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Re: mmvca

well have a few issuses to deal with here.
Pauly newts is a dead set champ. he is what every good cricket should be. he trains hard, plays hard, then kicks back and enjoys life and time with his family and mates. every cricket club needs a pauly and i would say it was not only a pleasure playing cricket with him but just hanging out with as well.
but i do have to agree with deano, he is not the sharpest dresser in the world, however im sure he is not concerned with fashion tips from deano and i!!
also back to deano,
You know i worked hard for that team. when your number 3 is a bunny and you have to take the burden of takin the shine of the ball by yourself it can wear you down.
and finally that hat brought sexy back to the mmvca.
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;227520 said:
Maybe you should talk to one of your legends(Dave Hackney) and get all the facts and then maybe you wont be so quick to make a comment.

It was never an on the field thing and thats where we will leave it,you got your full committment from a 17 year old when he was there and a premiership.

All the best to your club in the future.

Well in truth I was hinting about the other person who opened the bowling and the problems surrounding the two. I just thought its best not air that sort of stuff on an open forum mate.

I don't think I was quick to make a bad comment, I like the bloke I was just wondering what would make someone leave 2 hours before the first game of the season with no word. I hear he told someone he was feeling ill but he was seen hanging around the rooms that morning. Surely he could have played the game and then left? Thats all I am trying to say.
Re: mmvca

OHHHHHHH NO BALL!!;227458 said:
I understand all of these points. The one season in the past he left, he played at my club in the VTCA. Great player, funny bloke who I got on well with and was part of our premiership team that year.

We went up a division and at around 11am on the morning of the first day of the season he and his dad took off. Unconfirmed rumours was because he was pissed off he couldn't bowl with the wind. Then he told us a few times he was coming back to the club to play with a few mates. They fell through and he went back to St. Andrews around 2 weeks before the season. Not many people at the club think very highly anymore of him.

The only reason i left was to go and play with four or five blokes who i grew up idolising as a kid, blokes i dreamt about playing cricket with one day it was nothing to do bowling into the wind i probably had my best year with you guys bowling into it so that wasnt the issue the only reason i left on the day was because i was scared i wouldnt be able to go where my heart was if i played that day as i would of needed a clearance thats all i know it probably wasnt the best way to go about it and i regret that but it was no hard feelings on the club i loved that club as much as any and i loved the people as for not playing last year my mates from school pulled out on me 2 weeks before the season and that was the only reason i would have come back so thats why i didnt come back but anyway good luck in the future to you and your club!!!!
Re: mmvca

Sainters_3_Peat;227529 said:
The only reason i left was to go and play with four or five blokes who i grew up idolising as a kid, blokes i dreamt about playing cricket with one day it was nothing to do bowling into the wind i probably had my best year with you guys bowling into it so that wasnt the issue the only reason i left on the day was because i was scared i wouldnt be able to go where my heart was if i played that day as i would of needed a clearance thats all i know it probably wasnt the best way to go about it and i regret that but it was no hard feelings on the club i loved that club as much as any and i loved the people as for not playing last year my mates from school pulled out on me 2 weeks before the season and that was the only reason i would have come back so thats why i didnt come back but anyway good luck in the future to you and your club!!!!

Great answer mate. I have no disrespect to you and I hope you have a good season.
Re: mmvca

OHHHHHHH NO BALL!!;227458 said:
I understand all of these points. The one season in the past he left, he played at my club in the VTCA. Great player, funny bloke who I got on well with and was part of our premiership team that year.

We went up a division and at around 11am on the morning of the first day of the season he and his dad took off. Unconfirmed rumours was because he was pissed off he couldn't bowl with the wind. Then he told us a few times he was coming back to the club to play with a few mates. They fell through and he went back to St. Andrews around 2 weeks before the season. Not many people at the club think very highly anymore of him.

Why did you leave Moderator.
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;227520 said:
Maybe you should talk to one of your legends(Dave Hackney) and get all the facts and then maybe you wont be so quick to make a comment.

It was never an on the field thing and thats where we will leave it,you got your full committment from a 17 year old when he was there and a premiership.

All the best to your club in the future.

Well in truth I was hinting about the other person who opened the bowling and the problems surrounding the two. I just thought its best not air that sort of stuff on an open forum mate.

I don't think I was quick to make a bad comment, I like the bloke I was just wondering what would make someone leave 2 hours before the first game of the season with no word. I hear he told someone he was feeling ill but he was seen hanging around the rooms that morning. Surely he could have played the game and then left? Thats all I am trying to say.
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;227520 said:
Maybe you should talk to one of your legends(Dave Hackney) and get all the facts and then maybe you wont be so quick to make a comment.

It was never an on the field thing and thats where we will leave it,you got your full committment from a 17 year old when he was there and a premiership.

All the best to your club in the future.

