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Re: mmvca

Old School;273974 said:
From what i can gather you play for St. Andrews... What a joke!!
Lets see how keen you are, what odds are you going to give me??
If you have the balls, which playing for St.Andrews i doubt you have i would suggest you make it nice a juicy!!!

As for Pascoe Vale to make the runs this week, i can not see it happening. There best batter is the guy thats bats off in his bedroom lol!!!

Old School (is that the school where you get there on Blue bus?) i wait for your reply with your odds,cant wait to take your fortnightly dole cheque off you.

haha this is ridiculous.
anyone suggesting a grand final wager at this stage of the season has a gambling problem... the comp will be a lot more even this year.
Re: mmvca

Komodo Dragon;274064 said:
And it feels like a bloody bat handle. I've heard your dick is like clutching a par 3 golf tee

LOL its a bit scary that u talk to ur mates about my personals Dragon. im starting to get a little worried. i think u should turn ur focus to cricket!
the women ive been with must really like playin the short game then ;)
isnt there a saying if you dont like what you have you go talkin about others?
dont go talkin about bcricket too much will u now???

bcricket ;)
Re: mmvca

Pasoce Vale on the ropes.....
Looks like another win for West Coburg, 2 in a row...
The lads are hell bent on making amends for last year, got a feeling that we might be the team celebrating the big one this season.
I'm willing to put my hard earned on it!!

All I can say is back to back 2 BACK!!!!!!!!!
Re: mmvca

Komodo Dragon;274064 said:
And it feels like a bloody bat handle. I've heard your dick is like clutching a par 3 golf tee

bcricket;274069 said:
LOL its a bit scary that u talk to ur mates about my personals Dragon. im starting to get a little worried. i think u should turn ur focus to cricket!
the women ive been with must really like playin the short game then ;)
isnt there a saying if you dont like what you have you go talkin about others?
dont go talkin about bcricket too much will u now???

bcricket ;)

can we all grow up a little bit here boys?
i mean really, the penis jokes stopped being funny in year 9...
Re: mmvca

bcricket;274012 said:
Komodo the only thing u pull is ur own dick! ;)
Whatnogood has seen me in action il pay that.


p.s FFNB il bet u a 6 pack of beers that west coburg wont win the flag? keen? but make sure u introduce urself when we play eachother next week mate.

And it feels like a bloody bat handle. I've heard your dick is like clutching a par 3 golf tee
Re: mmvca

Frontfootnoball, you were running your mouth about putting your hard earned cash on the line, ive seen people want to take the bet and you have the cheek to want odds. You musnt really think your team will win the flag or you would jump at the bets.;)
Re: mmvca

Komodo Dragon;274064 said:
And it feels like a bloody bat handle. I've heard your dick is like clutching a par 3 golf tee

LOL its a bit scary that u talk to ur mates about my personals Dragon. im starting to get a little worried. i think u should turn ur focus to cricket!
the women ive been with must really like playin the short game then ;)
isnt there a saying if you dont like what you have you go talkin about others?
dont go talkin about bcricket too much will u now???

bcricket ;)
Re: mmvca

Komodo Dragon;274064 said:
And it feels like a bloody bat handle. I've heard your dick is like clutching a par 3 golf tee

bcricket;274069 said:
LOL its a bit scary that u talk to ur mates about my personals Dragon. im starting to get a little worried. i think u should turn ur focus to cricket!
the women ive been with must really like playin the short game then ;)
isnt there a saying if you dont like what you have you go talkin about others?
dont go talkin about bcricket too much will u now???

bcricket ;)

can we all grow up a little bit here boys?
i mean really, the penis jokes stopped being funny in year 9...
Re: mmvca

Frontfootnoball, you were running your mouth about putting your hard earned cash on the line, ive seen people want to take the bet and you have the cheek to want odds. You musnt really think your team will win the flag or you would jump at the bets.;)
Re: mmvca

Gents, why not comment on the games so far rather than trying to look into the crystal ball as it's too early for any precise predictions. This will be one of the most even seasons for along time so anyone could surprise.
Re: mmvca

Old School;274006 said:
I bet you sleep with the light on and have a dolls house.
Clearly you gold medal imbelice you don't read old posts, if you did you would know that I play at Socials and I don't have to hide behind a computer screen, people on the tread know who I am. Come out out tell us who you are.
You were the one that came on here claiming that you are prepared to put your hard earned on West Coburg winning the A-Turf flag why should I give you odds, I am a betting man I was prepared to take you up on your bet knowing that West Coburg choke in finals.

