricket countries, but like i say children do decide a lot what families decide to watch and do for entertainment meanig our next generation of cricket followers will be brought up on 20/20, because before if you gave families a choice between a game of AFL & NRL or a game of cricket i would have said the first two would win out each time but now im not so sure. This game will become CA's new cash cow.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

when most people go to an ODI they are there to watch the first fifteen and last ten overs. Thats why it is so popular with fans. The probelm with ODI's is that they still see it as money a making machines, nothing more nothing less, if they didnt thay would have limited the number of matches played each year
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

No sport is ever going to surpass football or baseball in the american culture but 20 /Twenty Cricket can easily rank higher than hockey or soccer..

No way any kind of cricket will rank higher than hockey here in the US. Not when you've got the Great White North above us. Soccer maybe, but it will be a long road to climb. 20/20 is definitely the version of cricket Americans will embrace the most out of all the rest.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

I welcome 20/20 with open arms. It has actually brought numbers to the domestic cricket this season & last. It provides priceless money to grass roots cricket. And for those reasons it will be here to stay, CA can't resist a good money maker.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Younginator;127321 said:
I welcome 20/20 with open arms. It has actually brought numbers to the domestic cricket this season & last. It provides priceless money to grass roots cricket. And for those reasons it will be here to stay, CA can't resist a good money maker.
Me too, dont get me wrong, I love it, but we cant be taking it too seriously. Surely that can be understood, if we start judging bowlers on they're figures in Twenty20's then there will be no bowlers to bowl. If it all got so intense as the way test match cricket is accepted, then I dont think the people could handle it. Once again, its a fantastic game but we cant look and analyse the thing. Its not that sort of game.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

No way any kind of cricket will rank higher than hockey here in the US. Not when you've got the Great White North above us. Soccer maybe, but it will be a long road to climb. 20/20 is definitely the version of cricket Americans will embrace the most out of all the rest.

Cricket will never be a mainstreem sport in the US like NFL,NBA,NHL but it has to find a place(20/20), just like Soccer has. I dont think soccer will ever climb over hockey.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

I dont think soccer will ever climb over hockey.

What do you mean by that? My statement was in reference to Swamis statement that 20/20 will easily rank higher than hockey or soccer. And I actually do think cricket can become a mainstream sport here. It is a competitive sport and a marketable sport. It may not get at the NFL level, but to a point where newspapers, tv, etc. actually give it some sort of a spotlight. More like a minor league baseball level of mainstream.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Dannyboy;127328 said:
I dont think soccer will ever climb over hockey.
(implicitly assumed - in US)

Disclaimer: I know this is going to be a big digression from the original thread. But I absolutely have to reply to this one comment. Sorry in advance.

Seeing as how ESPN has dumped NHL like hot potato and are actually paying for coverage of MLS now, you probably need to do better research. Not to mention a new soccer stadium for MLS going up roughly once a year, the infrastructure is all getting in place now. NHL had to find some obscure chanel like OLN which a lot of people didn't even get, and I read somewhere that OLN were losing money by big amounts as nobody was watching their NHL telecasts. They were having a buyer's remorse, but are now stuck since the deal was signed for multiple years.

Another thing you may wish to research on would be the pathetic TV ratings last year's Stanley Cup finals got, even though they were covered by "over the air" TV, I think NBC. Contrast that with the out of the roof ratings which later stages of FIFA World Cup got, and a lot of it wasn't even covered on "over the air" ABC, only few late stage matches. (I'm focussing on only English coverage, and not Spanish coverage which was all on "over the air" Univision.) Majority of it, even past quarterfinal stages was on ESPN and ESPN2.

In summary, you need to research better before making that statement.

I won't even bother talking about TV coverage or fan awareness of World Cup and World Championships of ice hockey, and contrasting them with FIFA World Cup. The fact that ice hockey has 2 "World" competitions played with 2 different sets of rules, and nobody really knows which one decides the "real" World Champion is a joke by itself. That's a big topic in its own right and I won't say anything more about it here.

P.S. I know there are few Canadian posters here. I had spent quite a bit of time and am very well aware how big ice hockey is up there, almost a national obsession. My comments are not meant as a knock on the sport by itself, but some realistic observations. Once you come down south of the border in USA, ice hockey just isn't as big a deal as it is in Canada. There was a reason why NHL had to take an entire season off and eat crow after many failed negotiations.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Given a choice, any over-21 American will choose
cricket (assuming its in a marketable form) over soccer. Absolutely no
doubt about that.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

SouthSwans;127327 said:
Me too, dont get me wrong, I love it, but we cant be taking it too seriously. Surely that can be understood, if we start judging bowlers on they're figures in Twenty20's then there will be no bowlers to bowl. If it all got so intense as the way test match cricket is accepted, then I dont think the people could handle it. Once again, its a fantastic game but we cant look and analyse the thing. Its not that sort of game.

I don't understand why we can't analyze Twenty20 or take it seriously. It will be easier to evaluate what the norm is, and what a really good performance is, once a larger number of games have been played.

We will still have bowlers if we judge them on their Twenty20 figures. They've just got to keep in mind that it's a different standard. You're not going to go for 4 or 5 an over in Twenty20. It'll be more like 8 or 10 or 12.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Hockey in the USA certainly has it's own niche but it is an aquired taste and ranks well behind baeball and football. You must remeber that an entire NHL season was canceled not too long ago and no really cared.

Soccer is never going to be big in the US. Sure, they play in stadiums but the fans are mainly from soccer playing countries. Trust me, the average american sports fan has no interest in soccer. Most Americans think soccer is a good sport for their kids when they are little and cant wait until they are old enought to be involved in football, hockey or baseball. Ask almost any Dad in the US and if he's truhful, he'll tell you he cringes at every game and can't wait to rid himself of the soccer duties.

20\twenty Cricket will easily surpass soccer if it catches on in the USA.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

In summary, you need to research better before making that statement.

ESPN may have dumped hockey, but Fox Sports, a major cable sports network in the US, does show hockey, aside from OLN. Why are you comparing Stanley Cup (US/Canada Championship) to FIFA Cup (World Championship)?? That makes no sense. Of course the viewership for Stanley Cup is going to less because the people in the US/Canada are the only ones interested. In the FIFA World Cup, you have a much bigger audience when you have all of the countries involved(much like the Olympics). FIFA Cup happens every 4 years, Stanley Cup happens every year. So what if hockey did not play for a year. Other US sports (ie MLB baseball) have had strikes before and moved on. So what if MLS builds a new stadium. Hockey has expanded and built new arenas as well. Do some research amigo. 20/20 is the way to go here in the US. It will not surpass hockey here in the US, but it does have potential down the road to go above soccer.