Active Member
Mark Brown (aka "Weapons"),
I have watched with considerable interest over the past few weeks as you have endeavoured to bait and prod me with ongoing references to "the Broady Pres this, the Broady Pres that", "Half Back Flanker", "Team of the Year contender", etc. To be perfectly honest, I far prefer you, and others, referring to myself as opposed to my club, as a collective, or individual player representatives within my club.
Now, that said, in paying particular interest to your posts over recent weeks, can I offer some constructive feedback:
- through your own admission, you are one of, if not THE, most prolific contributors to this forum (your previous response to me elaborated upon how many posts/comments you had made/contributed over x period of time). As one of and potentially THE most prolific contributor to this forum can I request that you make a "best endeavours" commitment to use the Queens' English as it was intended. Basic spelling, grammar and punctuation, no more than that expected of someone with a Year 8 education, would be greatly appreciated by myself and others who are subjected to your ongoing musings (as intelligent, informed and entertaining as they are) within this forum
- you have frequently referred to myself AND others as "half back flankers". Whilst I am overjoyed with your announcement that I have been selected in the "team of the year" (I believe on the half back flank no less), could I request that you come up with something new when looking to dish out insults. As witty as your repertoire has been to date, please endeavour to produce something a little more "crisp" or "high brow" than comments that could easily be associated with the comic stylings of Hey, Hey It's Saturday and, the show's host, Darryl Sommers. Alternatively, here's a suggestion, rather than the generic insult(s) that you are most proficient at, seek an understanding of the individual or individuals for whom you are insulting and engage them with specifically tailored banter targeted to the individual in question
- on many of your posts, responses and general comments, you appear to go to a great length to point out and highlight your personal on-field achievements over what has been a most "distinguished" career. If my interpretation of your dross over the past month is correct, and please excuse me if I am wrong as I am not a smart man, you have been a 14 time Premiership Player (13 times as 12th man), have participated in finals over the past 8+ Seasons and, whilst not the player you once were, are still more than handy. In all seriousness Mark, for those that do not know you and to assist with public perception, can I suggest that you refer to achievements that were derived at a collective level rather than at the individual level. Unless I am mistaken, this forum has been established to discuss cricket and, specifically, the VSDCA. Not tennis. As such, you normally find that most individuals derive the greatest sense of satisfaction from achievements that are attained as a collective unit as opposed to those achieved as an individual. You presently represent a club that is fortunate enough to have representing them a player who has, arguably, had the greatest individual VSDCA record over the past decade. That said, amazingly, I have never found Craig needing to talk too or point out his distinguished list of personal achievements. Whilst there is no doubt that your 14 Premierships (13 as 12th man) is a most impressive achievement, for the benefit of all others within this forum, could I politely request that future efforts to massage one's own ego are confined to highlighting the collective achievements of the club(s) and team(s) that you represent.
Now Mark, your reponses/witty comments/half baked insults over recent weeks have been somewhat embarrassing, If you, again, refer to my initial and, until today, only post - you will note that I was merely taking a strong stance on behalf of my club and player representatives within the club. I was clarifying and correcting false information that was being aired in a public forum based on no more than rumour, innuendo and 3rd hand information. Certain individuals, yourself included, have thought it appropriate to insult and criticise me for my defence olf my club, my players and our collective brand. If needing to do so again, I will defend these same parties. It is important to note that I would never and will never pass comment (especially publicly) on ANY other club within the VSDCA nor make comment on ANY individual player within our proud Association. As such, this response is purely with regards to your ongoing comments/posts/witty remarks that are directed at both myself and anyone else within this forum that either; 1) disagrees with your always intellingent and informed opinion(s), or 2) contributes to this forum in written word that you seem unable or unwilling to comprehend and understand
I eagerly await your response where, undoubtably, you will feel the need to further regail myself and other readers of this forum with details of your distinguished on-field playing career.
some collective feedback for you........
enjoy plenty of lemon lime and bitters on mad monday!!!!