My last dog aptly named "Mack" was a very feisty Miniature Pinscher, retired stud dog, who almost lived to twenty. So feisty he once chased two Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs about thier own farm snapping at their heels. He was very fast.

With a now long empty Avery, it and my palms attracted many rats and mice which I laid down poison for.
Anyway one evening my lion hearted little dog Mack came back in through his cat door with a dead and poisoned rat in his jaws.
Fearing him getting poisoned I tried to wrestle the rat from his mouth. He slept on my bed and acknowledged me his boss but he got stubborn and bit down hard to keep his dead poisoned rat. The bite was so hard his teeth went through the decomposing and poisoned rat into and pierced my hand. Still I strugged and got the gooey rat free with blood pouring from my hand.
Mack was disappointed at losing his rat as I binned it and poured tap water over my wound.

Next off to my local hospital that efficienty gave me a tetanus jab and a plaster. The good irony was that I had a script in my pocket for a $50 tetanus shot which was a free at the hospital.

This is a picture of my mad Mack:

note his studded collar ...
My last dog aptly named "Mack" was a very feisty Miniature Pinscher, retired stud dog, who almost lived to twenty. So feisty he once chased two Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs about thier own farm snapping at their heels. He was very fast.

With a now long empty Avery, it and my palms attracted many rats and mice which I laid down poison for.
Anyway one evening my lion hearted little dog Mack came back in through his cat door with a dead and poisoned rat in his jaws.
Fearing him getting poisoned I tried to wrestle the rat from his mouth. He slept on my bed and acknowledged me his boss but he got stubborn and bit down hard to keep his dead poisoned rat. The bite was so hard his teeth went through the decomposing and poisoned rat into and pierced my hand. Still I strugged and got the gooey rat free with blood pouring from my hand.
Mack was disappointed at losing his rat as I binned it and poured tap water over my wound.

Next off to my local hospital that efficienty gave me a tetanus jab and a plaster. The good irony was that I had a script in my pocket for a $50 tetanus shot which was a free at the hospital.

This is a picture of my mad Mack:

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note his studded collar ...
Ahh he's cute! Tilting his head too for a picture! 😍
Small dogs like that are popular amongst farmers here, they send them down burrows to get rid of wild rabbits, shame but it is what it is. How is Denny?
Richie Richie how is Bonnie?
I've just inherited my old mate's cat Poosh who is a big fiesty tabby with a deep seated love of food and having a facial rub.
I let her out now into my high fenced yards to explore and she's started using my garden beds for her toilet and hide spots. That's great by me and bet she'll kill or frighten off any mice or rats, She kept my old mate's place free of them. My little dog Denny is ever polite and demure to this new feline Amazon. 🙂
The thread has been waylaid a touch so putting it back on track.
What where your views on cultural aspects growing up, such as fashion or entertainment.
The thread has been waylaid a touch so putting it back on track.
What where your views on cultural aspects growing up, such as fashion or entertainment.
Well I used to wear platform shoes and wide flares.
Violence and swearing is becoming more common place on media and I don't think much of modern music, especially Rap which I loathe... . it's not music!