The Lounge 2

Julian should stay in Australia and keep outing the US's vile deeds.
No mate. The one good thing that came from all those years of house arrest was he found his life partner. Before that the constant stress of having sexual assault charges then the espionage ones hanging over him made him look 20 years older than he was.
He sure does look older due to the US's vengeance on Assange for exposing their war crimes. Not one of their operatives were caught nor injured nor killed despite all the blather trying to pin 175 years imprisonment on our truth telling journalist.
Poor Julian should be knighted for being a crusader for exposing the truth of war crimes of a nation that pretends it's a paragon of virtue.
Surely Kamala Harris as VP knows her boss is ga ga and wont see out another term if re elected. The Democrats need to tap sleepy Joe and tell him that their party needs a younger, fresh face leading them. Can she be a candidate?
Correct but will he be listening to them? He should be given the feeling that such a move had been his own decision. The Democrats didn't wake up early enough. Now it may be too late.
An Order of Australia you mean.
Fair enough Craig. That"d be nice and a way to give the bird to U know who.

Did you watch the Biden-Trump debate. Biden showed his seniity and Trump his lies and canny skills of not answering questions like a canny used car salesman. Biden was dreadful though stuffing up his words and sentences. Painful to watch but Trump appeared the better fail.
Julian sought refuge in an embassy in London for a while. I don't know much about the case but glad he's back home and a free man.
Me too Jessica. I heard talk of a movie or doco to be made about Assange. He was treated very harshly for reporting war crimes. Most Aussies are very happy he's home and his wife says he just wants to eat good food, swim in the ocean, sleep on a soft bed, ...
Nice to see him back home.
I'd still prefer a senile old fella than Trump!

Kamala Harris would do. Someone younger for sure.

Anyone but Trump, even a Drover's dog!
I watched most of the debate and was disappointed. Old Joe made me cringe on my couch. I assume he messed it up now. I doubt that he'll be up to such a demanding and unforgiving job. Really tragic that he's been cruelly humiliated.
Correct but will he be listening to them? He should be given the feeling that such a move had been his own decision. The Democrats didn't wake up early enough. Now it may be too late.
I hope it's not too late for the Democrats to find a replacement candidate Thomas. They're in a flap alright and have a few possible replacement candidates. They need to act quickly now they see how doddering Biden has become. Poor fellow means well but fresh blood is surely needed.
But will he go quietly? Gentle persuasion to make him own the decision as you inferred.
I hope it's not too late for the Democrats to find a replacement candidate Thomas. They're in a flap alright and have a few possible replacement candidates. They need to act quickly now they see how doddering Biden has become. Poor fellow means well but fresh blood is surely needed.
But will he go quietly? Gentle persuasion to make him own the decision as you inferred.
Yes, let's hope it's not too late although it would take both his willingness and a joint effort on the part of the Democrats to make that happen. If it's true that his BH is his personal advisor, she may be able to make him change is mind.
Biden is stubborn and stated publically he's in the Presidential race for the long haul.
I suspect Democrat politicians will try to convince him otherwise.

It's like a dark comedy.
I watched the whole thing unedited last night and yeah it was not good at all from Biden and a concern but I don't think he was THAT bad, at least not to what a lot of people are making out.
I agree he was not bad Kram but media, from both sides focus on the stuff ups, Trump's too, and plaster them all over the news.
At least our ABC shows both sides. Likewise others of our media channels, not all of course.

He got his mojo back the next day and I hope he can do better next time, if there is another debate with Biden vs Trump?
Trump may be jail and Biden in a nice old aged home.
I'd be no better after 90 minutes of blather.
Biden is stubborn and stated publically he's in the Presidential race for the long haul.
I suspect Democrat politicians will try to convince him otherwise.

It's like a dark comedy.
Insiders have admitted that Biden can only concentrate on his work from 10-16. Nine pm was much too late for him.
Insiders have admitted that Biden can only concentrate on his work from 10-16. Nine pm was much too late for him.
I bet he enjoys afternoon naps too.
He's a lovely old gentleman sadly past his use by date. I went to my local discussion group tonight and the consensus shared our sentiments about Biden.
The topic was about our Freedoms, or lack of.