Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

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Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

You two need to go to bed. Tommorrow could be a very long day brother and I want my best men to charge hard. So rest, time could change everything.
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

You two need to go to bed. Tommorrow could be a very long day brother and I want my best men to charge hard. So rest, time could change everything.
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

roosters hack;335239 said:
That's gold.....matts it is!!:D

Has Gooky called yet. I believe Gongs coach has been talking to him. Or has he yet again failed to make contact with us.:mad::mad::mad:
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

roosters hack;335239 said:
That's gold.....matts it is!!:D

Has Gooky called yet. I believe Gongs coach has been talking to him. Or has he yet again failed to make contact with us.:mad::mad::mad:
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

tram;335247 said:
Has Gooky called yet. I believe Gongs coach has been talking to him. Or has he yet again failed to make contact with us.:mad::mad::mad:

Nope he appears to have lost my number....latest was three in to start from scratch...one yet to reply..................:rolleyes: goodnight all, get a life and go to bed!!
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

tram;335247 said:
Has Gooky called yet. I believe Gongs coach has been talking to him. Or has he yet again failed to make contact with us.:mad::mad::mad:

Nope he appears to have lost my number....latest was three in to start from scratch...one yet to reply..................:rolleyes: goodnight all, get a life and go to bed!!
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

roosters hack;335217 said:
yeah a wash out would proove nothing....there would still be a winner that in most peoples eyes don't deserve it....yeah i know they where undefeated up till now....finals is what we play for, so lets start again, fresh wickets satdee/sundee grannie the week after satdee/sundee...at this stage that is the best case senario for all.

I don't really know what I am about to write here. But one thing I want to make clear: NOBODY from St Andrew's cc had anything to do with the dispicable act that took place over the weekend. I have been a part of St Andrew's for over 10 years now and do not believe for one minute that anyone from "my" club would do such a thing. So for those of you that are saying it was St Andrew's, you are entitled to your opinion, but you are wrong. In my opinion the person/people who did this should be ashamed of themselves. I was the person who drove past Anglis on both days yelling support for "my" team. I did not know the pitch had been dug up on the Monday as I had a final of my own to worry about - which, by the way, congrats to Sports - they were the better team on the day - Every player on "my" team could walk off with their heads held up high. We left it all out on the field. Back to the subject at hand - ST ANDREW'S CC DOES NOT AND WILL NOT STAND IDLY BY AND COP ALL THE BULLS**T THAT IS COMING OUT ON THIS FORUM!!! NOBODY FROM "MY" CLUB DID THIS!!! But hey, at the end of the day we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. If we say nothing we are guilty and if we say we didn't do it, we are liars, So you can have your view but be careful what you say because it might just come back to bite you on the ass.

That said and done I believe that both games should be replayed this weekend. They should be replayed as the conditions won't be the same. I don't think you can pick up where you left off on a different pitch/ground. I also think we would have taken the 4 wickets needed. I can tell you right now the mood on Saturday was very upbeat after the game, back at the rooms. BOTH teams - Turf & B grade - thought they were in a good position to win. B grade lost and turf never got to find out. The games need to be replayed, the only thing is there will always be the "what if" factor!!!:(
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

roosters hack;335217 said:
yeah a wash out would proove nothing....there would still be a winner that in most peoples eyes don't deserve it....yeah i know they where undefeated up till now....finals is what we play for, so lets start again, fresh wickets satdee/sundee grannie the week after satdee/sundee...at this stage that is the best case senario for all.

I don't really know what I am about to write here. But one thing I want to make clear: NOBODY from St Andrew's cc had anything to do with the dispicable act that took place over the weekend. I have been a part of St Andrew's for over 10 years now and do not believe for one minute that anyone from "my" club would do such a thing. So for those of you that are saying it was St Andrew's, you are entitled to your opinion, but you are wrong. In my opinion the person/people who did this should be ashamed of themselves. I was the person who drove past Anglis on both days yelling support for "my" team. I did not know the pitch had been dug up on the Monday as I had a final of my own to worry about - which, by the way, congrats to Sports - they were the better team on the day - Every player on "my" team could walk off with their heads held up high. We left it all out on the field. Back to the subject at hand - ST ANDREW'S CC DOES NOT AND WILL NOT STAND IDLY BY AND COP ALL THE BULLS**T THAT IS COMING OUT ON THIS FORUM!!! NOBODY FROM "MY" CLUB DID THIS!!! But hey, at the end of the day we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. If we say nothing we are guilty and if we say we didn't do it, we are liars, So you can have your view but be careful what you say because it might just come back to bite you on the ass.