Old School you down right knuckle head, why would'nt i want odds!! I was expecting you to have the balls and offer me at least and i mean minimum
As for playing for Socials you would be coming to terms with the boys from St. Fairys giving you a touch up this week..

Please get back to me with better odds, i will be waiting. Happy to exchange money ASAP..
Re: mmvca

bcricket;274012 said:
Komodo the only thing u pull is ur own dick! ;)
Whatnogood has seen me in action il pay that.


p.s FFNB il bet u a 6 pack of beers that west coburg wont win the flag? keen? but make sure u introduce urself when we play eachother next week mate.

bcricket, Congratulations on being made the outright clown of this cricket season, no matter what anyone else does this season they will not top you for stuipity!
From what i have heard you are next in line to be dropped form your side next week with a few of your better players returning so i imagine you would have other things on your mind than waiting for me to introduce myself next week. Good luck in the one dayers clown...
As for getting on here and talking yourself up with the female companions, you have to stop counting your cousins as chicks you pick up and also Whatnogood does not count as a girlfriend even know he lets you play with his poo shoot..
Re: mmvca

Gents, why not comment on the games so far rather than trying to look into the crystal ball as it's too early for any precise predictions. This will be one of the most even seasons for along time so anyone could surprise.
Re: mmvca

kingkong;274091 said:
Frontfootnoball, you were running your mouth about putting your hard earned cash on the line, ive seen people want to take the bet and you have the cheek to want odds. You musnt really think your team will win the flag or you would jump at the bets.;)

Kingkong you need to get that Banana out of your backside as it is playing havoc with your brain... Dont get on here and have ago at me about not offering odds, i am the one saying that we will win which means you should be coming to me with the odds for the bet!! I will wait for your reply in regards to odds. In the meantime get out of that tree in your backyard put that bunch of Bananas down and have a serious think about life!
Re: mmvca

Old School;274006 said:
I bet you sleep with the light on and have a dolls house.
Clearly you gold medal imbelice you don't read old posts, if you did you would know that I play at Socials and I don't have to hide behind a computer screen, people on the tread know who I am. Come out out tell us who you are.
You were the one that came on here claiming that you are prepared to put your hard earned on West Coburg winning the A-Turf flag why should I give you odds, I am a betting man I was prepared to take you up on your bet knowing that West Coburg choke in finals.

Old School you down right knuckle head, why would'nt i want odds!! I was expecting you to have the balls and offer me at least and i mean minimum
As for playing for Socials you would be coming to terms with the boys from St. Fairys giving you a touch up this week..

Please get back to me with better odds, i will be waiting. Happy to exchange money ASAP..
Re: mmvca

Harry, how about updating your mobs scores from the weekend on mycricket.:D
Heard Kingy looked very good. Just a warning for all to look out for this bloke.
Re: mmvca

bcricket;274012 said:
Komodo the only thing u pull is ur own dick! ;)
Whatnogood has seen me in action il pay that.


p.s FFNB il bet u a 6 pack of beers that west coburg wont win the flag? keen? but make sure u introduce urself when we play eachother next week mate.

bcricket, Congratulations on being made the outright clown of this cricket season, no matter what anyone else does this season they will not top you for stuipity!
From what i have heard you are next in line to be dropped form your side next week with a few of your better players returning so i imagine you would have other things on your mind than waiting for me to introduce myself next week. Good luck in the one dayers clown...
As for getting on here and talking yourself up with the female companions, you have to stop counting your cousins as chicks you pick up and also Whatnogood does not count as a girlfriend even know he lets you play with his poo shoot..
Re: mmvca

Pasoce Vale on the ropes.....
Looks like another win for West Coburg, 2 in a row...
The lads are hell bent on making amends for last year, got a feeling that we might be the team celebrating the big one this season.
I'm willing to put my hard earned on it!!