I was trying to hint to who the other fast bowler was mate. I know it wasn't as simple as bowling into the wind Paul is great player on the field as discussed and it would never be a serious issue to him. Don't get so defensive thanks.
Re: mmvca

Sainters_3_Peat;227529 said:
The only reason i left was to go and play with four or five blokes who i grew up idolising as a kid, blokes i dreamt about playing cricket with one day it was nothing to do bowling into the wind i probably had my best year with you guys bowling into it so that wasnt the issue the only reason i left on the day was because i was scared i wouldnt be able to go where my heart was if i played that day as i would of needed a clearance thats all i know it probably wasnt the best way to go about it and i regret that but it was no hard feelings on the club i loved that club as much as any and i loved the people as for not playing last year my mates from school pulled out on me 2 weeks before the season and that was the only reason i would have come back so thats why i didnt come back but anyway good luck in the future to you and your club!!!!

Great answer mate. I have no disrespect to you and I hope you have a good season.
Re: mmvca

A.Hussey;227525 said:
well have a few issuses to deal with here.
Pauly newts is a dead set champ. he is what every good cricket should be. he trains hard, plays hard, then kicks back and enjoys life and time with his family and mates. every cricket club needs a pauly and i would say it was not only a pleasure playing cricket with him but just hanging out with as well.
but i do have to agree with deano, he is not the sharpest dresser in the world, however im sure he is not concerned with fashion tips from deano and i!!
also back to deano,
You know i worked hard for that team. when your number 3 is a bunny and you have to take the burden of takin the shine of the ball by yourself it can wear you down.
and finally that hat brought sexy back to the mmvca.

You are mostly right but dressing as the phantom, i have to draw the line.

love ya amoke
Re: mmvca

old hack;227391 said:
You will enjoy the family atitude here mate, we have a lot of fun and everyone has a good time.

That is why people drive 40 minutes across town to come back night after night and we have 10-20 people back to stumps most saturday nights.[/QUOTE STUMPS every sat night that could be trouble
Re: mmvca

F.O.S;227520 said:
Maybe you should talk to one of your legends(Dave Hackney) and get all the facts and then maybe you wont be so quick to make a comment.

It was never an on the field thing and thats where we will leave it,you got your full committment from a 17 year old when he was there and a premiership.

All the best to your club in the future.

I was trying to hint to who the other fast bowler was mate. I know it wasn't as simple as bowling into the wind Paul is great player on the field as discussed and it would never be a serious issue to him. Don't get so defensive thanks.
Re: mmvca

Sainters_3_Peat;227529 said:
The only reason i left was to go and play with four or five blokes who i grew up idolising as a kid, blokes i dreamt about playing cricket with one day it was nothing to do bowling into the wind i probably had my best year with you guys bowling into it so that wasnt the issue the only reason i left on the day was because i was scared i wouldnt be able to go where my heart was if i played that day as i would of needed a clearance thats all i know it probably wasnt the best way to go about it and i regret that but it was no hard feelings on the club i loved that club as much as any and i loved the people as for not playing last year my mates from school pulled out on me 2 weeks before the season and that was the only reason i would have come back so thats why i didnt come back but anyway good luck in the future to you and your club!!!!

I ran out of breath trying to read all that in one go... ;)
Re: mmvca

A.Hussey;227525 said:
well have a few issuses to deal with here.
Pauly newts is a dead set champ. he is what every good cricket should be. he trains hard, plays hard, then kicks back and enjoys life and time with his family and mates. every cricket club needs a pauly and i would say it was not only a pleasure playing cricket with him but just hanging out with as well.
but i do have to agree with deano, he is not the sharpest dresser in the world, however im sure he is not concerned with fashion tips from deano and i!!
also back to deano,
You know i worked hard for that team. when your number 3 is a bunny and you have to take the burden of takin the shine of the ball by yourself it can wear you down.
and finally that hat brought sexy back to the mmvca.

You are mostly right but dressing as the phantom, i have to draw the line.

love ya amoke
Re: mmvca

old hack;227391 said:
You will enjoy the family atitude here mate, we have a lot of fun and everyone has a good time.

That is why people drive 40 minutes across town to come back night after night and we have 10-20 people back to stumps most saturday nights.[/QUOTE STUMPS every sat night that could be trouble
Re: mmvca

jake j;227683 said:
old hack;227391 said:
You will enjoy the family atitude here mate, we have a lot of fun and everyone has a good time.

