Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

But i will say one thing a presence in the US would be the biggest boost the game has ever seen but with the way the ICC are running things you can just about forget it, i think their big push will be China, same thing again it will not be mainstreem in china but will have a good following.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Hey settle down i was making the point that i dont think cricket or soccer will be mainstreem in the US meaning ...

You're right it won't be mainstream like MLB, NFL, NBA, but it will be mainstream like minor league baseball...marketable, competitive, and enjoyed by those who apperciate the game.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

You're right it won't be mainstream like MLB, NFL, NBA, but it will be mainstream like minor league baseball...marketable, competitive, and enjoyed by those who apperciate the game.

Thats what i mean by not mainstreem, its like building a home, you build the structure but it takes memories, fun ,excitment, bad times and years for it to be a home, mainstreem not in my life time but maybe in my grandchildren's. I'm 33
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

OLN is not Canadian channel. It's all American, owned by Comcast based in Philadelphia.

In Canada, they have TSN, Rogers SportsNet and of course, over the air CBC. National telecasts of "Hockey Night in Canada" on CBC get ratings comparable to what NFL gets in USA. Of course, nothing of that sort on OLN south of the border.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

"I have the answer to solve all the problems with cricket in the US...BaseCricketBall. Its a hybrid of baseball and cricket... Come on, who else is with me on this??"

Actually, you're about a hundred twenty years too late. Some Chicago guy,
in 1870, actually came up with a hybrid cricket/baseball game and it
was tried there for a while. Never caught on.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

OLN is not Canadian channel.

Comcast may carry it, just like Time Warner carries Univision, but OLN is a majority owned Canadian cable channel:

Get your facts straight dude.

Actually, you're about a hundred twenty years too late. Some Chicago guy,
in 1870, actually came up with a hybrid cricket/baseball game and it
was tried there for a while. Never caught on.

I was only kidding around.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

kudu;127738 said:
Comcast may carry it, just like Time Warner carries Univision, but OLN is a majority owned Canadian cable channel:

Get your facts straight dude.

I was only kidding around.
OLN became VS in the USA and is owned by Comcast

so i think wires are being crossed.

hell, if BASEketball became a real sport it would be great.

"wake up little bitch, you're my new best friend"
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Bluto11;127740 said:
OLN became VS in the USA and is owned by Comcast

so i think wires are being crossed.

Yes, I think both kudu and me need to explain clearly what we're talking about.

I was talking about the "channel in USA previously known as OLN" (similar to "artist formerly known as Prince"), and is now called "Versus" in the US. This is an all American channel. And it is "OWNED" by Comcast based in Philadelphia. I'm not just talking about "being carried" by Comcast or Time Warner cable, but actual ownership.

Why is this relevant? Well, the "OLN" name was relevant, because it was under that name that they carried NHL for the first time ever in 2005-2006. The name change occurred after 2006 Stanely Cup. But since I don't pay close attention to NHL, name changing to Versus for 2006-2007 NHL season passed me by. Thanks for the correction Bluto.

The OLN carried in Canada is an off-shoot of the American version. They didn't bother changing channel name in Canada because they only carry fluff programming. NHL has never been carried on Canadian OLN channel. So, it was not relevant to discussion and didn't even register in my mind.

So, both me and kudu were correct. But my initial point should now be restated as "NHL is carried on an obscure channel called Versus in USA, which a lot of the country doesn't even subscribe to."
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

"NHL is carried on an obscure channel called Versus in USA, which a lot of the country doesn't even subscribe to."

NHL is also carried on Fox Sports Network, a HUGE sports channel, comparable to ESPN and all the other big sports channels, that most everyone here in the US subscribes to.

And don't even start with this Beckham "deal" thats on the news today. He will be the demise of the MLS.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

kudu;127773 said:
And don't even start with this Beckham "deal" thats on the news today. He will be the demise of the MLS.