That said and done I believe that both games should be replayed this weekend. They should be replayed as the conditions won't be the same. I don't think you can pick up where you left off on a different pitch/ground. I also think we would have taken the 4 wickets needed. I can tell you right now the mood on Saturday was very upbeat after the game, back at the rooms. BOTH teams - Turf & B grade - thought they were in a good position to win. B grade lost and turf never got to find out. The games need to be replayed, the only thing is there will always be the "what if" factor!!!:(
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

I just hope it's not the end of this comp because I have played in it for 25+ years and have never enjoyed my cricket more than I have this season!!! I don't know what else there is to do on a sunny saturday afternoon in the middle of summer other than to play cricket with (& against) your mates, then have a beer after the days play - no matter how heated it got on the field. And I have always done it in this comp and that's the way I want it to be always, even after I have retired. I still want to be able to walk into a club room and have a beer with a mate. :confused:
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

I just hope it's not the end of this comp because I have played in it for 25+ years and have never enjoyed my cricket more than I have this season!!! I don't know what else there is to do on a sunny saturday afternoon in the middle of summer other than to play cricket with (& against) your mates, then have a beer after the days play - no matter how heated it got on the field. And I have always done it in this comp and that's the way I want it to be always, even after I have retired. I still want to be able to walk into a club room and have a beer with a mate. :confused:
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

NEED FOR SPEED;334687 said:
Unfortunatly PEOPLE the game of cricket has come to it's lowest ebb!!

Cannot believe this has happened again.

Cannot take anything away from the assoc. who have tried their best to give all you blokes a fair game of cricket and do not warrant any critisizim.

Wheather ambushed by outsiders, or clubs that were too scared to try and win i must agree that whoever involved needs to be banned from ALL cricket associations for ''LIFE'' (with NO parole)

Yes i also agree 'TURF' games should be rescheduled for next weekend and as strange as it sounds, comp should have someone watch the wickets overnight. Not necessary to pay security 'BUT' have someone from each club participating in the final to have 2 people camped at grounds maybe??

Seems to be same old Melton Centrals, Congs, St Andrews involved.

If it were up to ME i would abondon the whole season and read the riot act

Enough of turf issues but it seems MELDOWN STH have '''CHOKED''' AGAIN

Suicide watch has been ordered for all their B Matts players after THE OLD BOYS comprehensively kicked their arses back to Melton

As stated by 'POTS' we all need to be carefull of them as they are proven finals players. 50+ yrs or not. Champions Win or Loose. Erned respect!!!:rolleyes:

Hey NEED FOR SPEED, no need to worry, Melton South B's knew they couldnt play in the GF, they couldn't organise day release for the next two Saturdays :p
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

NEED FOR SPEED;334687 said:
Unfortunatly PEOPLE the game of cricket has come to it's lowest ebb!!

Cannot believe this has happened again.

Cannot take anything away from the assoc. who have tried their best to give all you blokes a fair game of cricket and do not warrant any critisizim.

Wheather ambushed by outsiders, or clubs that were too scared to try and win i must agree that whoever involved needs to be banned from ALL cricket associations for ''LIFE'' (with NO parole)

Yes i also agree 'TURF' games should be rescheduled for next weekend and as strange as it sounds, comp should have someone watch the wickets overnight. Not necessary to pay security 'BUT' have someone from each club participating in the final to have 2 people camped at grounds maybe??

Seems to be same old Melton Centrals, Congs, St Andrews involved.

If it were up to ME i would abondon the whole season and read the riot act

Enough of turf issues but it seems MELDOWN STH have '''CHOKED''' AGAIN

Suicide watch has been ordered for all their B Matts players after THE OLD BOYS comprehensively kicked their arses back to Melton

As stated by 'POTS' we all need to be carefull of them as they are proven finals players. 50+ yrs or not. Champions Win or Loose. Erned respect!!!:rolleyes:

Hey NEED FOR SPEED, no need to worry, Melton South B's knew they couldnt play in the GF, they couldn't organise day release for the next two Saturdays :p
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Big Coq, you can call me skelator if you like, my teamates do. To answer your question is two fold, no it is not in the spirit of the game, and secondly was it the right decision. You must see it from the association point of view. All grounds affected would not be ready for a number of weeks. So they would have had to source 2 grounds, Altona Green and another. I can think of a number of grounds around the newport area (baseballers for instance) that may have been available. If I was a decision maker I would have attempted to secure 2 grounds, play the semi this coming sat/sun and the granny the following 2 saturdays.

