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Re: mmvca

LOLOL. Thinking the same thing. You'd think if you were to leave a turf club to play on mats that it would be more then 2k? Each to there own I guess

RooBoy;235887 said:
bit over market price for these guys!! obviously some of the north west clubs have money to spend
Re: mmvca

Old School;235750 said:
Pittsy & Fitzy both are on the same dollars - I have heard $50 a wicket plus a sign on fee $250 now and $250 at Christmas.

bit over market price for these guys!! obviously some of the north west clubs have money to spend
Re: mmvca

Fresh_Prince;235906 said:
LOLOL. Thinking the same thing. You'd think if you were to leave a turf club to play on mats that it would be more then 2k? Each to there own I guess

well good luck to them and i hope they prove themselves!!
Re: mmvca

RooBoy;235887 said:
bit over market price for these guys!! obviously some of the north west clubs have money to spend


When you work it all out,if you have a real good year and take 30 wickets,you will get $2,000.

Is that really worth not playing with your mates and enjoying their company,week in week out ?????????

Couple of days in the Spring carnival and that would be gone.

Everyone to their own and St Andrews will only grow stonger and stronger !!!

Re: mmvca

F.O.S;235904 said:

When you work it all out,if you have a real good year and take 30 wickets,you will get $2,000.

Is that really worth not playing with your mates and enjoying their company,week in week out ?????????

Couple of days in the Spring carnival and that would be gone.

Everyone to their own and St Andrews will only grow stonger and stronger !!!


Totally agree FOS. Doesn't seem worth 6 Months work does it.
Re: mmvca

LOLOL. Thinking the same thing. You'd think if you were to leave a turf club to play on mats that it would be more then 2k? Each to there own I guess

RooBoy;235887 said:
bit over market price for these guys!! obviously some of the north west clubs have money to spend
Re: mmvca

Old School;235748 said:
Captain of the 2's my boy, are you looking for a game?

Of course you are, until you get the tap on the shoulder in the middle of the night from the Captain.....Come on mate, you know he wants you!!!!!
Re: mmvca

Fresh_Prince;235906 said:
LOLOL. Thinking the same thing. You'd think if you were to leave a turf club to play on mats that it would be more then 2k? Each to there own I guess

well good luck to them and i hope they prove themselves!!
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;235904 said:

When you work it all out,if you have a real good year and take 30 wickets,you will get $2,000.

Is that really worth not playing with your mates and enjoying their company,week in week out ?????????

Couple of days in the Spring carnival and that would be gone.

Everyone to their own and St Andrews will only grow stonger and stronger !!!


Totally agree FOS. Doesn't seem worth 6 Months work does it.
Re: mmvca

Old School;235921 said:
Hirdy you didn't answer my question,


Oh ok. I remember now.

I don't think it's matters that your gay mate, your still a decent bloke so no one should be teasing you about it. Like the fact that cricket balls arn't the only balls you like to play with!!!!

That shouldn't be a problem for you or your team mates!!!!
Re: mmvca

Old School;235748 said:
Captain of the 2's my boy, are you looking for a game?

Of course you are, until you get the tap on the shoulder in the middle of the night from the Captain.....Come on mate, you know he wants you!!!!!
Re: mmvca

I couldnt care less about who is playing for whoever and why.

When it comes to a Saturday, I see everyone the same way. Fodder for my blade.

Bring it on. :)
Re: mmvca

Hirdy05_;235923 said:

Oh ok. I remember now.

I don't think it's matters that your gay mate, your still a decent bloke so no one should be teasing you about it. Like the fact that cricket balls arn't the only balls you like to play with!!!!

That shouldn't be a problem for you or your team mates!!!!
You are a clown!!!!!!!
I have only slept with you, you promise you would not tell.
Re: mmvca

Old School;235921 said:
Hirdy you didn't answer my question,


Oh ok. I remember now.

I don't think it's matters that your gay mate, your still a decent bloke so no one should be teasing you about it. Like the fact that cricket balls arn't the only balls you like to play with!!!!

That shouldn't be a problem for you or your team mates!!!!
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;235904 said:

When you work it all out,if you have a real good year and take 30 wickets,you will get $2,000.

