medium, spiritualist, seer, mind reader. Has many names. My character has interaction with all of them.
I don't seem to be knowledgeable enough in that field, and I haven't seen the film nor read the book. 🤔 I looked up what happened but haven't discovered the character you have in mind.
What did you discover. This will or should uncover my character or characters as sometimes they work as a team.
After having read widely, I discovered that Ed and Lorraine Warren, a husband and wife team self-described as demonologists, had investigated the house as had been done by a vampirologist and the said parapsychologist. Don't ask me about the hierarchical structure of all those people.
After having read widely, I discovered that Ed and Lorraine Warren, a husband and wife team self-described as demonologists, had investigated the house as had been done by a vampirologist and the said parapsychologist. Don't ask me about the hierarchical structure of all those people.
I read that George and Kathy Lutz purchased the murder house and then claimed it was haunted. Something happened after that. You tell me what that was and you have solved the case.
Swinging in re the profession, my wild guesses are:

A Ghost Buster/Killer like Bill Murray in the movie?

An Exorcist who exorcises?

A Vampire hunter/killer who smells of garlic and carries a spray bottle of holy water, ... ?

A Demon/Devil Slayer?

I've read all your both questions, answers, clues, the link several times and guesses are my best shot. I'm stumped!
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Swinging in re the profession, my wild guesses are:

A Ghost Buster/Killer like Bill Murray in the movie?

An Exorcist who exorcises?

A Vampire hunter/killer who smells of garlic and carries a spray bottle of holy water, ... ?

A Demon/Devil Slayer?

I've read all your both questions, answers, clues, the link several times and guesses are my best shot. I'm stumped!
You are warm Terry. Not a ghost buster or demon slayer but something almost the opposite. I ask you to study the below post.
After George and Kathy Lutz purchased the Amityville murder house they claimed it was haunted. Something very controversial happened after that.
Discover what that was and you have it solved.
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This was what I was trying to promt you and Thomas to research.
Members of the American Society for Psychical Research and the Psychical Research Foundation made a thorough investigation of Amityville House. Ultimately, they found the stories were fake, a huge hoax by George and Kathy Lutz to gain notoriety.
In short the claims by the Lutz' that the house was haunted were debunked.
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There are many other famous cases of debunking.
Houdini on many mediums. Some of which claimed he could make contact with his deceased mother.
The English Fairies in the Garden claim.
Uri Geller.
Countless UFO sightings.
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This was what I was trying to tell you and Thomas.
Members of the American Society for Psychical Research and the Psychical Research Foundation made a thorough investigation of Amityville House. Ultimately, they found the stories were fake, a huge hoax by George and Kathy Lutz to gain notoriety.
In short the claims by the Lutz' that the house was haunted were debunked.
I'd read that but I wasn't sure if you were, or if I should be, referring to the real story or the book/film based on it. I doubt If I'd come up with the precise name of the job. :confused:
Americas most famous debunker was James Randi, a stage magician, author and scientific skeptic who extensively challenged paranormal and pseudoscientific claims. He was the co-founder of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), and founder of the James Randi Educational Foundation. He gained notoriety in 1972 when he publicly challenged the claims of Uri Geller by accusing him for being nothing more than a charlatan and a fraud who used standard magic tricks to accomplish his allegedly paranormal feats. Randis main targets were faithhealers, W. V. Grant, Ernest Angley and Peter Popoff, whom Randi first exposed on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson in February 1986 as a fraud.
A fictional character. I first saw the film that impressed me, then read the book. Both the character and the whole plot hinge on one assumption, though, to make sense, and I thought that that assumption is so unrealistic that I'd have liked to ask the author about it when I had the chance to talk to him but I arrived too late for the meeting due to a tailback on the motorway.