However in saying that a lot of calls would have had to be made to make this happen. I cannot and will not knock the Executive, the work they do for the association is beyond reproach. If someone thinks they can do a better job, please step forward and stop laying the boots in from behind your computer names. Till next year lads (if I am still around) happy drinking.
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Big Coq, you can call me skelator if you like, my teamates do. To answer your question is two fold, no it is not in the spirit of the game, and secondly was it the right decision. You must see it from the association point of view. All grounds affected would not be ready for a number of weeks. So they would have had to source 2 grounds, Altona Green and another. I can think of a number of grounds around the newport area (baseballers for instance) that may have been available. If I was a decision maker I would have attempted to secure 2 grounds, play the semi this coming sat/sun and the granny the following 2 saturdays.

However in saying that a lot of calls would have had to be made to make this happen. I cannot and will not knock the Executive, the work they do for the association is beyond reproach. If someone thinks they can do a better job, please step forward and stop laying the boots in from behind your computer names. Till next year lads (if I am still around) happy drinking.
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

If the Association changes their mind and the Semi Finals are replayed this Saturday and Sunday do we have 2 news grounds available? 1 Ground could be Altona Green, but will another Comp or club offer us a ground to play on?
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

If the Association changes their mind and the Semi Finals are replayed this Saturday and Sunday do we have 2 news grounds available? 1 Ground could be Altona Green, but will another Comp or club offer us a ground to play on?
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Forbesy;335308 said:
Big Coq, you can call me skelator if you like, my teamates do. To answer your question is two fold, no it is not in the spirit of the game, and secondly was it the right decision. You must see it from the association point of view. All grounds affected would not be ready for a number of weeks. So they would have had to source 2 grounds, Altona Green and another. I can think of a number of grounds around the newport area (baseballers for instance) that may have been available. If I was a decision maker I would have attempted to secure 2 grounds, play the semi this coming sat/sun and the granny the following 2 saturdays.

However in saying that a lot of calls would have had to be made to make this happen. I cannot and will not knock the Executive, the work they do for the association is beyond reproach. If someone thinks they can do a better job, please step forward and stop laying the boots in from behind your computer names. Till next year lads (if I am still around) happy drinking.

Got to agree with you on the executive point here Forbesy. The old blokes running it would do a hell of alot of work to try and organize everything so as WE can play cricket.
They are still there probably not by want but by nessesity because as you said NO-ONE ELSE will stand up to help out and take over any roles.

As soon as we do not like a decision we belt the crap out of the executive.(Although i think maybe a bad one was made on weekend).

On your second point regaurding G.F for following 2 Saturdays.
I really think after this digging of pitches has happened again that the Semi & Grand finals should be played over 1 weekend each Sat/Sun & Sat/Sun.
This would mean pitches could be watched overnight so as to eliminate them sitting unattended for the whole week.

Bit sad when you need to start thinking like this though!!!
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Forbesy;335308 said:
Big Coq, you can call me skelator if you like, my teamates do. To answer your question is two fold, no it is not in the spirit of the game, and secondly was it the right decision. You must see it from the association point of view. All grounds affected would not be ready for a number of weeks. So they would have had to source 2 grounds, Altona Green and another. I can think of a number of grounds around the newport area (baseballers for instance) that may have been available. If I was a decision maker I would have attempted to secure 2 grounds, play the semi this coming sat/sun and the granny the following 2 saturdays.

However in saying that a lot of calls would have had to be made to make this happen. I cannot and will not knock the Executive, the work they do for the association is beyond reproach. If someone thinks they can do a better job, please step forward and stop laying the boots in from behind your computer names. Till next year lads (if I am still around) happy drinking.

Got to agree with you on the executive point here Forbesy. The old blokes running it would do a hell of alot of work to try and organize everything so as WE can play cricket.
They are still there probably not by want but by nessesity because as you said NO-ONE ELSE will stand up to help out and take over any roles.