That is why people drive 40 minutes across town to come back night after night and we have 10-20 people back to stumps most saturday nights.[/QUOTE STUMPS every sat night that could be trouble
Jake, it will cost you a lot of money in flowers. You will need to take a few bunches of flowers with you to hand out.
Re: mmvca

Sainters_3_Peat;227529 said:
The only reason i left was to go and play with four or five blokes who i grew up idolising as a kid, blokes i dreamt about playing cricket with one day it was nothing to do bowling into the wind i probably had my best year with you guys bowling into it so that wasnt the issue the only reason i left on the day was because i was scared i wouldnt be able to go where my heart was if i played that day as i would of needed a clearance thats all i know it probably wasnt the best way to go about it and i regret that but it was no hard feelings on the club i loved that club as much as any and i loved the people as for not playing last year my mates from school pulled out on me 2 weeks before the season and that was the only reason i would have come back so thats why i didnt come back but anyway good luck in the future to you and your club!!!!

I ran out of breath trying to read all that in one go... ;)
Re: mmvca

RooBoy;224118 said:
Changing the tact a little i want people's early predictions for season 2008/09

A turf premiers ? - My money is on West Coburg
A turf Champion - Justin Summerfield
A turf Batting - ?? Thats a hard one
A turf bolwing - Summerfield

what do others think
Flag St Andrews
champion G Tapner
batting D Jolley - M Harvey - G Tapner
bowling P Newton- S Wernham - H Karlson
chokers All the rest

I wonder what club I am from?????????????????
Re: mmvca

jake j;227683 said:
old hack;227391 said:
You will enjoy the family atitude here mate, we have a lot of fun and everyone has a good time.

That is why people drive 40 minutes across town to come back night after night and we have 10-20 people back to stumps most saturday nights.[/QUOTE STUMPS every sat night that could be trouble
Jake, it will cost you a lot of money in flowers. You will need to take a few bunches of flowers with you to hand out.
Re: mmvca

Hi Guys,

Heard allot about this forum and must say it hasn't disappointed with some very interesting reading.
Firstly If your club is interested in a pre-season practise match can the please PM me. I'm the coach of Haig and we are looking for another pre-season game.
So if you are keen please don't hesitate to contact me.
If not I wish everyone (player, coach, committee) the very best for the upcoming season, lets make the MMVCA a strong and competitive competition that other association can only envy

Keep up the good work guys.
Re: Young Gun

Hey Young Gun (Fitzy), I have heard from a good sourse that you are 100% signed at Gladstone Park, can you confirm or deny???
The last post that you made you said that you may be playing in the MMVCA.
Re: mmvca

RooBoy;224118 said:
Changing the tact a little i want people's early predictions for season 2008/09

A turf premiers ? - My money is on West Coburg
A turf Champion - Justin Summerfield
A turf Batting - ?? Thats a hard one
A turf bolwing - Summerfield

what do others think
Flag St Andrews
champion G Tapner
batting D Jolley - M Harvey - G Tapner
bowling P Newton- S Wernham - H Karlson
chokers All the rest

I wonder what club I am from?????????????????
Re: mmvca

Old School;227881 said:
jake j;227683 said:
Jake, it will cost you a lot of money in flowers. You will need to take a few bunches of flowers with you to hand out.
i would send you flowers to your club but there is never no one there to except them even on training nights .
Re: mmvca

Hi Guys,

Heard allot about this forum and must say it hasn't disappointed with some very interesting reading.
Firstly If your club is interested in a pre-season practise match can the please PM me. I'm the coach of Haig and we are looking for another pre-season game.
So if you are keen please don't hesitate to contact me.
If not I wish everyone (player, coach, committee) the very best for the upcoming season, lets make the MMVCA a strong and competitive competition that other association can only envy

Keep up the good work guys.
Re: Young Gun

Old School;227927 said:
Hey Young Gun (Fitzy), I have heard from a good sourse that you are 100% signed at Gladstone Park, can you confirm or deny???
The last post that you made you said that you may be playing in the MMVCA.

use will just have to wait and c ...........
Re: Young Gun

Hey Young Gun (Fitzy), I have heard from a good sourse that you are 100% signed at Gladstone Park, can you confirm or deny???
The last post that you made you said that you may be playing in the MMVCA.
Re: mmvca

Old School;227881 said:
jake j;227683 said:
Jake, it will cost you a lot of money in flowers. You will need to take a few bunches of flowers with you to hand out.
i would send you flowers to your club but there is never no one there to except them even on training nights .
Re: Young Gun

Old School;227927 said:
Hey Young Gun (Fitzy), I have heard from a good sourse that you are 100% signed at Gladstone Park, can you confirm or deny???
The last post that you made you said that you may be playing in the MMVCA.

use will just have to wait and c ...........
Re: mmvca

I Would have thought a long time player at one particular club would not slag them off! not to mention leave for no good reason!
Re: mmvca

My Captain said:
Flag St Andrews
champion G Tapner
batting D Jolley - M Harvey - G Tapner
bowling P Newton- S Wernham - H Karlson
chokers All the rest

I wonder what club I am from?????????????????
What about your self young fella, and how is the back feeling???
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