Molly could hear the Rev snoring in the next room. She wished she knew where Jake was but was sure their paths would cross soon. She lay on the bed and soon fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning she was woken by the sound of gun shots, at least that's what they sounded like, she dashed to the window but there was nothing amiss outside. Puzzled, she went to see if the Rev was awake...
The Rev was woken by a tapping on his door. Still half asleep he went to the door and asked who it was. Immediately the familiar tones of Molly replied ''me, Molly. I heard a strange noise, just wanted to see if ye were safe." ''Sure I am Molly'', the Rev said as he unlocked and opened the door then ushered her into his room. "Good morning my sweet girl, did ye rest well? Now tell me about this strange noise ye heard''....
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As Jake approached the coach his heart sank seeing the Coach was light and fast with 4 big horses harnessed to it, and the ground was firm where they stood.
Two tall men in long leather coats and hats stepped out from the behind the horses, one with a lethal looking crossbow, the other with a bucket.
Molly told the Rev about the noises she heard, and that they sounded like gun shots.
'I hope it wasn't an angry mob trying to find us', Molly said. She had heard about vigilantes on the lookout for highway robbers if there was a bounty on their heads. She also feared for Jake, she had a gut feeling that he was in danger...
After a hearty breakfast the two returned to the Revs room and discussed their next move. They talked about where they last saw Jake and where he may likely be currently, heading as far away from our scene of crime, Romley as quickly as possible if he had the sense we knew he had. He would be penniless after our loot was removed by the Runners so hoped he would not be desperate and intend carrying out a hold up on his own without our usual careful planning...
Who be you?" said bucket man, "and sit your dog!"
"And take your hand offa ya sabre hilt." said crossbow man. "What is your business about on such a wretched drenching day as this?
Jake obliged all the commands and put his hat back on as Brutus sat in a puddle on "Sit Boy".
"I am Simon Templar, a black smith headed north aways with tools I bought in London. I come in peace if you mean me no harm"

A bellow of laughter came from the side window of the coach followed by a jovial shout as a wigged head popped out peering through a telescope " Liar!"

"Dismount now!" commanded crossbow sternly.
Bucket tossed a meaty bone to Brutus and then took hold of the reins of Jakes horse and fed him grain from his bucket.
Crossbow marched Jake up to the coach and the man with the wig and telescope. A big shiny telescope.
"I don't believe you're Simon Templar but climb aboard and have a cup of tea with me that my man servant is preparing on my little oil cooker.
I am Sir I Zac Newtown, don't worry about your fake name, I do simpliar as needed" Jake heard in the noisy rain.
Sir Newtown did most of the talking mainly about his inventions and calculness. He showed Jake some scribbling with strange symbols that meant nothing to him and kept his robber secrets unmentioned.

An hour later Jake headed off to Cambridge and the next day started riding back to Romley sporting a full beard.
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It was decided that Molly would disguise herself as a young boy, so with the Revs help she slipped out of her own clothes and into some tatty old breeches and boots, she hid her hair inside an old hat and buttoned up a coat that was too big for her but hid her figure.
Molly and the Rev were worried about Jake and had to guess what his next move was before they both left the inn, they also needed horses or a passing cart to get them away from the area....
The wise old Rev made the suggestion that Molly disguise her self as a male due to the fact the Runners were looking for two men and a woman. With the breeches, boots and hat Molly did look like a teenage boy. So the REV and MOLLY became Mr Lovell and son Timmy as they slipped out the back of the inn to avoid the landlord seeing them. Then they ran to a nearby copse of trees. As luck would have it after a short walk a passing cart came by and the pair of fugitives were offered a lift from a thickset, ruddy cheeked man who said he was a farmer and was headed to a nearby large town for supplies...
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Creeping softly into his marital bedroom under the cover of darkness Jake gently woke his wife.
Whispering throughout the night arrangements and promises were made for all things.
His wife gave him a heavy purse of coins to supplement the money Jake had made in London as a blacksmith, and as Simon Templar despite Sir Newtown's derision.
Jake's precocious daughter had been searching for Molly and Rev Flasher and just recently word was they were on the move. Jake's wife passed the news to him.

