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Re: mmvca

bomber27;236336 said:
Both Pittsy and Fitzy have been opening bowlers in A Turf for their respective clubs. Not sure how Gladdy Park are for bowlers but I reckon these two would be expecting to get the new ball.
Should be interesting times ahead if they don't get it and also how the current Gladdy bowlers react.

at the end of the day who cares!!!!

lets get back to MMVCA cricket and whats happening in our comp!

bring on round 1.

Hey Bomber is the fixture out yet??
Re: mmvca

Deano;236330 said:
That is utter bullshit............
St Marys played great and tensions were high in the match but not one "player" said a word at all deragotory on that final day.
Until they crossed for that last run people the players had their heads in hands praying so that comment is way off
The final was heated but ultimately i can say that our players conducted themselves well on the last day. No finger pointing, or rubbing it in or anything like that.
No one said a word to St Marys players expect "bad luck, well played" on the final day and if you are one of the players involved then you may have very selective hearing.
Also FOS was a support all year and to expect an aged gentlemen to be up for 4 days when he was probably nearing cardiac arrest on the last day is laughable.
Most of the saint andrews players are mates with some of the Marys crew so woulod love to know what happened that on that final day that was so bad.
I suppose everyone hates the winners, so i am sure we wont lose any sleep ovet it but gee, i would have thought you woulkd get your facts right and not use say an isolated incident in a game to categorsie the whole game.
p.s sorry for the essay but have a lot of spare time at my desk at work.

u didnt understand what i said DEANO.
many of the mary's boys are mates with ur blokes! that isnt the issue! wen the game was over st. andrews did only say 'bad luck well done' i wasnt referring to that deano! i mean wat can u say wen u have just beaten a mob in a grand final? it was the comments in the last hour of the game from the boundary! i didnt hear any of the comments from the players but from many members of your club watching on. im not goin to mention the comments on this st.andrews big cricket forum the people know who they are and wat they said. its in the past mate and no need to bring it up! things get said in the heat of the moment that u cant judge blokes on! st. marys got beaten by a better spirited side! sometimes spirit can lead u to make comments to put ur opposition off their game. noone hates the winners its wat all sides wish they could have had thats all mate, they dont hate winners they just aspire to be them deano! dont tell me i dont have my facts rite coz i do mate! u just misinterpreted wat i said!
im looking forward to hopefully another ripper battle this year thats all another chance to taste success.
p.s train hard u will need it! :D
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;236792 said:
I have been involved in three winning premierships in the last three years and if that doesnt get you excited, nothing will !!!!!

I would have been the first to congradulate Harry,Darren,tuffers and the boys if it went the other way,but that life!!!!

Sad,that Harry didnt win one or two with his mates from Coburg,so it is important now that its not just talk and make it happen for him !!!!

Keep spruking yourselves up young fella,as the pressure is not on us,as we have been there done that and by all your comments,the rest of us may as well not turn up !!!!!!


that would get me pretty excited as well dont get me wrong!
yeah u probably would have been one of the first to congratulate them!
Harry will get another chance, thats one of the reasons ive been training since the day (or after the post game celebrations incl. mad monday) we lost that grand final. we'll do our best to get him and the st. mary's club to another finals series.
u mite be an old fellar fos but i dont think ur stupid the pressure is always on the defending champions just ask the CATS!!!!
ul turn up in force fos dont give me that :)
y not have a bit of confidence? :cool: doesnt seem like anyone else wants to get on this forum and put them selves on the line to have a crack at st.andrews! someone has to atleast let u know that we r there! ;)
its all part of it FOS!
looking forward to another ripper battle! dont put any pressure on urselves u mite not live up to expectations! @|

Re: mmvca

bcricket;236317 said:
FOS its that passion that wins us games!
its always good start of from scratch and a level playin field but that will sort its self out very early!
st. mary's were gracious in defeat and earnt our respect, there were a few verbal comments from the boundary in the last few minutes of play that werent very gracious and it was from the side that eventually won the game! i personally didnt see that to be gracious in success at all!
maybe it was just st.andrews feeling a bit threatened by a spirited side?
FOS its easy to be the front runners but when u came close to goin down even u changed ur tune!
confidence is the key to success and even u lost that wen ur man smoke got caught out by a ripper!
success is short lived, but revenge lasts alot longer.

I have been involved in three winning premierships in the last three years and if that doesnt get you excited, nothing will !!!!!

I would have been the first to congradulate Harry,Darren,tuffers and the boys if it went the other way,but that life!!!!

