Eastern Cricket Association 2010/11

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yeah but dont you have to have a bit of swagger and arrogance to be a good player?
look at watson, KP etc... all back themselves!
i wish i backed myself, maybe if i did i would be a better player!
enough of the jelousy i think!
area?? id say they are in a prime position..... just googles maped it, center of richmond ?

Im not bagging the suburb,you just dont get many young aussie families moving in,hence the club is getting
weaker. I hope they stay in the top grades as they do a good arvo tea and alot of talent walks through the
yeah but dont you have to have a bit of swagger and arrogance to be a good player?
look at watson, KP etc... all back themselves!
i wish i backed myself, maybe if i did i would be a better player!
enough of the jelousy i think!
Bet you wish you could do yourself.

Im sure Fuzz will back one into your good self.

"Open wide and let Fuzz inside"
God lads you do speak alot of rubbish. FB's buddy - you seem to be homophobic. You wouldn't enjoy playing at Richmond Union then!
I think the main problem with RU is that the ground just isn't good enough. If I was looking to playfor a new side, a good ground would be a massive factor.
God lads you do speak alot of rubbish. FB's buddy - you seem to be homophobic. You wouldn't enjoy playing at Richmond Union then!
I think the main problem with RU is that the ground just isn't good enough. If I was looking to playfor a new side, a good ground would be a massive factor.

Yeah i think Fuzz buddy drops alot of his syringes on the ground there.
Yeah i think Fuzz buddy drops alot of his syringes on the ground there.

Haven't seen syringes there, a fair bit of a dog poo though! An occasional topless sunbaker. Major plus side is there is a Maccas next door!
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