Before dawn Jake was on his horse with two more and his dog in tow.
Molly and the Rev were grateful for a ride into the town. They arrived and hid out of sight for a while, plotting which way they would go. They needed food and water, and a place to stay. Maybe Jake was in this town, surely he can't be too far away....
When they arrived at Little Hampton the town was all hustle and bustle. The rev figured it being market day with people, like our generous cart driver, Harry Summers from outlying livestock farms flocking here for fresh produce. Harry had invited the Rev and his boy to come stay with him and his wife if ever they found themselves in need of a place to stay. He lived on a pig farm 10 mile from Little Hampton....
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On the muddy road, searching for Rev and Molly, Jake followed the clues his wife had given him via his precocious streetwise daughter.
He was sad leaving his family and shed a tear or two.

The mile stone said Little Hampton was only five more miles.
The two old horses carried food and supplies in their saddle bags, enough for several weeks. Even a tent.
Brutus took the rear keeping the old nags moving along.

America was a tempting destination, the new world.
Jessica and Terry. Do we wanna stay robbers. The New World does sounds interesting and opens up so many ideas. Farming, trading, trapping, crafting. First we need funds. Remember there is money and assorted items we could sell back at the secret room in the Revs vestry in Romley. Be more than sufficient to pay our passage on a sailing ship then set up ourselves in the American colonies.
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Jessica and Terry. Do we wanna stay robbers. The New World does sounds interesting and opens up so many ideas. Farming, trading, trapping, crafting. First we need funds. Remember there is money and assorted items we could sell back at the secret room in the Revs vestry in Romley. Be more than sufficient to pay our passage on a sailing ship then set up ourselves in the American colonies.

I'm easy Craig, it was just a thought that went through Jake's mind. A fresh start is enticing tho, with new names and a clean criminal record. Jake has money and maybe enough for fares for the three of us to the Americas. Plus your hidden stash which we should retrieve.

Jake had to take his best, strong and fast Stallion, he rode to London and back on, as to leave it at his forge and stable would raise suspicions. To disguise it he dubbed some paint and dirt on it with a tatty old saddle blanket.
If we sailed to the Americas we could get a good price for my horse.
We could even go to Ireland or even ride to Scotland, ... France, Wales, Germany, ... all possibilities.
Or stay as Outlaws.
I assume Rev Flasher is a Protestant. Anglcan, Baptist, Presbyterian (lots in Scotland) , ... ?

What do you fancy Craig and Jessica? America?
Scotland? France? Ireland? England? .....?
or even stay as bandits in England, like in various Counties on the South coast of England where the Smugglers come ashore.
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Jessica and Terry. Do we wanna stay robbers. The New World does sounds interesting and opens up so many ideas. Farming, trading, trapping, crafting. First we need funds. Remember there is money and assorted items we could sell back at the secret room in the Revs vestry in Romley. Be more than sufficient to pay our passage on a sailing ship then set up ourselves in the American colonies.
I'm easy too. I don't mind which direction our story takes 😎
Riding into Little Hampton in the early afternoon Jake saw and approached a group of idle lads in the town square.
"Who knows this town best?" Jake called to them "I need two guides riding my old nags, sixpence an hour?"

For such a handsome wage three minutes of squabbling ensued until two lads stepped forward aged about 16 and 14.

"Open those saddle bags on me nags and my dog Brutus will bite your hands off. OK?" "Yes Sir" in chorus.

Sir Zac Newtown had given Jake an old cheap watch and he noted the time. Departing the other youths Jake quietly explained to the 2 lads his mission to find his sister and her friend giving no names but descriptions and an undisclosed reason to be in hiding, "with no malice from me". The lads nodded

Off they went on their search.

Jakes search for the Rev and Molly was to be even harder for Jake's two eager lads as he was not aware that Molly was now dressed as a boy and the Rev was sporting a full beard. But as luck would have it, The Rev spotted Jake and his trusty nag and the three were reunited. The former cleric told Jake about their plans to sail to the New World but needed the money and small valuable items in his secret room in his former vestry as soon as possible....
Jake was overjoyed to reunite again with Rev and Molly and gave them warm hugs. Paying off the lads with two shillings each he thanked them for their assistance.

"Agreed about retrieving the loot stash Rev. We need a plan and to be cautious.
Look at these 2 old nags I brought for you each to ride.
They are slow but steady."