As soon as we do not like a decision we belt the crap out of the executive.(Although i think maybe a bad one was made on weekend).

On your second point regaurding G.F for following 2 Saturdays.
I really think after this digging of pitches has happened again that the Semi & Grand finals should be played over 1 weekend each Sat/Sun & Sat/Sun.
This would mean pitches could be watched overnight so as to eliminate them sitting unattended for the whole week.

Bit sad when you need to start thinking like this though!!!
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

NEED FOR SPEED;335319 said:
Got to agree with you on the executive point here Forbesy. The old blokes running it would do a hell of alot of work to try and organize everything so as WE can play cricket.
They are still there probably not by want but by nessesity because as you said NO-ONE ELSE will stand up to help out and take over any roles.

As soon as we do not like a decision we belt the crap out of the executive.(Although i think maybe a bad one was made on weekend).

On your second point regaurding G.F for following 2 Saturdays.
I really think after this digging of pitches has happened again that the Semi & Grand finals should be played over 1 weekend each Sat/Sun & Sat/Sun.
This would mean pitches could be watched overnight so as to eliminate them sitting unattended for the whole week.

Bit sad when you need to start thinking like this though!!!

Don't think you could have put it any better Need For Speed
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

NEED FOR SPEED;335319 said:
Got to agree with you on the executive point here Forbesy. The old blokes running it would do a hell of alot of work to try and organize everything so as WE can play cricket.
They are still there probably not by want but by nessesity because as you said NO-ONE ELSE will stand up to help out and take over any roles.

As soon as we do not like a decision we belt the crap out of the executive.(Although i think maybe a bad one was made on weekend).

On your second point regaurding G.F for following 2 Saturdays.
I really think after this digging of pitches has happened again that the Semi & Grand finals should be played over 1 weekend each Sat/Sun & Sat/Sun.
This would mean pitches could be watched overnight so as to eliminate them sitting unattended for the whole week.

Bit sad when you need to start thinking like this though!!!

Don't think you could have put it any better Need For Speed
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Forbesy;335308 said:
Big Coq, you can call me skelator if you like, my teamates do. To answer your question is two fold, no it is not in the spirit of the game, and secondly was it the right decision. You must see it from the association point of view. All grounds affected would not be ready for a number of weeks. So they would have had to source 2 grounds, Altona Green and another. I can think of a number of grounds around the newport area (baseballers for instance) that may have been available. If I was a decision maker I would have attempted to secure 2 grounds, play the semi this coming sat/sun and the granny the following 2 saturdays.

However in saying that a lot of calls would have had to be made to make this happen. I cannot and will not knock the Executive, the work they do for the association is beyond reproach. If someone thinks they can do a better job, please step forward and stop laying the boots in from behind your computer names. Till next year lads (if I am still around) happy drinking.

Skelator i only have one thing left to say THE EXECUTIVE needs more than 3 people to make a corum so there decision is un-constatutional and also the constitution only covers the rain rule so the desicion making process is severly flawed and dictatorial rewarding CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.
Incredibally having had such an incident occur in the past and the constitution has not been amended to reflect such an incident occuring in the future it is iresponsible from the governing body sorry mate.

I do feel for Gooky cause i know how hard he works for the assoc and how much work he has done with TURF but to not put in a clause considering 5-6 years ago this event occured is down right irresponsible Hence you have a comp in tatters Sorry but thats the GOD honest truth.
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Forbesy;335308 said:
Big Coq, you can call me skelator if you like, my teamates do. To answer your question is two fold, no it is not in the spirit of the game, and secondly was it the right decision. You must see it from the association point of view. All grounds affected would not be ready for a number of weeks. So they would have had to source 2 grounds, Altona Green and another. I can think of a number of grounds around the newport area (baseballers for instance) that may have been available. If I was a decision maker I would have attempted to secure 2 grounds, play the semi this coming sat/sun and the granny the following 2 saturdays.

However in saying that a lot of calls would have had to be made to make this happen. I cannot and will not knock the Executive, the work they do for the association is beyond reproach. If someone thinks they can do a better job, please step forward and stop laying the boots in from behind your computer names. Till next year lads (if I am still around) happy drinking.