Sad,that Harry didnt win one or two with his mates from Coburg,so it is important now that its not just talk and make it happen for him !!!!

Keep spruking yourselves up young fella,as the pressure is not on us,as we have been there done that and by all your comments,the rest of us may as well not turn up !!!!!!

Re: mmvca

I heard that the Opening bowler from East Coburg has signed up with Pacco?
McGrown I think is his name. Might be wrong.
Any truth in this?
Might even be old news.
Also heard that Kyle Adams will be playing at Sunshine Heights....
Re: mmvca

Deano;236330 said:
That is utter bullshit............
St Marys played great and tensions were high in the match but not one "player" said a word at all deragotory on that final day.
Until they crossed for that last run people the players had their heads in hands praying so that comment is way off
The final was heated but ultimately i can say that our players conducted themselves well on the last day. No finger pointing, or rubbing it in or anything like that.
No one said a word to St Marys players expect "bad luck, well played" on the final day and if you are one of the players involved then you may have very selective hearing.
Also FOS was a support all year and to expect an aged gentlemen to be up for 4 days when he was probably nearing cardiac arrest on the last day is laughable.
Most of the saint andrews players are mates with some of the Marys crew so woulod love to know what happened that on that final day that was so bad.
I suppose everyone hates the winners, so i am sure we wont lose any sleep ovet it but gee, i would have thought you woulkd get your facts right and not use say an isolated incident in a game to categorsie the whole game.
p.s sorry for the essay but have a lot of spare time at my desk at work.

u didnt understand what i said DEANO.
many of the mary's boys are mates with ur blokes! that isnt the issue! wen the game was over st. andrews did only say 'bad luck well done' i wasnt referring to that deano! i mean wat can u say wen u have just beaten a mob in a grand final? it was the comments in the last hour of the game from the boundary! i didnt hear any of the comments from the players but from many members of your club watching on. im not goin to mention the comments on this st.andrews big cricket forum the people know who they are and wat they said. its in the past mate and no need to bring it up! things get said in the heat of the moment that u cant judge blokes on! st. marys got beaten by a better spirited side! sometimes spirit can lead u to make comments to put ur opposition off their game. noone hates the winners its wat all sides wish they could have had thats all mate, they dont hate winners they just aspire to be them deano! dont tell me i dont have my facts rite coz i do mate! u just misinterpreted wat i said!
im looking forward to hopefully another ripper battle this year thats all another chance to taste success.
p.s train hard u will need it! :D
Re: mmvca

bcricket;236814 said:
that would get me pretty excited as well dont get me wrong!
yeah u probably would have been one of the first to congratulate them!
Harry will get another chance, thats one of the reasons ive been training since the day (or after the post game celebrations incl. mad monday) we lost that grand final. we'll do our best to get him and the st. mary's club to another finals series.
u mite be an old fellar fos but i dont think ur stupid the pressure is always on the defending champions just ask the CATS!!!!
ul turn up in force fos dont give me that :)
y not have a bit of confidence? :cool: doesnt seem like anyone else wants to get on this forum and put them selves on the line to have a crack at st.andrews! someone has to atleast let u know that we r there! ;)
its all part of it FOS!
looking forward to another ripper battle! dont put any pressure on urselves u mite not live up to expectations! @|


Luv your passion and not so much the old bloke,its only a number !!!
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;236792 said:
I have been involved in three winning premierships in the last three years and if that doesnt get you excited, nothing will !!!!!

I would have been the first to congradulate Harry,Darren,tuffers and the boys if it went the other way,but that life!!!!

Sad,that Harry didnt win one or two with his mates from Coburg,so it is important now that its not just talk and make it happen for him !!!!

Keep spruking yourselves up young fella,as the pressure is not on us,as we have been there done that and by all your comments,the rest of us may as well not turn up !!!!!!


that would get me pretty excited as well dont get me wrong!
yeah u probably would have been one of the first to congratulate them!
Harry will get another chance, thats one of the reasons ive been training since the day (or after the post game celebrations incl. mad monday) we lost that grand final. we'll do our best to get him and the st. mary's club to another finals series.
u mite be an old fellar fos but i dont think ur stupid the pressure is always on the defending champions just ask the CATS!!!!
ul turn up in force fos dont give me that :)
y not have a bit of confidence? :cool: doesnt seem like anyone else wants to get on this forum and put them selves on the line to have a crack at st.andrews! someone has to atleast let u know that we r there! ;)
its all part of it FOS!
looking forward to another ripper battle! dont put any pressure on urselves u mite not live up to expectations! @|

