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Re: mmvca

A.Hussey;232517 said:
ive never questioned deano's character. his cricket is built on character but that is only cause he has no ability:)
you no i love u deano, am already teary thinging about the sat arvo sessions Im goin to miss this year[/QUOTE

I am going to be sick,if you two dont stop this verbal lovemaking.

Good blokes,but it is obvious why you couldn't make my number one stable listening to the babble coming from you guys !!!!!

Re: mmvca

My Captain said:
RooBoy I can tell you that there is no big salary cap at St Andrews. In the bylaws of the comp it say's somewhere that you can only pay 1 coach or player. So with Lumpy as treasure I can tell you that is what happens. All the star players that you talk about play at our club because they want to. Just ask the players that have held talks with our club over the off season and have been told that we only pay one player. It is funny to see on this site that they have now left their clubs and have gone to other clubs. I will not mention their names. So if anybody is paying players I think it must be them. And I know for a fact that other clubs have been paying players for years, and also some clubs have been paying players to turn up to training. And I can tell you St Andrews only pay 1 person.

Why would you even lower yourself to respond to that,it started last year and will continue next year and onwards.

I thrive on this crap and if anyone believes,half the stuff on here, they are as silly as me.

I know where i want to be and to have to answer or respond is laughable.

If you want to fall into the F.O.S do at your own peril.

Re: mmvca

Deano;232476 said:
This might sound a bit rich coming from a player at a club that "apparently" pays heaps, but what sort of cash would they demand to play in a matting comp???

My thinking is that it would have to be significant to change clubs (leave their mates) but i find it hard to believe that these clubs have that money to spend on players.

Maybe players who had a falling out with their clubs will leave, but for the sake of 50-100 bucks or whatever it is just seems weird.

I am not having a go at either of them, they can do what they like, but just for curiositys sake i would love to know an amount.

Cricket at our level is purely social, we are no better than that, and paying players to switch teams is not what these comps should be about.

I know i am not a respected mmvca figure, and i am not taking the moral high ground, it just seems very confusing.

Would love to get some feedback on this.

FOS, no wonder you drive such a fancy car.

p.s. i know i will cop plak for this post, but rest assured it will be my only informative post for the year

Have another new car Jimmy.

Pre-season trading has been real good to me this year.

$30.00 wicket,$1.00 per run easy to get if your chasing money and can play.

I have been too busy with the new Gold Coast franchise to concentate on local matters,but i am back and have the pencil sharpened for what,i know will be another fulfilling year.

Re: mmvca

RooBoy;234944 said:
yeah you guys have been good on field. good committee, captain etc PLUS not to mention a healthy salary cap to fit in all those star players!!!!

It is sounding real obvious some of you boys need the F.O.S to manage your affairs and then you would stop whingeing about salary caps etc

Remember it's not the dog in the fight, it's the fight in the dog !!!!!!!

Very philisophical there F.O.S.
Re: mmvca

Jesus christ, you dont muck around Fos, Anyway buddy hows my contract going we close to re sighning and will the figures impress me.:D
Re: mmvca

My Captain said:
RooBoy I can tell you that there is no big salary cap at St Andrews. In the bylaws of the comp it say's somewhere that you can only pay 1 coach or player. So with Lumpy as treasure I can tell you that is what happens. All the star players that you talk about play at our club because they want to. Just ask the players that have held talks with our club over the off season and have been told that we only pay one player. It is funny to see on this site that they have now left their clubs and have gone to other clubs. I will not mention their names. So if anybody is paying players I think it must be them. And I know for a fact that other clubs have been paying players for years, and also some clubs have been paying players to turn up to training. And I can tell you St Andrews only pay 1 person.

Why would you even lower yourself to respond to that,it started last year and will continue next year and onwards.

I thrive on this crap and if anyone believes,half the stuff on here, they are as silly as me.

I know where i want to be and to have to answer or respond is laughable.

If you want to fall into the F.O.S do at your own peril.

Re: mmvca

bomber27;235582 said:
Heard on the grapevine F.O.S. that you guys made a bit of play on one of our players, who's now moved on to the NWCA.
We did speak to some players in the off season but there was no one from your club bomber, who are you refferring to?

Interesting the stories that float around, not saying that anyone tells them just that they are interesting and quite often no where near the truth.
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;235571 said:
Why would you even lower yourself to respond to that,it started last year and will continue next year and onwards.

I thrive on this crap and if anyone believes,half the stuff on here, they are as silly as me.

I know where i want to be and to have to answer or respond is laughable.

If you want to fall into the F.O.S do at your own peril.