Skelator i only have one thing left to say THE EXECUTIVE needs more than 3 people to make a corum so there decision is un-constatutional and also the constitution only covers the rain rule so the desicion making process is severly flawed and dictatorial rewarding CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.
Incredibally having had such an incident occur in the past and the constitution has not been amended to reflect such an incident occuring in the future it is iresponsible from the governing body sorry mate.

I do feel for Gooky cause i know how hard he works for the assoc and how much work he has done with TURF but to not put in a clause considering 5-6 years ago this event occured is down right irresponsible Hence you have a comp in tatters Sorry but thats the GOD honest truth.
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Billy Bowden;335317 said:
If the Association changes their mind and the Semi Finals are replayed this Saturday and Sunday do we have 2 news grounds available? 1 Ground could be Altona Green, but will another Comp or club offer us a ground to play on?

Billy i always go in to bat for you when players bag u & ur decisions cause we have history Roosters/yarra baps & St Andrews. i also think you make good sense on the blog insteasd of the usual crap that gets bandied around.
Now Billy i at no stage pointed the finger at you guys i asked ur pres about the story that was reported to me by the Congs boys about a car driving past bla bla bla. now from an outsider point of view it doesnt sound good but the pres sorted that out. I did not say there needs to be an investigation on that particular incident but there needs to be an investigation with all teams to try to get close to the truth it is great that your blokes are defending the club as it should be.
look mate MeltonCentral come back to our room and some of the Congs boys as well so alot of thing were getting bandied around we had a beer with everyone and just tried to numb the pain but it hasn't worked.
i would never jump to conclusions because that gets us know where it just start more trouble than its worth.
SIGNED THE ANGRY MOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Billy Bowden;335317 said:
If the Association changes their mind and the Semi Finals are replayed this Saturday and Sunday do we have 2 news grounds available? 1 Ground could be Altona Green, but will another Comp or club offer us a ground to play on?

Billy i always go in to bat for you when players bag u & ur decisions cause we have history Roosters/yarra baps & St Andrews. i also think you make good sense on the blog insteasd of the usual crap that gets bandied around.
Now Billy i at no stage pointed the finger at you guys i asked ur pres about the story that was reported to me by the Congs boys about a car driving past bla bla bla. now from an outsider point of view it doesnt sound good but the pres sorted that out. I did not say there needs to be an investigation on that particular incident but there needs to be an investigation with all teams to try to get close to the truth it is great that your blokes are defending the club as it should be.
look mate MeltonCentral come back to our room and some of the Congs boys as well so alot of thing were getting bandied around we had a beer with everyone and just tried to numb the pain but it hasn't worked.
i would never jump to conclusions because that gets us know where it just start more trouble than its worth.
SIGNED THE ANGRY MOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

BigCoq;335337 said:
Billy i always go in to bat for you when players bag u & ur decisions cause we have history Roosters/yarra baps & St Andrews. i also think you make good sense on the blog insteasd of the usual crap that gets bandied around.
Now Billy i at no stage pointed the finger at you guys i asked ur pres about the story that was reported to me by the Congs boys about a car driving past bla bla bla. now from an outsider point of view it doesnt sound good but the pres sorted that out. I did not say there needs to be an investigation on that particular incident but there needs to be an investigation with all teams to try to get close to the truth it is great that your blokes are defending the club as it should be.
look mate MeltonCentral come back to our room and some of the Congs boys as well so alot of thing were getting bandied around we had a beer with everyone and just tried to numb the pain but it hasn't worked.
i would never jump to conclusions because that gets us know where it just start more trouble than its worth.
SIGNED THE ANGRY MOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No worries Big Coq. I think its time we all move on from bagging clubs for doing this as all clubs have all come out and categorically denied them haveing anything to do with it. I was upset with you because when I saw you on Monday at St Pauls you were the first person to apprach me and say the pitch was dug up. I then asked you if anyone knew who did it and your answer was St Andrews. As you know I have an association with St Andrews and I can tell you that they like all clubs in this comp have a hard working committee who would never organise for this to happen in a million years.

