Am I on the correct path, re a Diocesan priest.
Never held a clerical office, unless you count becoming a dedicated freemason. Being a 19th century person this gives away his gender.
I'm avoiding being specific about his nationality because he became a citizen of more than one country, and if i told you his professed
nationality you'd guess him in a flash.
But he was a Diocesan priest (an oratory)
Was also a military man and a mason.
Were any of those nations Australia, America or Britain.
Was he a Grandmaster.
We fell into a word trap! I meant oratory as the skill of an orator - had no idea of the other meanings.
Never a citizen of an English speaking nation.
Had to check, but he did eventually become a Grandmaster. I'm surprised he had the time and I suspect it was
partly honorary.
(No recent history of masonry in my family, and I suspect that's because we have a distant ancestor who became
a butt of jokes for failing to catch a famous Yankee frigate).
Where did he do his soldiering?
Any connection to the French Foreign Legion.
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History's marvellous, and you've given me two interesting biographies to read.
So was this a cryptic clue.

I will have a think about mine. Watching an exciting cricket Test match at the moment.
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