Feeling a need for a story, how's this for a beginning:

Grier's head was an Ocean of pain. Just pain and more pain. Time was meaningless.
Later swimming up though a treacle of consciousness he managed to open an eye and saw several prostrate bodies, dressed in white smocks like his own, tied at the back and showing bums. Nurses in blue too, laid out and motionless,
"Where am I? Who am I? What's going on?"
Thought ... Grier, struggling to remember even his own name ...
Some movement amongst the fallen caught Grier's eye...
Tried convincing our newbie to play but no dice. I was going to ask Jessica to join us for this one but your opening Terry looks to be something that will cause her confusion. Is that correct Jess. Why dont you have another crack at your friend Terry.
Tried convincing our newbie to play but no dice. I was going to ask Jessica to join us for this one but your opening Terry looks to be something that will cause her confusion. Is that correct Jess. Why dont you have another crack at your friend Terry.
I best not commit Ritchie, I can't keep up with your wonderful imaginations with not having much time due to work ☹️
Feeling a need for a story, how's this for a beginning:

Grier's head was an Ocean of pain. Just pain and more pain. Time was meaningless.
Later swimming up though a treacle of consciousness he managed to open an eye and saw several prostrate bodies, dressed in white smocks like his own, tied at the back and showing bums. Nurses in blue too, laid out and motionless,
"Where am I? Who am I? What's going on?"
Thought ... Grier, struggling to remember even his own name ...
Some movement amongst the fallen caught Grier's eye...
Richie woke slowly from his unconscious state, lifted his head to see a face he did not know staring at him. "What happened, where am I'', Richie said slurring his words. All I recall is being told to come to the Blakehurst Clinic at 2pm''. The stranger motioned towards Richie then lifted him to his wobbly feet. His head was throbbing.
I spoke to Steve about our tall stories and he said that he'd rather not join us after all.
Fair enough, pity.
.......Part Two...... :D

Molly lay on her makeshift bed. She thought of her gang and how they split up to avoid being captured by the police. Now all the money she had from the last heist was almost gone. She had heard a whisper that her old friend Flasher was hiding out in a disused farm a few miles away. She jumped up, packed her few clothes and made bread and cheese sandwiches, then counted her last few pennies. Mind made up, she would go and find Flasher as soon as it went dark. Anything would be better than sleeping on a pile of hay in a corner of a farm.....
Jack had scurried off to hide in London astride his fastest horse tailed by Brutus, his big dog. He told his wife he had to ride to Manchester to buy some new tools delegating the running of his Smithie to his family underlings.
That was months ago and Jack had not returned. His wife feared for him. To calm her fears of Highway men he took his dagger, sabre, 2 pistols and his musket.
And heavy satchels. Also his big dog Brutus who Jack's wife, when pressured hard by the new Constable, told him about Brutus and the numerous weapons he carried, and the heavy sachels. "That's a clue or two, thank you Missus".
The new constable had harassed Jack's wife weekly as to his whereabouts and she told him honestly "Manchester for special tools with his big guard dog Brutus."
Jack had actually rode to London to hide and sell the jewels of the heist with his contacts there.

Still no word of him.
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The sun had set. Molly had an old sack with her belongings inside. She set off down an old dusty track, heading towards the disused farm hoping to find Flasher.
The sound of hooves behind her made her jump, an old farmer had his horse and cart out, Molly hid behind a row of shrubs until it past her, then she caught up with it and slid onto it, keeping very still and quiet so that the old farmer didn't notice her on his cart. This would save time, thought Molly as she kept her eye on the farmer, she would jump off and run like the wind if he spotted her....
Flasher was woken from another uncomfortable, restless sleep by a beam of sun lite on his face. He wiped his eyes and looked around the large barn where he had taken refuge several weeks earlier after becoming separated from Molly and Jake. Somehow he had avoided detection by the old farmer that owned the farm and barn, but figured his luck was about to run out, so he planned leaving that very day. Then suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by the distinct sound of cart wheels on a hard mud track......
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Molly slid off the cart, she hid in a ditch while it trundled away, keeping tight hold of the wallet she nicked from the farmers jacket that was in the cart.
When it was clear she walked the short distance to the farm where Flasher was hiding out. The money in the wallet would see them through for a few days. She crept into the farm and made her way to the barn. There she was reunited with her old friend Flasher. Now they needed to find Jake and get the gang back on form.
Jack's wife Julia was not only worried about his absence but also the plight of Molly and Reverend Flasher. Brother Simon stood in to give the sermons but he was boring according to her precosious youngest daugher. At least her overly forward nature kept Jack's family abreast of all the town's gossip.

Through her streetwise daughter she quietly asked for information about the whereabouts of Molly and Flasher, with coins dangling.
She wanted to speak to them about Jack but mostly to help them.
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Molly and Flasher decided to hide out in the barn until dusk, that way they could move around more easily without being seen.
They ate the cheese sandwiches that Molly had made, and Flasher provided a bottle of rum. They talked about old times and their last heist, both agreed they wanted to do another one as both were almost broke and homeless.
The Rev was feeling his best for weeks now he and Molly were back together, for she had always felt to him like the daughter he never had. The pair waited until dark before leaving the barn and heading off foot as far away from Romley as possible, perhaps safer to even leave the county entirely. They walked and walked until their feet ached then finally decided they needed a rest so stopped at the closest inn, ate, then posing as father and daughter took two rooms. Without even removing any clothing the REV threw himself onto his bed and within minutes he was in a deep sleep....
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Jake was soaked to his skin in the pouring rain. His horse and dog were miserable too yet on they pressed.
'No villains would be about in this deluge', was his thinking. The track to Cambrige was all mud but on his lithe horse they skirted around the worst. Brutus his dog followed 10 yards back.

In the distance Jake saw in front of him a coach and viewing it with his wet telescope, he saw it was not moving!? ' Bogged or a Trap and my powder is damp', he whispered to himself. Brutus moved up.
Jake saw his circuitously way on the muddy trail to the coach with his hat raised. On command Brutus smiled his dog smile wagging his tail just 3 yards back now.
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