Also I can say to you that St Andrews have offered to replay the games this Saturday and Sunday, however the Association 3 man pannel on Monday decided to go with playing the GF on the next 2 Saturdays. I know you blokes are bleeding and so are Congs but its up to the Association now to change their minds. I hope they do change their minds because as you said it is not rain or heat that has caused this, IT IS VANDALISM and you blokes deserve to be still part of this series. I will be speaking to Gooky tonight or tommorow and I will be doing my hardest to try and get him to change his mind. I have my fingers crossed for you and the Congs boys.
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

BigCoq;335337 said:
Billy i always go in to bat for you when players bag u & ur decisions cause we have history Roosters/yarra baps & St Andrews. i also think you make good sense on the blog insteasd of the usual crap that gets bandied around.
Now Billy i at no stage pointed the finger at you guys i asked ur pres about the story that was reported to me by the Congs boys about a car driving past bla bla bla. now from an outsider point of view it doesnt sound good but the pres sorted that out. I did not say there needs to be an investigation on that particular incident but there needs to be an investigation with all teams to try to get close to the truth it is great that your blokes are defending the club as it should be.
look mate MeltonCentral come back to our room and some of the Congs boys as well so alot of thing were getting bandied around we had a beer with everyone and just tried to numb the pain but it hasn't worked.
i would never jump to conclusions because that gets us know where it just start more trouble than its worth.
SIGNED THE ANGRY MOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No worries Big Coq. I think its time we all move on from bagging clubs for doing this as all clubs have all come out and categorically denied them haveing anything to do with it. I was upset with you because when I saw you on Monday at St Pauls you were the first person to apprach me and say the pitch was dug up. I then asked you if anyone knew who did it and your answer was St Andrews. As you know I have an association with St Andrews and I can tell you that they like all clubs in this comp have a hard working committee who would never organise for this to happen in a million years.

Also I can say to you that St Andrews have offered to replay the games this Saturday and Sunday, however the Association 3 man pannel on Monday decided to go with playing the GF on the next 2 Saturdays. I know you blokes are bleeding and so are Congs but its up to the Association now to change their minds. I hope they do change their minds because as you said it is not rain or heat that has caused this, IT IS VANDALISM and you blokes deserve to be still part of this series. I will be speaking to Gooky tonight or tommorow and I will be doing my hardest to try and get him to change his mind. I have my fingers crossed for you and the Congs boys.
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

I was wondering if the 4 clubs involved have actually gotten together to discuss solutions. The one thing I will say is that no matter what happens, whetehr the games are replayed or continued or not finished at all, the flag this year is definately tainted. In my opinion the games should be replayed this Sat/Sun and the granny played next Sat/Sun. I have no doubt my team mates would be willing to replay the game. But as I have stated a couple of times now, it doesn't matter what we do; most of you have already decided we are guilty!!!!!!! It is a huge disappointment what has happened over the weekend but we do need to come up with a solution - not just for this year but for the future. I think all finals should now be played over a weekend (Sat/Sun). The teams that are competing can set up camp on the sat night (not ideal, but something has to be done). Has there benn any updates? Have the commitee changed their decision? Has anyone come forward and owned up to this low act? Has anyone got any hard evidence to maybe point their finger? I just hope that we can continue to grow as a comp after this. I believe this can make the comp stronger if handled in the correct way. The one thing I will point out in all of this is that there are a couple of people that chat on here that are from the Willy comp! Now there have been a few barbs thrown around as to who has the stronger comp, who's pitches are better and so on. But I am not pointing the finger at anyone in particular, just stating a fact!!! AND WHY HAS BILLY GOT A YELLOW CARD?????????
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

