Leg Spin

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Re: Leg Spin

Still not getting it with leg breaks! I have a go everynow and then and somethings not right. But at nets last week I did all right with my wrong uns mixing them up with Top Spinners and Flippers (Which turn like Leg breaks - leg to off). The wrong uns work really well with the left handed bats. But several people at my club paid compliments about my bowling - line and length and the fact that I caused some of them real problems. One of our best batsmen said that it would be beneficial to increase my speed by about another 5 mph, so I'm looking into that.

I bowled against a bloke tonight I've never bowled against over on our practice field and caused him problems, so the Leg Breaks aside - yeah it's coming together. First game of the season is the 13th Apr so that'll be interesting to see how I get on in the real situation - but I'm feeling pretty confident.

Yeah big post that one for a first ever! Lets hope night visions going to be a regular contributor? Looks like he's here in the UK so he's got a whole season to write about over the coming months?

How you getting on Simon - you ready for the new season - are you injury free? what are you aiming to achieve?
Re: Leg Spin

I'm now injury free, going to enjoy the first game of the season, not done one in a while, usually been slightly late :p

I think i'm slightly edging away from the bowling department, its still there, and i'm still capable i just don't have the sharpness that i had a few seasons ago.

If its time for a change to Medium pacers and try to quicken from there, or maybe revert back to SLA, im not sure.

Batting wise its great, been middling them, the bats nice knocked in and is ready, so all i need now it to properly get some overs under my belt in the nets and in our practise match on Wednesday, and then it should be great.

If needs be Dave, leave off the leg breaks, or use it as a "Speciality," ball, just keep plugging away, the more overs which are under your belt the better you'll feel, who knows, maybe just try using the ball like a medium pacer (If you can build it into your action) and just do a seam up ball, thats what i tend to do for my quicker one now-a-days. Its cheating slightly :p But if you can incorporate it in to your bowling action then all the better.
Re: Leg Spin

Simbazz said:
If needs be Dave, leave off the leg breaks, or use it as a "Speciality," ball, just keep plugging away, the more overs which are under your belt the better you'll feel, who knows, maybe just try using the ball like a medium pacer (If you can build it into your action) and just do a seam up ball, thats what i tend to do for my quicker one now-a-days. Its cheating slightly :p But if you can incorporate it in to your bowling action then all the better.

I like the Medium pacer idea. I've said on here a few times that I bowl "The slider" but I'm not sure that I'm bowling it correctly and I'd put money on the fact that I'm doing it completely wrong. But the thing I call my "Slider" is gripped in the usual wrist spin manner 2 fingers up 2 fingers down across the seam, but it's a straight ball and it's bowled with no input from the 2 last fingers it's just released off the first 2 fingers so it puts backspin on it. As far as I know it's how a medium pace bowler would bowl but with seam the wrong way? The thing is because the last 2 fingers are not involved in trying to rip it into a spin I'm able to bowl it so much faster off the same short "Run in" and it has the potential to catch people out. Last summer practicing it I noticed that for some reason it sometimes deviates off of the obvious straight line.

So I could use this ball or as you've suggested turn the seam round? It's a good idea I reckon.
Re: Leg Spin

someblokecalleddave said:
is gripped in the usual wrist spin manner 2 fingers up 2 fingers down across the seam, but it's a straight ball and it's bowled with no input from the 2 last fingers it's just released off the first 2 fingers so it puts backspin on it. As far as I know it's how a medium pace bowler would bowl but with seam the wrong way?

Strangely enough, when I was bowling Medium pace, this was almost exactly how I bowled my slower ball. I'd separate the two fingers a little further, and switch the ball so the seam was across the batsman as opposed to pointed at him. The idea was that if I could manage to get the seam to grip when the ball pitched, the extra bounce could (and occasionally did) cause the batsman to mistime the shot.

As I'm still getting to grips with the Leg Break as far as Leg Spin is concerned, I'm not going to attempt any of the variations until I'm happy with my stock delivery, so using this delivery as the occasional straight, quick one (or even the odd in-swinger) would be a nice way of at least preventing me getting too predictable. Tried it in the nets the other night, and I reckon that delivery is easily 10-15mph quicker than the Leg Break, so if I can make sure I'm getting it full and straight, it could be a very nice weapon to have in my as-yet limited armoury.
Re: Leg Spin

Yeah I reckon you're going about it the right way. I would advocate learning the Leg Break before you go on to try and any of the others because I've become the victim of moving on too soon, so many people say that you have to have the Leg Break as your main ball, the one that you're going to be bowling most of the time. If you move on too soon you lose it and that's what's happened to me and I can't get it back :mad:

But you're right about that straight ball with the seam sideways - and as you say if the seam ends up being the part of the ball that makes contact withthe ground first I reckon it does make the ball do odd things.
Re: Leg Spin

Yep - I'm getting the hang of the Leg Break now, so as a bit of variation I'm starting to work in a few other deliveries.