Welcome back F.O.S
Re: mmvca

Jesus christ, you dont muck around Fos, Anyway buddy hows my contract going we close to re sighning and will the figures impress me.:D
Re: mmvca

Can't bowl can't bat;235196 said:
Totally agree, if your going to drop 10+ catches you don't deserve to win it.

it wasnt the drop catches that was the issue. i saw a few rippers that almost won st.mary's the game and the flag! batting and fielding wont be and issue at St. Mary's this year I CAN Guarantee That! i thought St. Mary's last year had 3 of the best fielders in the comp and it wasn't them dropping them on the big stage! i think it was the pressure on the blokes from both sides on the GF day. But u have to stand up under pressure if u cant then u will loose the game. St. Mary's learnt alot that day! And it was a positive experience to learn how far we could go! hopefully we can go one step further this year! Go the Mary's.
Re: mmvca

bomber27;235582 said:
Heard on the grapevine F.O.S. that you guys made a bit of play on one of our players, who's now moved on to the NWCA.
We did speak to some players in the off season but there was no one from your club bomber, who are you refferring to?

Interesting the stories that float around, not saying that anyone tells them just that they are interesting and quite often no where near the truth.
Re: mmvca

bomber27;235582 said:
Heard on the grapevine F.O.S. that you guys made a bit of play on one of our players, who's now moved on to the NWCA.

Bomber, would that be Pitts you are referring to, that has gone to NWCA?
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;235571 said:
Why would you even lower yourself to respond to that,it started last year and will continue next year and onwards.

I thrive on this crap and if anyone believes,half the stuff on here, they are as silly as me.

I know where i want to be and to have to answer or respond is laughable.

If you want to fall into the F.O.S do at your own peril.

Welcome back F.O.S
Re: mmvca

wats ur tips for this year old school? forget about the trading its all rubbish noone is a ricky ponting or darren harris they can all knick a good delivery! st. andrews have some solid players but it is their heart and confidence that win them games. they do wat they have too, to win games its their business! looking forward to a ripper season to give them a run for their money again to stop them gettin their 3rd in a row thats wat all the teams should be focussing on not how they get them. go the mary's we were just one wicket from victory thats all that stopped us! its our turn this year!
Re: mmvca

Can't bowl can't bat;235196 said:
Totally agree, if your going to drop 10+ catches you don't deserve to win it.

it wasnt the drop catches that was the issue. i saw a few rippers that almost won st.mary's the game and the flag! batting and fielding wont be and issue at St. Mary's this year I CAN Guarantee That! i thought St. Mary's last year had 3 of the best fielders in the comp and it wasn't them dropping them on the big stage! i think it was the pressure on the blokes from both sides on the GF day. But u have to stand up under pressure if u cant then u will loose the game. St. Mary's learnt alot that day! And it was a positive experience to learn how far we could go! hopefully we can go one step further this year! Go the Mary's.
Re: mmvca

bcricket;235679 said:
wats ur tips for this year old school? forget about the trading its all rubbish noone is a ricky ponting or darren harris they can all knick a good delivery! st. andrews have some solid players but it is their heart and confidence that win them games. they do wat they have too, to win games its their business! looking forward to a ripper season to give them a run for their money again to stop them gettin their 3rd in a row thats wat all the teams should be focussing on not how they get them. go the mary's we were just one wicket from victory thats all that stopped us! its our turn this year!

Love your passion young fella(everyone is young to me) and i am sure you will motivated after last years good effort.

But,that's history and all teams are starting on a level playing field with no wins and a new season beginning.

Just remember,be gracious in defeat and more gracious when you win !!!!!
Re: mmvca

bomber27;235582 said:
Heard on the grapevine F.O.S. that you guys made a bit of play on one of our players, who's now moved on to the NWCA.

Bomber, would that be Pitts you are referring to, that has gone to NWCA?
Re: mmvca

bcricket;235679 said:
wats ur tips for this year old school? forget about the trading its all rubbish noone is a ricky ponting or darren harris they can all knick a good delivery! st. andrews have some solid players but it is their heart and confidence that win them games. they do wat they have too, to win games its their business! looking forward to a ripper season to give them a run for their money again to stop them gettin their 3rd in a row thats wat all the teams should be focussing on not how they get them. go the mary's we were just one wicket from victory thats all that stopped us! its our turn this year!

What do St.Mary's need to win the flag, Batsman,bowlers or keeper? or will it be a 3pete?
Re: mmvca

wats ur tips for this year old school? forget about the trading its all rubbish noone is a ricky ponting or darren harris they can all knick a good delivery! st. andrews have some solid players but it is their heart and confidence that win them games. they do wat they have too, to win games its their business! looking forward to a ripper season to give them a run for their money again to stop them gettin their 3rd in a row thats wat all the teams should be focussing on not how they get them. go the mary's we were just one wicket from victory thats all that stopped us! its our turn this year!
Re: mmvca

bcricket;235679 said:
wats ur tips for this year old school? forget about the trading its all rubbish noone is a ricky ponting or darren harris they can all knick a good delivery! st. andrews have some solid players but it is their heart and confidence that win them games. they do wat they have too, to win games its their business! looking forward to a ripper season to give them a run for their money again to stop them gettin their 3rd in a row thats wat all the teams should be focussing on not how they get them. go the mary's we were just one wicket from victory thats all that stopped us! its our turn this year!
bcricket, It will be a close season, sorry to say I don't think St.Mary's will make the top 4 this year. Merlo could be the surprise this year, young side, lost some close games last year.
My tips for this year -
Flag - Socials
MVP - Warren Andrews / Chris Johnston - Tie
Re: mmvca

bcricket;235679 said:
wats ur tips for this year old school? forget about the trading its all rubbish noone is a ricky ponting or darren harris they can all knick a good delivery! st. andrews have some solid players but it is their heart and confidence that win them games. they do wat they have too, to win games its their business! looking forward to a ripper season to give them a run for their money again to stop them gettin their 3rd in a row thats wat all the teams should be focussing on not how they get them. go the mary's we were just one wicket from victory thats all that stopped us! its our turn this year!