Is that really worth not playing with your mates and enjoying their company,week in week out ?????????

Couple of days in the Spring carnival and that would be gone.

Everyone to their own and St Andrews will only grow stonger and stronger !!!


Great point FOS.

Their batting would need to be good to give them an opportunity to take that number of wickets.

If they bat first and get rolled for 100 or so the "big bucks" will be harder to get.

If the figures quoted are true then you would have thought they are changing clubs not only for the money.

Maybe the NWCA is a better comp for you to progress from and move higher through subbies and such

Good luck to them, at least Pitts wont be trying to knock my head off this year.
Re: mmvca

I couldnt care less about who is playing for whoever and why.

When it comes to a Saturday, I see everyone the same way. Fodder for my blade.

Bring it on. :)
Re: mmvca

Old School;235714 said:
bcricket, It will be a close season, sorry to say I don't think St.Mary's will make the top 4 this year. Merlo could be the surprise this year, young side, lost some close games last year.
My tips for this year -
Flag - Socials
MVP - Warren Andrews / Chris Johnston - Tie
is that for firsts and seconds
Re: mmvca

Hirdy05_;235923 said:

Oh ok. I remember now.

I don't think it's matters that your gay mate, your still a decent bloke so no one should be teasing you about it. Like the fact that cricket balls arn't the only balls you like to play with!!!!

That shouldn't be a problem for you or your team mates!!!!
You are a clown!!!!!!!
I have only slept with you, you promise you would not tell.
Re: mmvca

Deano;235983 said:
Great point FOS.

Their batting would need to be good to give them an opportunity to take that number of wickets.

If they bat first and get rolled for 100 or so the "big bucks" will be harder to get.

If the figures quoted are true then you would have thought they are changing clubs not only for the money.

Maybe the NWCA is a better comp for you to progress from and move higher through subbies and such

Good luck to them, at least Pitts wont be trying to knock my head off this year.

So now Gladdy have two of them what are these playes like...

I dont think runs will be an issue they have a very stong batting line up with arguably the 2 preimer bats in the comp in Markham and Shephard
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;235904 said:

When you work it all out,if you have a real good year and take 30 wickets,you will get $2,000.

Is that really worth not playing with your mates and enjoying their company,week in week out ?????????

Couple of days in the Spring carnival and that would be gone.

Everyone to their own and St Andrews will only grow stonger and stronger !!!


Great point FOS.

Their batting would need to be good to give them an opportunity to take that number of wickets.

If they bat first and get rolled for 100 or so the "big bucks" will be harder to get.

If the figures quoted are true then you would have thought they are changing clubs not only for the money.

Maybe the NWCA is a better comp for you to progress from and move higher through subbies and such

Good luck to them, at least Pitts wont be trying to knock my head off this year.
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;235682 said:
Love your passion young fella(everyone is young to me) and i am sure you will motivated after last years good effort.

But,that's history and all teams are starting on a level playing field with no wins and a new season beginning.

Just remember,be gracious in defeat and more gracious when you win !!!!!

FOS its that passion that wins us games!
its always good start of from scratch and a level playin field but that will sort its self out very early!
st. mary's were gracious in defeat and earnt our respect, there were a few verbal comments from the boundary in the last few minutes of play that werent very gracious and it was from the side that eventually won the game! i personally didnt see that to be gracious in success at all!
maybe it was just st.andrews feeling a bit threatened by a spirited side?
FOS its easy to be the front runners but when u came close to goin down even u changed ur tune!
confidence is the key to success and even u lost that wen ur man smoke got caught out by a ripper!
success is short lived, but revenge lasts alot longer.
Re: mmvca

Old School;235714 said:
bcricket, It will be a close season, sorry to say I don't think St.Mary's will make the top 4 this year. Merlo could be the surprise this year, young side, lost some close games last year.
My tips for this year -
Flag - Socials
MVP - Warren Andrews / Chris Johnston - Tie
is that for firsts and seconds
Re: mmvca

batdocter;235687 said:
What do St.Mary's need to win the flag, Batsman,bowlers or keeper? or will it be a 3pete?

the mary's have plentyyyy of batsmen and a couple of keepers we just need probably one more bowler for late in the day have opening and middle overs covered! fielding is covered as well. @|
Re: mmvca

Deano;235983 said:
Great point FOS.