Re: mmvca

bcricket;236814 said:
that would get me pretty excited as well dont get me wrong!
yeah u probably would have been one of the first to congratulate them!
Harry will get another chance, thats one of the reasons ive been training since the day (or after the post game celebrations incl. mad monday) we lost that grand final. we'll do our best to get him and the st. mary's club to another finals series.
u mite be an old fellar fos but i dont think ur stupid the pressure is always on the defending champions just ask the CATS!!!!
ul turn up in force fos dont give me that :)
y not have a bit of confidence? :cool: doesnt seem like anyone else wants to get on this forum and put them selves on the line to have a crack at st.andrews! someone has to atleast let u know that we r there! ;)
its all part of it FOS!
looking forward to another ripper battle! dont put any pressure on urselves u mite not live up to expectations! @|


Is there something going on at St.Mary's that the rest of the comp don't no about?
I think the pressure is on you blokes!
Re: mmvca

I heard that the Opening bowler from East Coburg has signed up with Pacco?
McGrown I think is his name. Might be wrong.
Any truth in this?
Might even be old news.
Also heard that Kyle Adams will be playing at Sunshine Heights....
Re: mmvca

Sounds like there are only 2 teams in this comp. A 2 horse race for the flag already, what about the likes of St Francis (always there abouts), East Coburg (top 4 last year), Merlo, Glenroy (just missed finals last year), Socials (competitive early and fell away towards year end) & West Coburg (unlucky in the past) to name a few. Surely some of these teams could cause some trouble this year.

Anyone out there have any opinions on the clubs above?

Do you think any of them will be able to challenge St Andrews & St Marys this year for the premiership?
Re: mmvca

bcricket;236814 said:
that would get me pretty excited as well dont get me wrong!
yeah u probably would have been one of the first to congratulate them!
Harry will get another chance, thats one of the reasons ive been training since the day (or after the post game celebrations incl. mad monday) we lost that grand final. we'll do our best to get him and the st. mary's club to another finals series.
u mite be an old fellar fos but i dont think ur stupid the pressure is always on the defending champions just ask the CATS!!!!
ul turn up in force fos dont give me that :)
y not have a bit of confidence? :cool: doesnt seem like anyone else wants to get on this forum and put them selves on the line to have a crack at st.andrews! someone has to atleast let u know that we r there! ;)
its all part of it FOS!
looking forward to another ripper battle! dont put any pressure on urselves u mite not live up to expectations! @|


Luv your passion and not so much the old bloke,its only a number !!!
Re: mmvca

Fresh_Prince;236820 said:
I heard that the Opening bowler from East Coburg has signed up with Pacco?
McGrown I think is his name. Might be wrong.
Any truth in this?
Might even be old news.
Also heard that Kyle Adams will be playing at Sunshine Heights....

Both McGowans have gone to Pacco.

Also heard that Glenroy may have lost up to three of there young players from there 1st XI.
Re: mmvca

bcricket;236814 said:
that would get me pretty excited as well dont get me wrong!
yeah u probably would have been one of the first to congratulate them!
Harry will get another chance, thats one of the reasons ive been training since the day (or after the post game celebrations incl. mad monday) we lost that grand final. we'll do our best to get him and the st. mary's club to another finals series.
u mite be an old fellar fos but i dont think ur stupid the pressure is always on the defending champions just ask the CATS!!!!
ul turn up in force fos dont give me that :)
y not have a bit of confidence? :cool: doesnt seem like anyone else wants to get on this forum and put them selves on the line to have a crack at st.andrews! someone has to atleast let u know that we r there! ;)
its all part of it FOS!
looking forward to another ripper battle! dont put any pressure on urselves u mite not live up to expectations! @|


Is there something going on at St.Mary's that the rest of the comp don't no about?
I think the pressure is on you blokes!
Re: mmvca

Schnauzer;236826 said:
Sounds like there are only 2 teams in this comp. A 2 horse race for the flag already, what about the likes of St Francis (always there abouts), East Coburg (top 4 last year), Merlo, Glenroy (just missed finals last year), Socials (competitive early and fell away towards year end) & West Coburg (unlucky in the past) to name a few. Surely some of these teams could cause some trouble this year.

Anyone out there have any opinions on the clubs above?

Do you think any of them will be able to challenge St Andrews & St Marys this year for the premiership?