Gee i must of been at the wrong game on sat, chasing 225 on a lightning field to me is very gettable. As for being on the ropes far from it, its a very even game at this stage, we pascoe vale players are quietly confident of getting those runs. Your batting is not that flash at 6/ 103 two overs after tea we should of finished you off your skip did well, he was your only bat, you lot wont go far leaving it all up to him One player does not make a flag chance.
Re: mmvca

kingkong;274091 said:
Frontfootnoball, you were running your mouth about putting your hard earned cash on the line, ive seen people want to take the bet and you have the cheek to want odds. You musnt really think your team will win the flag or you would jump at the bets.;)

Kingkong you need to get that Banana out of your backside as it is playing havoc with your brain... Dont get on here and have ago at me about not offering odds, i am the one saying that we will win which means you should be coming to me with the odds for the bet!! I will wait for your reply in regards to odds. In the meantime get out of that tree in your backyard put that bunch of Bananas down and have a serious think about life!
Re: mmvca

Harry, how about updating your mobs scores from the weekend on mycricket.:D
Heard Kingy looked very good. Just a warning for all to look out for this bloke.
Re: mmvca

Kingkong you need to get that Banana out of your backside as it is playing havoc with your brain... Dont get on here and have ago at me about not offering odds, i am the one saying that we will win which means you should be coming to me with the odds for the bet!! I will wait for your reply in regards to odds. In the meantime get out of that tree in your backyard put that bunch of Bananas down and have a serious think about life!

ffnb, i wasnt havn a go at you, im saying you have gone from wanting a simple bet, then you wanted odd when people jumped at it. If i was gonna have a go at you i coulda done a bit better than that. Im not a betting man but i am tipping there is 3 or 4 sides better than you, but time wil tell. Im of to me banana tree im hungry. And St. Marys will pump you.
Re: mmvca

Pasoce Vale on the ropes.....
Looks like another win for West Coburg, 2 in a row...
The lads are hell bent on making amends for last year, got a feeling that we might be the team celebrating the big one this season.
I'm willing to put my hard earned on it!!

Gee i must of been at the wrong game on sat, chasing 225 on a lightning field to me is very gettable. As for being on the ropes far from it, its a very even game at this stage, we pascoe vale players are quietly confident of getting those runs. Your batting is not that flash at 6/ 103 two overs after tea we should of finished you off your skip did well, he was your only bat, you lot wont go far leaving it all up to him One player does not make a flag chance.
Re: mmvca

bomber27;274113 said:
Harry, how about updating your mobs scores from the weekend on mycricket.:D
Heard Kingy looked very good. Just a warning for all to look out for this bloke.

Yeah the scores not being up is very frustrating. I will have to have a fews words to the lovely girl who puts the scores in every week.

Kingy was very good on Sunday, even though it was C Turf. The thing with Kingy, after talking to other guys in the same team, is he is just so encouraging towards all the other guys he batted with, and very professional in the way he goes about it. St evie Brogan was also very good, but fell on 99!

Odds of 2-1 on that FFNB doesnt play with West Coburg. I think Cal has more class than to let fools like him get on a forum and make his club look ridiculous.
Re: mmvca

mmvca;274205 said:
Yeah the scores not being up is very frustrating. I will have to have a fews words to the lovely girl who puts the scores in every week.

Kingy was very good on Sunday, even though it was C Turf. The thing with Kingy, after talking to other guys in the same team, is he is just so encouraging towards all the other guys he batted with, and very professional in the way he goes about it. St evie Brogan was also very good, but fell on 99!

Odds of 2-1 on that FFNB doesnt play with West Coburg. I think Cal has more class than to let fools like him get on a forum and make his club look ridiculous.

