The UK still has chimney sweeps?I once kissed the Blaney stone Jessica.
I could talk the spines off a hedgehog.
Sometimes I like to express some emotion by an icon rather than words. Not always. I feel an icon can often express better and more succinctly than words. And even be deliberately ambiguous.
When teaching I loved drawing pictures with lots of colours on my black and white boards. I taught the "kinkiness" of the graphs of polynomial functions with slender, smooth and colourful curves, for contrast to other powered polynomials, of course. Go Pollys. For my Seniors I explained with a deliberate straight face the more powerful a polynomial function, the more kinkiness it could have and all the possible roots it could have. I expected and ignored the sniggers and chuckles that followed but knew the general rule had sunken in, even snippets in year books..
They were shocked to attention the day I told them I was going to teach them all about "Sets".
Language and communication is more than just words. It takes many forms and styles. Body and facial expressions, the visual in many ways, the voice including its tone, eye contact, ... like even the way one dresses and appears, .... smell, ... status, ... gold chains, .. MAGA hat, ...
More importantly, I keep in touch regularly with my two east state wonderful daughters by Messenger with many an icon.and funnie.
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