IMO there isn't a real big difference between all of the club except St Andrews, Everyone on there day can beat anyone. That is the beuti about the comp. A couple of players here and there and who knows it could be a completely different 4.
I'd say that St Andrews are the stand outs, because there average players are so much better then the other clubs average players. This is only imo.
Look at the better players in each side they can match it with st Marys / St Andrews side but the other 8-9 blokes can't and this is why they are a strong club and for the very reason is why they will be looking for 3 in a row.
St Andrew play the game hard and good on them.
I have been reading post about how there was banter from the sidelines??? I would be disappointed if the St Andrews supporters didn't have a go, after all it was a Grand final and you would do anything to support your club.
Lets hope that St Mary's don't forget about that day and I hope the 2 clubs build a strong Rivalry
Re: mmvca

Sounds like there are only 2 teams in this comp. A 2 horse race for the flag already, what about the likes of St Francis (always there abouts), East Coburg (top 4 last year), Merlo, Glenroy (just missed finals last year), Socials (competitive early and fell away towards year end) & West Coburg (unlucky in the past) to name a few. Surely some of these teams could cause some trouble this year.

Anyone out there have any opinions on the clubs above?

Do you think any of them will be able to challenge St Andrews & St Marys this year for the premiership?
Re: mmvca

bomber27;236827 said:
Both McGowans have gone to Pacco.

Also heard that Glenroy may have lost up to three of there young players from there 1st XI.

should be an interesting year Bomber. Allot of the clubs that finished in the bottom half have topped up and the upper half have lost players..
I think it will be much closer then people think...
Re: mmvca

Fresh_Prince;236820 said:
I heard that the Opening bowler from East Coburg has signed up with Pacco?
McGrown I think is his name. Might be wrong.
Any truth in this?
Might even be old news.
Also heard that Kyle Adams will be playing at Sunshine Heights....

Both McGowans have gone to Pacco.

Also heard that Glenroy may have lost up to three of there young players from there 1st XI.
Re: mmvca

Well, Well, Well,

Cricket season almost here and the chat is firing up again, let me say something that people are scared to say.

St.Andrews, St.Andrews, St. Andrews, They are the team to beat, Catch them if you can. Definately not scared to tell it how it is, Is there any team good enough to push them. My money is 3 in a row and if they can keep the group together and stop some of the players retiring at the end of the season, then i think they will go 4 in a row. Just try to top that.
Re: mmvca

Schnauzer;236826 said:
Sounds like there are only 2 teams in this comp. A 2 horse race for the flag already, what about the likes of St Francis (always there abouts), East Coburg (top 4 last year), Merlo, Glenroy (just missed finals last year), Socials (competitive early and fell away towards year end) & West Coburg (unlucky in the past) to name a few. Surely some of these teams could cause some trouble this year.

Anyone out there have any opinions on the clubs above?

Do you think any of them will be able to challenge St Andrews & St Marys this year for the premiership?

IMO there isn't a real big difference between all of the club except St Andrews, Everyone on there day can beat anyone. That is the beuti about the comp. A couple of players here and there and who knows it could be a completely different 4.
I'd say that St Andrews are the stand outs, because there average players are so much better then the other clubs average players. This is only imo.
Look at the better players in each side they can match it with st Marys / St Andrews side but the other 8-9 blokes can't and this is why they are a strong club and for the very reason is why they will be looking for 3 in a row.
St Andrew play the game hard and good on them.
I have been reading post about how there was banter from the sidelines??? I would be disappointed if the St Andrews supporters didn't have a go, after all it was a Grand final and you would do anything to support your club.
Lets hope that St Mary's don't forget about that day and I hope the 2 clubs build a strong Rivalry
Re: mmvca

You blokes from StAndrews dont mind talking yourself up do you?? get over yourself and at least wait to see what your up against! FAIR DINKUM THIS FORUM HAS BECOME THE STANDREWS ******** FEST!!
Re: mmvca

bomber27;236827 said:
Both McGowans have gone to Pacco.

Also heard that Glenroy may have lost up to three of there young players from there 1st XI.

should be an interesting year Bomber. Allot of the clubs that finished in the bottom half have topped up and the upper half have lost players..
I think it will be much closer then people think...
Re: mmvca

cdca;236876 said:
You blokes from StAndrews dont mind talking yourself up do you?? get over yourself and at least wait to see what your up against! FAIR DINKUM THIS FORUM HAS BECOME THE STANDREWS ******** FEST!!

Beautiful summation of the forum cdca. Clear, concise and correct. @|
Re: mmvca

Well, Well, Well,

Cricket season almost here and the chat is firing up again, let me say something that people are scared to say.