Love your passion young fella(everyone is young to me) and i am sure you will motivated after last years good effort.

But,that's history and all teams are starting on a level playing field with no wins and a new season beginning.

Just remember,be gracious in defeat and more gracious when you win !!!!!
Re: mmvca

bcricket;235679 said:
wats ur tips for this year old school? forget about the trading its all rubbish noone is a ricky ponting or darren harris they can all knick a good delivery! st. andrews have some solid players but it is their heart and confidence that win them games. they do wat they have too, to win games its their business! looking forward to a ripper season to give them a run for their money again to stop them gettin their 3rd in a row thats wat all the teams should be focussing on not how they get them. go the mary's we were just one wicket from victory thats all that stopped us! its our turn this year!

What do St.Mary's need to win the flag, Batsman,bowlers or keeper? or will it be a 3pete?
Re: mmvca

Old School;235714 said:
bcricket, It will be a close season, sorry to say I don't think St.Mary's will make the top 4 this year. Merlo could be the surprise this year, young side, lost some close games last year.
My tips for this year -
Flag - Socials
MVP - Warren Andrews / Chris Johnston - Tie

You'll say anything to get a game won't ya old school. Ya too old mate, give it up. Come and play with the old blokes.
Re: mmvca

bcricket;235679 said:
wats ur tips for this year old school? forget about the trading its all rubbish noone is a ricky ponting or darren harris they can all knick a good delivery! st. andrews have some solid players but it is their heart and confidence that win them games. they do wat they have too, to win games its their business! looking forward to a ripper season to give them a run for their money again to stop them gettin their 3rd in a row thats wat all the teams should be focussing on not how they get them. go the mary's we were just one wicket from victory thats all that stopped us! its our turn this year!
bcricket, It will be a close season, sorry to say I don't think St.Mary's will make the top 4 this year. Merlo could be the surprise this year, young side, lost some close games last year.
My tips for this year -
Flag - Socials
MVP - Warren Andrews / Chris Johnston - Tie
Re: mmvca

bcricket;235679 said:
wats ur tips for this year old school? forget about the trading its all rubbish noone is a ricky ponting or darren harris they can all knick a good delivery! st. andrews have some solid players but it is their heart and confidence that win them games. they do wat they have too, to win games its their business! looking forward to a ripper season to give them a run for their money again to stop them gettin their 3rd in a row thats wat all the teams should be focussing on not how they get them. go the mary's we were just one wicket from victory thats all that stopped us! its our turn this year!
I hope all teams focus on us, then they will lose to the other sides, and the juggernaut that is St andrews will keep rolling on to another step in completeing the HAT TRICK.
Re: mmvca

Old School;235714 said:
bcricket, It will be a close season, sorry to say I don't think St.Mary's will make the top 4 this year. Merlo could be the surprise this year, young side, lost some close games last year.
My tips for this year -
Flag - Socials
MVP - Warren Andrews / Chris Johnston - Tie

You'll say anything to get a game won't ya old school. Ya too old mate, give it up. Come and play with the old blokes.
Re: mmvca

bcricket;235679 said:
wats ur tips for this year old school? forget about the trading its all rubbish noone is a ricky ponting or darren harris they can all knick a good delivery! st. andrews have some solid players but it is their heart and confidence that win them games. they do wat they have too, to win games its their business! looking forward to a ripper season to give them a run for their money again to stop them gettin their 3rd in a row thats wat all the teams should be focussing on not how they get them. go the mary's we were just one wicket from victory thats all that stopped us! its our turn this year!
I hope all teams focus on us, then they will lose to the other sides, and the juggernaut that is St andrews will keep rolling on to another step in completeing the HAT TRICK.
Re: mmvca

Old School;235750 said:
Pittsy & Fitzy both are on the same dollars - I have heard $50 a wicket plus a sign on fee $250 now and $250 at Christmas.

bit over market price for these guys!! obviously some of the north west clubs have money to spend
Re: mmvca

RooBoy;235887 said:
bit over market price for these guys!! obviously some of the north west clubs have money to spend


When you work it all out,if you have a real good year and take 30 wickets,you will get $2,000.

Is that really worth not playing with your mates and enjoying their company,week in week out ?????????

Couple of days in the Spring carnival and that would be gone.

Everyone to their own and St Andrews will only grow stonger and stronger !!!

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