Should Beckham have signed to play Twenty20 cricket in USA instead? :D

No, seriously. Beckham deal should be talked about, because he won't be the downfall of MLS or soccer in USA. This isn't the 70s or NASL we're talking about. We're living in a different world of internet and satellite TV. It is a lot more connected but fragmented world in terms of TV watching interests, the selling of sports media works a lot different now than when NASL collapsed. MLS have the advantage of learning and not repeating the same mistakes NASL did before them.

It won't be long before soccer will leave ice hockey in the dust in USA. Cricket won't be able to follow suit.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Beckham deal should be talked about...

OK. I will confess that attendance/ticket sales will be up this coming year if/when Beckham hits the field. And most of those ticket sales will be ticket brokers / scalpers, by the way. But that is 6-7 months away. Alot can happen between now and then. He could get injured, go into rehab, get in a car accident with Paris Hilton. Who knows. MLS is essentially putting all there eggs in one basket. If he does not produce on the field here in the US, like he did 5-10 years ago with Man U, you will see the demise of MLS. Which will bring a great opportunity for 20/20 cricket to shine.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

kudu;127798 said: will see the demise of MLS. Which will bring a great opportunity for 20/20 cricket to shine.

Don't bet on any of this. Success for Twenty20 in USA would be independent of anything to do with MLS. But at the same time, betting on demise of MLS is too premature.

I don't think USACA has got any maturity of doing anything correct, or follow any of the moves MLS is taking, or anything else about progress of Twenty20 elsewhere in the world.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Don't bet on any of this. Success for Twenty20 in USA would be independent of anything to do with MLS. But at the same time, betting on demise of MLS is too premature.

I'm willing to bet on the demise of MLS. Beckham is an over-rated, washed-up, glitter boy, which many of us Americans have seen before getting huge contract deals and not doing jack on the field. Once the US soccer fans gets whiff of this, bye-bye MLS. I can see it two years from now, Beckham retired, walking off in the sunset with his millions, and the MLS stadiums collecting dust and spider webs. 20/20 will surpass soccer in the US.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

kudu;127809 said:
20/20 will surpass soccer in the US.

That's a hilarious prediction. I'm keeping it in my collectible posts collection. Let's get back to it on January 11, 2027 to find out whether cricket did better than soccer in USA.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

"Beckham is an over-rated, washed-up, glitter boy, which many of us Americans have seen before getting huge contract deals and not doing jack on the field."

Yeah, its the same old story of desparation with MLS.
Pele was waylaid, Adu was adud and Beckham'll be
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

kudu;127813 said:
No. Predicting that soccer will leave ice hockey in the dust is a hilarious prediction.

The signs of this happening are already there, my friend. Ignore them at your peril. USA Cricket is nowhere close to coming to the level of soccer or even Formula-1 in USA. That's why I personally find your prediction hilarious.

Of course, no offence intended in any of this, and hope none is taken. None of this is "personal" as Al Pacino would say in Godfather. It's all about business, and how the American sports customer base accepts these various things.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

Even if David Beckham is a disappointment in the MLS, I fail to see how they would lead to the MLS's demise.

Regardless of how popular it may be compared to other sports, there is no doubt that the NHL has declined quite a bit in recent years, even before the lock-out.
Re: Twenty/20 - its here to stay

"That's a hilarious prediction. I'm keeping it in my collectible posts collection. Let's get back to it on January 11, 2027 to find out whether cricket did better than soccer in USA."

Well, have to consider one thing. Soccer's been before
the American public for decades now. Been a couple
of pro leagues in this country, the World Cup, and some
[washed up] superstars. Americans are well versed in
the game and have seen it at its highest level. And still they
haven't accepted it. Now I ask you: if all these things
had be done for cricket (or would be) what would have been
the impact on the American public? What if a
pro 20/20 cricket league were run in the USA for a couple of years with
some big name stars? If all this were in place I'm pretty confident a lot more Americans would warm up to cricket
than they do soccer.