The way I've been practicing outside of nets is pretty (alright, VERY) rough and ready - basically, I've been propping one of my pads up vertically using the other one as support and using that as the stumps - a bit smaller than ideal, but at least it's something to bowl at. I've got six balls, ranging from absolutely knackered to brand spanking new. Two of these balls are white 4.75oz balls, so what I've been doing is basically bowling an over at the 'stumps', and been using the white balls to practice variations, whilst the full-size red ones are still Leg Breaks. Basically, I'm bowling four Leg Breaks and two variations every six balls.

So far, I've had varying degrees of success. My topspinner is, without wanting to sound like I'm blowing my own trumpet too much, pretty good. As you may have noticed, we had a bit of rain and snow today, so there was next to no bounce on the ball, but I could still get the topspinner to clear the pads quite comfortably from pitching on a good length, so I'm pretty happy with that considering it's the first time I've really bowled it.
The other two aren't quite so good. My googly is frankly non-existant, as for some reason, I'm still spinning it away from the imaginary right hander - no idea why this is, but I'm not terribly concerned by this, as if I want to move the ball back into the right hander, I can always bowl a standard offspinner.
The slider is a bit erratic, occasionally somehow becoming the opposite of what it's intended to be, and getting some terrific bounce as well as no small amount of spin away from the right hander. Once again, I'm not too worried by this, as this is probably more likely to get me wickets than when I bowl it correctly! :p

Overall, considering the minute time I've been bowling Leg Spin (about six hours total practice time), I'm delighted with where I'm at. I'm getting plenty of movement off the seam, and although my line is pretty ragged (miles too far outside off for the most part), my length is mostly good, if occasionally a bit too full.

How long have you been bowling, Dave?
Re: Leg Spin

You'd think with the amount of posts on this thread all my life - but I'm a learner like you, I've been playing cricket for less that two years, this is my second season coming up now! Unfortunately I have an obsessive streak and this is my current obsession and probably will be till I can no longer stand or throw!

Yeah - I picked up the Top spinner easily as well and it's a good ball to bowl. Honestly with the googlies - give em a miss till you can get your leg break into the areas you want and you're no longer bowling them wide. I get the feeling it's the googlies that undo your leg break - have a look at the Terry Jenner videos on line both the cloverdale and the BBC one In both those he says "Don't bowl the wrong un so much that you lose the Leg break" because that seems to be what happens!

What you like at woodwork - have you got access to a jigsaw? If so look at this - these took me about half hour to knock up using bits of old ply wood. I have stake which I knock into the ground and clamp the stump to the stake. Cheap, easy and lightweight.


Re: Leg Spin

How do u stop dragging the ball down, Whenever i try to rip it i just end up bowling short if i dont rip it i can flight it and control it, but i dont want to be a SLOW bowler i want to be a SPIN bowler but once in a 10 balls or so i bowl a flighted ripping leggie so how can i minimize the short balls?
Re: Leg Spin

when i started to bowl spin i started on leggie, but my wrong un is almost unplayable. we have had a Level 3 ECB coach join our squad this year and he has been teaching my leg spin. he simplified it into "just like turning a door knob" and my god does it work!
Re: Leg Spin

someblokecalleddave said:
You'd think with the amount of posts on this thread all my life - but I'm a learner like you, I've been playing cricket for less that two years, this is my second season coming up now! Unfortunately I have an obsessive streak and this is my current obsession and probably will be till I can no longer stand or throw!

Yeah - I picked up the Top spinner easily as well and it's a good ball to bowl. Honestly with the googlies - give em a miss till you can get your leg break into the areas you want and you're no longer bowling them wide. I get the feeling it's the googlies that undo your leg break - have a look at the Terry Jenner videos on line both the cloverdale and the BBC one In both those he says "Don't bowl the wrong un so much that you lose the Leg break" because that seems to be what happens!