2-1 your back on the shelf at Bunnings next week....
We have a surprise for you as well!!!!
Re: mmvca

Kingkong you need to get that Banana out of your backside as it is playing havoc with your brain... Dont get on here and have ago at me about not offering odds, i am the one saying that we will win which means you should be coming to me with the odds for the bet!! I will wait for your reply in regards to odds. In the meantime get out of that tree in your backyard put that bunch of Bananas down and have a serious think about life!

ffnb, i wasnt havn a go at you, im saying you have gone from wanting a simple bet, then you wanted odd when people jumped at it. If i was gonna have a go at you i coulda done a bit better than that. Im not a betting man but i am tipping there is 3 or 4 sides better than you, but time wil tell. Im of to me banana tree im hungry. And St. Marys will pump you.
Re: mmvca

bomber27;274113 said:
Harry, how about updating your mobs scores from the weekend on mycricket.:D
Heard Kingy looked very good. Just a warning for all to look out for this bloke.

Yeah the scores not being up is very frustrating. I will have to have a fews words to the lovely girl who puts the scores in every week.

Kingy was very good on Sunday, even though it was C Turf. The thing with Kingy, after talking to other guys in the same team, is he is just so encouraging towards all the other guys he batted with, and very professional in the way he goes about it. St evie Brogan was also very good, but fell on 99!

Odds of 2-1 on that FFNB doesnt play with West Coburg. I think Cal has more class than to let fools like him get on a forum and make his club look ridiculous.
Re: mmvca

DILLIGAF;274343 said:
What a waste of time reading this forum has become...

Why bother posting that! Get back in the nets. You need the practice.

As for you 'FRONTFOOTNOBALL", looking forward to taking you on (probably after the extended break). You are as cocky on the field as you are on this forum. Hope you can back it up with a descent performance this time. Anyway...i'm off to Bunnings
Re: mmvca

mmvca;274205 said:
Yeah the scores not being up is very frustrating. I will have to have a fews words to the lovely girl who puts the scores in every week.

Kingy was very good on Sunday, even though it was C Turf. The thing with Kingy, after talking to other guys in the same team, is he is just so encouraging towards all the other guys he batted with, and very professional in the way he goes about it. St evie Brogan was also very good, but fell on 99!

Odds of 2-1 on that FFNB doesnt play with West Coburg. I think Cal has more class than to let fools like him get on a forum and make his club look ridiculous.

2-1 your back on the shelf at Bunnings next week....
We have a surprise for you as well!!!!
Fair Dinkum you guys are willing to bet on who will win the flag this year after 1 and a half games into the season? honestly you have a gambling problem. i'm pretty sure most teams wouldn't have there best sides on the ground yet as the spring carnival is on..... (but as gamblers i'm sure your aware of this) i think you will be able to determine which sides will be there come finals time around the xmas break, that will give enough time for teams to play there full strength sides with a few games under there belt and playing as a unit.... As for bcricket there is nothing wrong what so ever with talking it up it makes for an interseting sat and i'm sure the blokes at St Mary's will back you up all the way....
Re: mmvca

Ok Gents lets get back to cricket.

Some big scores last week so who going to come out Victorias for the round.

East Coburg chasing a huge total of 307 from St. Andrews. Chances?

Haig chasing 201 made by the Heights, getable but being 3 fa might be tough now. Chances?

St.Marys chasing 209 posted by The Socials. Chances?

Barkley street chasing a mammoth 309 from Glenroy. Chances?

Merlohaddy chasing a gigantic 339 from St. Francis. Chances?

Paco need to reaL in 226 from West Coburg. Chances?

Personally I can't see over 300 getting chased down (doesn't mean I'm right though) so i think those teams will win.

The Socials to get up in a thriller not much in it I reckon (a few quite ones while I watch too). Heights will win and I think Paco will get the runs.

Ok lets see what the rest of you think. Make it interesting who do you think will make the runs / take the wickets for each side to win?
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