Their batting would need to be good to give them an opportunity to take that number of wickets.

If they bat first and get rolled for 100 or so the "big bucks" will be harder to get.

If the figures quoted are true then you would have thought they are changing clubs not only for the money.

Maybe the NWCA is a better comp for you to progress from and move higher through subbies and such

Good luck to them, at least Pitts wont be trying to knock my head off this year.

So now Gladdy have two of them what are these playes like...

I dont think runs will be an issue they have a very stong batting line up with arguably the 2 preimer bats in the comp in Markham and Shephard
Re: mmvca

Old School;235714 said:
bcricket, It will be a close season, sorry to say I don't think St.Mary's will make the top 4 this year. Merlo could be the surprise this year, young side, lost some close games last year.
My tips for this year -
Flag - Socials
MVP - Warren Andrews / Chris Johnston - Tie

i dont think it will be a close season. No St. Mary's in ur top 4 :eek: u must have missed last years grand final. merlo yeah not bad call. @|
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;235682 said:
Love your passion young fella(everyone is young to me) and i am sure you will motivated after last years good effort.

But,that's history and all teams are starting on a level playing field with no wins and a new season beginning.

Just remember,be gracious in defeat and more gracious when you win !!!!!

FOS its that passion that wins us games!
its always good start of from scratch and a level playin field but that will sort its self out very early!
st. mary's were gracious in defeat and earnt our respect, there were a few verbal comments from the boundary in the last few minutes of play that werent very gracious and it was from the side that eventually won the game! i personally didnt see that to be gracious in success at all!
maybe it was just st.andrews feeling a bit threatened by a spirited side?
FOS its easy to be the front runners but when u came close to goin down even u changed ur tune!
confidence is the key to success and even u lost that wen ur man smoke got caught out by a ripper!
success is short lived, but revenge lasts alot longer.
Re: mmvca

batdocter;235687 said:
What do St.Mary's need to win the flag, Batsman,bowlers or keeper? or will it be a 3pete?

the mary's have plentyyyy of batsmen and a couple of keepers we just need probably one more bowler for late in the day have opening and middle overs covered! fielding is covered as well. @|
Re: mmvca

bcricket;236317 said:
FOS its that passion that wins us games!
its always good start of from scratch and a level playin field but that will sort its self out very early!
st. mary's were gracious in defeat and earnt our respect, there were a few verbal comments from the boundary in the last few minutes of play that werent very gracious and it was from the side that eventually won the game! i personally didnt see that to be gracious in success at all!
maybe it was just st.andrews feeling a bit threatened by a spirited side?
FOS its easy to be the front runners but when u came close to goin down even u changed ur tune!
confidence is the key to success and even u lost that wen ur man smoke got caught out by a ripper!
success is short lived, but revenge lasts alot longer.

That is utter bullshit............

St Marys played great and tensions were high in the match but not one "player" said a word at all deragotory on that final day.

Until they crossed for that last run people the players had their heads in hands praying so that comment is way off

The final was heated but ultimately i can say that our players conducted themselves well on the last day. No finger pointing, or rubbing it in or anything like that.

No one said a word to St Marys players expect "bad luck, well played" on the final day and if you are one of the players involved then you may have very selective hearing.

Also FOS was a support all year and to expect an aged gentlemen to be up for 4 days when he was probably nearing cardiac arrest on the last day is laughable.

Most of the saint andrews players are mates with some of the Marys crew so woulod love to know what happened that on that final day that was so bad.

I suppose everyone hates the winners, so i am sure we wont lose any sleep ovet it but gee, i would have thought you woulkd get your facts right and not use say an isolated incident in a game to categorsie the whole game.

p.s sorry for the essay but have a lot of spare time at my desk at work.
Re: mmvca

Old School;235714 said:
bcricket, It will be a close season, sorry to say I don't think St.Mary's will make the top 4 this year. Merlo could be the surprise this year, young side, lost some close games last year.
My tips for this year -
Flag - Socials
MVP - Warren Andrews / Chris Johnston - Tie

i dont think it will be a close season. No St. Mary's in ur top 4 :eek: u must have missed last years grand final. merlo yeah not bad call. @|
Re: mmvca

Wiseman;236282 said:
So now Gladdy have two of them what are these playes like...

