Eastern Cricket Association 2010/11 (part 2)

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Ashburton Willows have signed Heath Streak to play in their LOC 1 side for 2011/2012. Are they for real? Rumour has it that a few of the blokes who run the club are self made millionares and have injected tens of thousands to get Streak and two other former Zimbabwe international's for the upcoming season. Having won Dunstan and LOC1 last year, they are going to be near impossible to beat this year. :eek:

Long time reader, first time poster.

Heath Streak is obese, geriatric, and playing on Synthetic. All making him completely irrelevant to the real competition.
Long time reader, first time poster.

Heath Streak is obese, geriatric, and playing on Synthetic. All making him completely irrelevant to the real competition.

Really? Even still, he will take 80 wickets in LOC1 and probably kill a few blokes in the process. I reckon there might be a few opposition each week who chicken out and don't put the hand up to play. Personally, I don't blame them. How is he playing LOC1 and not Dunstan!!?
Really? Even still, he will take 80 wickets in LOC1 and probably kill a few blokes in the process. I reckon there might be a few opposition each week who chicken out and don't put the hand up to play. Personally, I don't blame them. How is he playing LOC1 and not Dunstan!!?

From Ashy's website:

"Streak said age and injury would prevent him from playing 80 over cricket, however liked the idea of a couple of games of LOC cricket while in Australia."

Non factor.
Really? Even still, he will take 80 wickets in LOC1 and probably kill a few blokes in the process. I reckon there might be a few opposition each week who chicken out and don't put the hand up to play. Personally, I don't blame them. How is he playing LOC1 and not Dunstan!!?
I can't get exited with Streak playing synthetic, it's Stonehouse all over again and no one really gives a shit.
Long time reader, first time poster.

Heath Streak is obese, geriatric, and playing on Synthetic. All making him completely irrelevant to the real competition.
I wonder if you would have the guts to say that to his face? The guy has played test cricket. What have you ever done? He probably is insignificant to Dunstan shield but why lay into him. Pretty easy to sling mud from afar mate. Achieving something is a lot harder. I bet if you meet him you will fawn all over him. I guess small insignificant men like you use these forums to spray vitriol anonymously. I would prefer they be used in a positive manner.
I am amazed by the negativity from the likes of Schlong and Jonty above. I play for a rival club, and I would be gobbsmacked to play against Streak (while quietly filthying my pants at the same time). Tall poppy syndrome alive and well...

This also from the Ashburton website:

"As part of a well orchestrated plan devised by Willow powerbrokers, Heath will jet-in in Round 3 and play enough games to qualify for finals in the LOC. He will return home to tend to commitments mid-season before returning in late January in the lead up to the finals. All up, we could expect Streak to play in the order of 10-12 weeks of cricket for the Blue and Green.

In what would be a “HUGE” boost to the Club, it is also possible that Streak will be joined by two other former Zim teammates. Further details will be announced in the lead-up to the season.

Not surprisingly, the ECA has reportedly received an avalanche of requests from competing clubs who are keen to play the Willows in round 1 or 2! "

Wonder who the two others could be??? Murray Goodwin, Neil Johnson?????? This would be an amazing coup. Apparently there are strong links at Ashburton and Saf/Zim. One of thier former 1's Captains is a Saffer. Had a big year in A grade a few years ago.
Why do we shoot down the big name? I'd love to play against Streak, and maybe have a beer with him after the game. It's absolutely awesome that they want to come and play in our pokey little comp, and some of you peanuts give it the "woe is me" shit - pathetic. Embrace playing against better players - it will improve everyone's game. I hope the whole bloody Zimbabwe side show out for Ashy this season.
Ashburton Willows have signed Heath Streak to play in their LOC 1 side for 2011/2012. Are they for real? Rumour has it that a few of the blokes who run the club are self made millionares and have injected tens of thousands to get Streak and two other former Zimbabwe international's for the upcoming season. Having won Dunstan and LOC1 last year, they are going to be near impossible to beat this year. :eek:
High Pants, Paintball - well said.

Spoke to a bloke from Ashy at the footy last night. He hadn't heard about Murray Goodwin or Neil Johnson. He seemed to think the other two were Andy Blignaut and Mark Vermuelen. Along with Streak, they are some pretty handy "in's".

High Pants, Paintball - well said.

Spoke to a bloke from Ashy at the footy last night. He hadn't heard about Murray Goodwin or Neil Johnson. He seemed to think the other two were Andy Blignaut and Mark Vermuelen. Along with Streak, they are some pretty handy "in's".

They are out to complete their Level 3 coaching...
I'm not being negative about Streak playing in the LOC competition, I just don't care. The proof of the pudding is in the eating so if a crowd 5 deep is ringing the ground I'll get exited but if there's half a dozen people at his games then that will prove my point.
I think everyone would be interested in seeing how he goes, as long as he plays. If he plays against kids and players that aren't very strong, he could be very destructive. I think it's great he's putting his hand up to play in such a meagre competition.
I think everyone would be interested in seeing how he goes, as long as he plays. If he plays against kids and players that aren't very strong, he could be very destructive. I think it's great he's putting his hand up to play in such a meagre competition.
LOC1 was won by Glen Iris last year with Stafford, Chaffey and Kellaway, could be interesting game to watch
Personally I'm excited that Streak would play in our comp. I am a young Ashy player and look forward to learning from someone with such experience.
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