What you like at woodwork - have you got access to a jigsaw? If so look at this - these took me about half hour to knock up using bits of old ply wood. I have stake which I knock into the ground and clamp the stump to the stake. Cheap, easy and lightweight.



I'm not a great woodworker, but I've actually got about £60-worth of Amazon vouchers I won in a Poker tournament, so I may have a look round and get myself some spring-loaded stumps.

Yeah, for the moment I'm trying to get myself bowling Leg breaks on a steady line, although I'm going to have a word with the Captain at Nets tomorrow and find out what the team needs me to do - either a containing bowler or an attacking bowler. Obviously this will make a difference to where I'm bowling. As a containing bowler, I'd look to be pitching the ball in line with the stumps, and making the batsman sweat as to whether the ball will turn or not. When attacking, I'd be looking to pitch the ball just in line or outside off stump, and trying to get the batsman to drive the ball, looking for edges and mis-times. Obviously I'd rather be able to do both, but it will be easier to make sure I've got one down before I start to learn another.

As for the Terry Jenner videos, I did catch them both, and they are both excellent, particularly the Cloverdale one. Also worth looking for (I'm guessing you've seen it) is the video with Shane Warne talking you through it. It's on youtube, I'll have a look for the link.

I've been playing for about three years now, and am starting to get the hang of things with both Bat and Ball - batting at about number 8, I made a few runs last season, so hoping for a spell a little higher up the order this season, if only to avoid coming in just in time for the opening bowlers' second spell!
Re: Leg Spin

You're obviously a lot more knowledgable on the subject than me - just reading your last post has made me aware that if you've got the skills to keep a consistent line you're able to bowl as you say in either an attacking manner or a "Containing" manner - something I've never contemplated or had made aware to me before. Last year I bowled in a attacking manner throughout all the games, but at the end of the season I saw an old bloke bowl an amazing series of overs (about 10) where he had 7 maidens overs against us. This was aobviously a containing approach and it's what I've been working on over the winter with my top spinners. I've been trying to learn to pitch the ball consistently at middle stump at varying speeds and lengths as this is what this old bloke did to get this result. So it's an approach I'm looking to use initially at the start of the season to see how it pans out.

Yeah I've seen the Warne video as well, hopefully everyone on here has too, it's a must along with the others I reckon.
Whoa Revelation!

Just been out on one of my practice fields and was joined by a couple of kids who allowed me to bowl some balls at them which was nice and vice versa. But just before my car park ticket had run out I was bowling a few flippers and they were doing what they do and then I had an idea. What would happen if you bowled the flipper upside in the manner of bowling wrong uns. It just struck me as being possible and that if you could get it on a line it might just spin weird?

I threw the first one and being the combination of the 2 very different techniques it went all over the place, but despite the fact that my arm, wrist and everything was all the wrong way round I was still able to click the ball out of my fingers as you do with the flipper, so it felt as though if I was just to get the release right and get the ball going down the track in the right direction it might do something useful or odd.

Oh my God! The 2nd ball was straight. It pitched and turned at such a stupid angle you would not believe it. Guess what way it turned? Leg to off! Could this be the answer to my inability to bowl Leg breaks - it was looking promising. The next 6 balls all did exactly the same thing and again at ridiculously acute angles - making Shane warnes "Ball of the century" look lame - I kid you not! Admittedly bowling this for the first time ever it was slow and the next 18 balls before I gave up and had to get to my car looked increasingly less dramatic, but still spinning from Leg to off in a way that I've never been able to before on grass.

I've got nets tonight, so I was quite happy to be forced into stopping because if I'd have stayed there I'd have kept going for another 2 hours and might have pulled some arm muscles and not been able to repeat it again tonight. So tonight against some good batsmen I'll give this a go and see if I can repeat it.

Flipper and a Googlie combined - Flooglie? Gipper?

What do you reckon? :laugh:
Re: Leg Spin

Oh yeah and they bounce rather than skid in!

It's not a fluke - I've just gone outside my house using a hockey ball on concrete and man it turns ridiculously every single time! It's amazing!!! If I can get my video camera going I try and video it.
Re: Leg Spin

Dave, i know what your talking about....

I bowl my wrongun very sharply and it has a habit of combinging with the flipper, it looks like a wrongun but it dips shaprly infornt of the batsmen and has a eratic bounce! very hard to play.......
Re: Leg Spin

Nice one it'll be good to see it. I've just been outside in between doing DIY and I've been bowling the ball 3' wide of leg and it's still missing the off stump!!!!
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