I was wondering if the 4 clubs involved have actually gotten together to discuss solutions. The one thing I will say is that no matter what happens, whetehr the games are replayed or continued or not finished at all, the flag this year is definately tainted. In my opinion the games should be replayed this Sat/Sun and the granny played next Sat/Sun. I have no doubt my team mates would be willing to replay the game. But as I have stated a couple of times now, it doesn't matter what we do; most of you have already decided we are guilty!!!!!!! It is a huge disappointment what has happened over the weekend but we do need to come up with a solution - not just for this year but for the future. I think all finals should now be played over a weekend (Sat/Sun). The teams that are competing can set up camp on the sat night (not ideal, but something has to be done). Has there benn any updates? Have the commitee changed their decision? Has anyone come forward and owned up to this low act? Has anyone got any hard evidence to maybe point their finger? I just hope that we can continue to grow as a comp after this. I believe this can make the comp stronger if handled in the correct way. The one thing I will point out in all of this is that there are a couple of people that chat on here that are from the Willy comp! Now there have been a few barbs thrown around as to who has the stronger comp, who's pitches are better and so on. But I am not pointing the finger at anyone in particular, just stating a fact!!! AND WHY HAS BILLY GOT A YELLOW CARD?????????
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Shaved_Plums;335349 said:
I was wondering if the 4 clubs involved have actually gotten together to discuss solutions. The one thing I will say is that no matter what happens, whetehr the games are replayed or continued or not finished at all, the flag this year is definately tainted. In my opinion the games should be replayed this Sat/Sun and the granny played next Sat/Sun. I have no doubt my team mates would be willing to replay the game. But as I have stated a couple of times now, it doesn't matter what we do; most of you have already decided we are guilty!!!!!!! It is a huge disappointment what has happened over the weekend but we do need to come up with a solution - not just for this year but for the future. I think all finals should now be played over a weekend (Sat/Sun). The teams that are competing can set up camp on the sat night (not ideal, but something has to be done). Has there benn any updates? Have the commitee changed their decision? Has anyone come forward and owned up to this low act? Has anyone got any hard evidence to maybe point their finger? I just hope that we can continue to grow as a comp after this. I believe this can make the comp stronger if handled in the correct way. The one thing I will point out in all of this is that there are a couple of people that chat on here that are from the Willy comp! Now there have been a few barbs thrown around as to who has the stronger comp, who's pitches are better and so on. But I am not pointing the finger at anyone in particular, just stating a fact!!! AND WHY HAS BILLY GOT A YELLOW CARD?????????

Bad language.
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Shaved_Plums;335349 said:
I was wondering if the 4 clubs involved have actually gotten together to discuss solutions. The one thing I will say is that no matter what happens, whetehr the games are replayed or continued or not finished at all, the flag this year is definately tainted. In my opinion the games should be replayed this Sat/Sun and the granny played next Sat/Sun. I have no doubt my team mates would be willing to replay the game. But as I have stated a couple of times now, it doesn't matter what we do; most of you have already decided we are guilty!!!!!!! It is a huge disappointment what has happened over the weekend but we do need to come up with a solution - not just for this year but for the future. I think all finals should now be played over a weekend (Sat/Sun). The teams that are competing can set up camp on the sat night (not ideal, but something has to be done). Has there benn any updates? Have the commitee changed their decision? Has anyone come forward and owned up to this low act? Has anyone got any hard evidence to maybe point their finger? I just hope that we can continue to grow as a comp after this. I believe this can make the comp stronger if handled in the correct way. The one thing I will point out in all of this is that there are a couple of people that chat on here that are from the Willy comp! Now there have been a few barbs thrown around as to who has the stronger comp, who's pitches are better and so on. But I am not pointing the finger at anyone in particular, just stating a fact!!! AND WHY HAS BILLY GOT A YELLOW CARD?????????

Bad language.
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Latest Breaking News Update ;
after many phone calls last night with all and sundry i have been informed by Mick Callus that Jeff Evans has agreed to a fresh new game Sat/Sun.
Diesel and the Rooster boys are all system go.
StAndrews pres is all for a fresh new game sat/sun.
Mick Callus AND THE Congs Boys are all for it and Gooky is all for it provided we can all agree Pipsak has stated that he needs to discuss the latest current events with his players and will get back with the outcome. Further more we have Untampered ground ready to go but that info will not be given out until game day in a secret envelope.
your mission pipsak if you choose to except it is LETS GET IT ON

Your in Cricket. The Gentlemans game.
Re: Western Suburbs Churches Cricket Association

Latest Breaking News Update ;
after many phone calls last night with all and sundry i have been informed by Mick Callus that Jeff Evans has agreed to a fresh new game Sat/Sun.
Diesel and the Rooster boys are all system go.
StAndrews pres is all for a fresh new game sat/sun.
Mick Callus AND THE Congs Boys are all for it and Gooky is all for it provided we can all agree Pipsak has stated that he needs to discuss the latest current events with his players and will get back with the outcome. Further more we have Untampered ground ready to go but that info will not be given out until game day in a secret envelope.
your mission pipsak if you choose to except it is LETS GET IT ON

Your in Cricket. The Gentlemans game.
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