Then Jack took the two children aside and said quietly, as you are runaways, according to the local copper, you need to be scarce so quick follow us on board before the orphanage people catch up with you. You are going to have a new life in County Down with your only relatives in Ireland, us and my brother.
I hope you like pigs, Liam added with a chuckle...
Jack paid 4 Shillings for two extra fares for minors to Belfast while Liam showed young Patrick the pigs they'd just bought, and talked about life in Ulster, all their relatives, businesses, ... schools, ...Churches, ..

Jack spoke to his 'niece' Bridie assuring her that she and Patrick would be safe, cared for and loved by her and Patrick's Irish family. Jack explained broadly all the family connections and the dismay upon hearing of the murder of her father. Three Mass's have already been paid for.
Jack even knew a little of the Irish Aunt that Bridie mentioned saying she was still alive and well living in the town of Bangor, six miles north from Donaghadee and fourteen miles south west of Belfast. All close, especially by train nowadays.
Bridie and Patrick couldn't believe their luck. They went from being orphans to having a ready made family in the way of their extended family. She couldn't get the image from her head though of their dads broken battered body. She would try to keep up with what was going on in Liverpool, maybe her uncle Jack could keep an eye on the news, just to make sure the police are not looking for her and Patrick.
The brother and sister had literally fallen into the hands of one of their second uncles a mere three days after absconding from the orphanage where they had dreadful memories of poor treatment and then being unable to find foster parents let alone adoption.
The ferry trip to the small port of Lennie on the south west coast of County Down took two hours under leaden skies and choppy waters before the jubilant siblings again touched home soil after five long years. A buggy was waiting to transport them to their new life in the hamlet of Greyabbey, some 10 miles into the countryside. Jack and Liam would return and bring the three new sows to their farm later that afternoon via a tractor and carrier. .
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A few hours later Jack and Liam turned up with the three new sows to be breeders at older brother Albert's Lowery Piggery, Greyabbey, County Down.
He beamed a big smile to his rescued niece and nephew Bridie and Patrick.
A big table feast followed with a bewildering sprinkle of tales, politics, religion, ... and of course open discussion about Young Bridie's and Patrick's future within Ireland, and with Bridie and Patrick present and involved. Jack asked about education and schools for the Children, their prior learning and so on. Even understanding the punitive practises of many 'so called Religious Schools' "Green and Orange" that both indoctrinated and traumatised children and filled their heads with fear, nonsense and hatred....!
"The Brother's and Nun's viciousness still haunts me.
That's not God's work.
These children, of our kin reclaimed, from a dark and deep hole already; Please, we must not let them to be futher traumatised by our own cruel institutions with their already Anxieties."

"Dear Bridie, please tell us all here what learning you and Paddy, sorry Patrick, have had.
Tell us too what sort of learning you'd want/need for you and Patrick. I'm sure we can sort out something like that. Even I know an old local Anglican Chap Paul who could learn youse those 3 Rs, Reading, Riteing n Rithmetic. Pull your weight with the family to further belong. We all have something to offer.
Any thoughts?
Young Patrick?
Or just see how it goes, you're family here regardless.
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Jess has lost the flow of the story Terry. Says too many characters and that she is too busy to log in every day. We either have to be patient with her or find a third tall taler. You know of anyone.
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Fair enough Jessica, we understand. Truly.
You've not got the time Craig and I have.
I love writing and even in other net groups know I'm verbose. I try not to be ... but I confess I am.
Curse of the gab...

Keep up with the general chats though Jess please, and news of the Mother Country. Lounge or 4 way chat, whatever suits.

We celebrated the other day our beloved Australian King Charles III's birthday in my lost Colony many confuse as a province in Austria.
It's not Western Austria!

I still have family and friends in Ireland, France, UK, and all over Australia who know the price of a cold beer.

Whatever you're comfortable with Jessica.

Kind regards, Terry
Fair enough Jessica, we understand. Truly.
You've not got the time Craig and I have.
I love writing and even in other net groups know I'm verbose. I try not to be ... but I confess I am.
Curse of the gab...

Keep up with the general chats though Jess please, and news of the Mother Country. Lounge or 4 way chat, whatever suits.

We celebrated the other day our beloved Australian King Charles III's birthday in my lost Colony many confuse as a province in Austria.
It's not Western Austria!

I still have family and friends in Ireland, France, UK, and all over Australia who know the price of a cold beer.

Whatever you're comfortable with Jessica.

Kind regards, Terry
Thanks Terry 🤗
I'll still hang out in the lounge with my 3 good friends, I like to think of our friendships as international, which is very unique 😀

I've had a cold since Friday, as soon as our weather dips I get a cold as it's going around, I feel I'm over the worst so all's well that ends well 👍