St.Andrews, St.Andrews, St. Andrews, They are the team to beat, Catch them if you can. Definately not scared to tell it how it is, Is there any team good enough to push them. My money is 3 in a row and if they can keep the group together and stop some of the players retiring at the end of the season, then i think they will go 4 in a row. Just try to top that.
Re: mmvca

batdocter;236822 said:
Is there something going on at St.Mary's that the rest of the comp don't no about?
I think the pressure is on you blokes!

u have to be joking u must be another st.andrews man!
pressure on us! doesnt bother me anyway i love and thrive on it thats wen i play my best cricket and are my most passionate so if u see it that way its a positive on my part. but ur wrong the pressure wont be on us bat doctor!

Re: mmvca

You blokes from StAndrews dont mind talking yourself up do you?? get over yourself and at least wait to see what your up against! FAIR DINKUM THIS FORUM HAS BECOME THE STANDREWS ******** FEST!!
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;236821 said:
Luv your passion and not so much the old bloke,its only a number !!!

not so much the old bloke? dont give me that fos if it was just a number u would be still on the pitch being a part of all this success mate! rather than just hecktoring from the side lines. :D

Re: mmvca

cdca;236876 said:
You blokes from StAndrews dont mind talking yourself up do you?? get over yourself and at least wait to see what your up against! FAIR DINKUM THIS FORUM HAS BECOME THE STANDREWS ******** FEST!!

Beautiful summation of the forum cdca. Clear, concise and correct. @|
Re: mmvca

bcricket;265631 said:
not so much the old bloke? dont give me that fos if it was just a number u would be still on the pitch being a part of all this success mate! rather than just hecktoring from the side lines. :D


Been there and done that !!!!!

You certainly have inspired me to even greater heights this coming season and be sure the water will be cold and the banter will be more than enough to keep you on your toes.
Re: mmvca

batdocter;236822 said:
Is there something going on at St.Mary's that the rest of the comp don't no about?
I think the pressure is on you blokes!

u have to be joking u must be another st.andrews man!
pressure on us! doesnt bother me anyway i love and thrive on it thats wen i play my best cricket and are my most passionate so if u see it that way its a positive on my part. but ur wrong the pressure wont be on us bat doctor!

Re: mmvca

cdca;236876 said:
You blokes from StAndrews dont mind talking yourself up do you?? get over yourself and at least wait to see what your up against! FAIR DINKUM THIS FORUM HAS BECOME THE STANDREWS ******** FEST!!


CDCA there a loving club, just too bad it's themselves and each other that they love!!!!!
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;236821 said:
Luv your passion and not so much the old bloke,its only a number !!!

not so much the old bloke? dont give me that fos if it was just a number u would be still on the pitch being a part of all this success mate! rather than just hecktoring from the side lines. :D

Re: mmvca

Hirdy05_;265639 said:

CDCA there a loving club, just too bad it's themselves and each other that they love!!!!!

thats right we do love each other. that is why no one cracks when things get tough. last season we saw a number of teams start to turn on each other when things got tough. Also any successful team has confidence in there own ability.
Re: mmvca

bcricket;265631 said:
not so much the old bloke? dont give me that fos if it was just a number u would be still on the pitch being a part of all this success mate! rather than just hecktoring from the side lines. :D


Been there and done that !!!!!

You certainly have inspired me to even greater heights this coming season and be sure the water will be cold and the banter will be more than enough to keep you on your toes.
Re: mmvca

cdca;236876 said:
You blokes from StAndrews dont mind talking yourself up do you?? get over yourself and at least wait to see what your up against! FAIR DINKUM THIS FORUM HAS BECOME THE STANDREWS ******** FEST!!
It took a while to say it CDCA, but you have said what the rest of us are thinking apart from the St.Andrews blokes.
Anyone would think that winning back to back flags has not been done before the way St.Andrews go on about it.
Re: mmvca

cdca;236876 said:
You blokes from StAndrews dont mind talking yourself up do you?? get over yourself and at least wait to see what your up against! FAIR DINKUM THIS FORUM HAS BECOME THE STANDREWS ******** FEST!!


CDCA there a loving club, just too bad it's themselves and each other that they love!!!!!
Re: mmvca

Hirdy05_;265639 said:

CDCA there a loving club, just too bad it's themselves and each other that they love!!!!!

thats right we do love each other. that is why no one cracks when things get tough. last season we saw a number of teams start to turn on each other when things got tough. Also any successful team has confidence in there own ability.
Re: mmvca

whatnogood;265789 said:
Everyone including myself couldn't give a ******** about this forum anymore as too many St Andrew's tools talking shit.
Then we shouldn't see anymore posts from you then "whatnogood"

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