I dont think runs will be an issue they have a very stong batting line up with arguably the 2 preimer bats in the comp in Markham and Shephard

Both Pittsy and Fitzy have been opening bowlers in A Turf for their respective clubs. Not sure how Gladdy Park are for bowlers but I reckon these two would be expecting to get the new ball.
Should be interesting times ahead if they don't get it and also how the current Gladdy bowlers react.
Re: mmvca

bomber27;236336 said:
Both Pittsy and Fitzy have been opening bowlers in A Turf for their respective clubs. Not sure how Gladdy Park are for bowlers but I reckon these two would be expecting to get the new ball.
Should be interesting times ahead if they don't get it and also how the current Gladdy bowlers react.

at the end of the day who cares!!!!

lets get back to MMVCA cricket and whats happening in our comp!

bring on round 1.

Hey Bomber is the fixture out yet??
Re: mmvca

bcricket;236317 said:
FOS its that passion that wins us games!
its always good start of from scratch and a level playin field but that will sort its self out very early!
st. mary's were gracious in defeat and earnt our respect, there were a few verbal comments from the boundary in the last few minutes of play that werent very gracious and it was from the side that eventually won the game! i personally didnt see that to be gracious in success at all!
maybe it was just st.andrews feeling a bit threatened by a spirited side?
FOS its easy to be the front runners but when u came close to goin down even u changed ur tune!
confidence is the key to success and even u lost that wen ur man smoke got caught out by a ripper!
success is short lived, but revenge lasts alot longer.

That is utter bullshit............

St Marys played great and tensions were high in the match but not one "player" said a word at all deragotory on that final day.

Until they crossed for that last run people the players had their heads in hands praying so that comment is way off

The final was heated but ultimately i can say that our players conducted themselves well on the last day. No finger pointing, or rubbing it in or anything like that.

No one said a word to St Marys players expect "bad luck, well played" on the final day and if you are one of the players involved then you may have very selective hearing.

Also FOS was a support all year and to expect an aged gentlemen to be up for 4 days when he was probably nearing cardiac arrest on the last day is laughable.

Most of the saint andrews players are mates with some of the Marys crew so woulod love to know what happened that on that final day that was so bad.

I suppose everyone hates the winners, so i am sure we wont lose any sleep ovet it but gee, i would have thought you woulkd get your facts right and not use say an isolated incident in a game to categorsie the whole game.

p.s sorry for the essay but have a lot of spare time at my desk at work.
Re: mmvca

Wiseman;236282 said:
So now Gladdy have two of them what are these playes like...

I dont think runs will be an issue they have a very stong batting line up with arguably the 2 preimer bats in the comp in Markham and Shephard

Both Pittsy and Fitzy have been opening bowlers in A Turf for their respective clubs. Not sure how Gladdy Park are for bowlers but I reckon these two would be expecting to get the new ball.
Should be interesting times ahead if they don't get it and also how the current Gladdy bowlers react.
Re: mmvca

bcricket;236317 said:
FOS its that passion that wins us games!
its always good start of from scratch and a level playin field but that will sort its self out very early!
st. mary's were gracious in defeat and earnt our respect, there were a few verbal comments from the boundary in the last few minutes of play that werent very gracious and it was from the side that eventually won the game! i personally didnt see that to be gracious in success at all!
maybe it was just st.andrews feeling a bit threatened by a spirited side?
FOS its easy to be the front runners but when u came close to goin down even u changed ur tune!
confidence is the key to success and even u lost that wen ur man smoke got caught out by a ripper!
success is short lived, but revenge lasts alot longer.

I have been involved in three winning premierships in the last three years and if that doesnt get you excited, nothing will !!!!!

I would have been the first to congradulate Harry,Darren,tuffers and the boys if it went the other way,but that life!!!!

Sad,that Harry didnt win one or two with his mates from Coburg,so it is important now that its not just talk and make it happen for him !!!!

Keep spruking yourselves up young fella,as the pressure is not on us,as we have been there done that and by all your comments,the rest of us may as well not turn up !!!!!!

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